

This study examines the role of public investment in determining the pattern of agricultural development in Pakistan. The focus is on investment in irrigation, which is seen to be the key to providing food self-sufficiency and allowing Pakistan to sustain a flows of net agricultural exports. Together with the physical and institutional infrastructure supporting agriculture, these investments set the stage and the pattern for the country's economic development.

Agricultural development in Pakistan has in the past century and a half been driven mainly by horizontal expansion: increasing the area under the plough by increasing water control. Since the late 1960s, intensification has increased, though this has remained limited to individual crops and has not evolved into a broad strategy. Because of the environmental and other limits to further expansion of controlled water flows, the future calls for a strategy of more efficient use of available land and water, and a more ...

The linkage between risk management and insolvency systems is often imperfectly understood at the regulatory/main stakeholder level. In some cases, a decline in NPL levels owing to high economic growth rates and improvements in the regulatory environment cause enough complacency that efforts to create a modern insolvency regime are put on the back burner.

Values and ethics are automatically incorporated into any teaching/learning environment or endeavour, whether or not they are consciously stated objectives. The focus on “quality of education” has sharpened as people have become concerned about a perceived rise in materialism as standards of living have improved; materialistic ambitions increasingly fill the ideological gap created by the move to a pluralistic society in which there is a less general consensus of values and ethics. There is increasing demand for insight into the potential of the formal teaching/learning process for inculcating, learning/unlearning (as the case may be) and consolidating values. The manner in which teachers are trained has far-reaching implications for the youth in schools, and a systemic inquiry into the structure, role, responsibilities, aims and curricular objectives of teacher education is the obvious starting point. This paper tries to delineate the global normative aims of education as a model for assessing the composition of the teacher education curriculum in Pakistan. It looks at the intended curriculum, bearing in mind that the formal and the active curricula may not necessarily converge. The paper accepts that ethics and values education is still in a formative stage. However, one critical question that will remain open at the philosophical level is “which values should be included?” and this needs to be vigorously researched to establish guidelines that have global consensus. The next crucial question will then be “how best to teach to ensure that these ethics and values are internalised by learners?” 


Qu’elles soient ou non considérées comme des objectifs bien définis, les valeurs et l’éthique sont au cœur de toute démarche d’enseignement ou d’apprentissage. L’attention portée à « la qualité de l’éducation » s’est renforcée à mesure que les personnes ont constaté une montée en force du matérialisme liée à l’augmentation du niveau de la vie ; les ambitions matérialistes ont peu à peu comblé le vide idéologique laissé par l’ouverture à une société pluraliste réduisant le consensus sur les valeurs et l’éthique. On observe une demande accrue d’exploiter le potentiel du schéma classique d’enseignement et d’apprentissage pour inculquer, apprendre ou désapprendre, le cas échéant, et consolider les valeurs. La façon dont les enseignants sont formés a de vastes répercussions sur la jeunesse à l’école et une enquête systémique de la structure, du rôle, des responsabilités, buts et objectifs scolaires de la formation des enseignants en est le point de départ évident. Cet article tente de définir les objectifs prescriptifs globaux de l’éducation en tant que modèle pour évaluer la composition de la formation des enseignants au Pakistan. Il détaille le cursus prévu, en tenant compte du fait que les formations théoriques et pratiques ne convergent pas nécessairement. Cet article admet que l’enseignement de l’éthique et des valeurs en est encore à ses balbutiements. En revanche, l’une des principales questions restant ouverte d’un point de vue philosophique est « Quelles valeurs doivent être inculquées ? », ce qui requiert une recherche approfondie pour établir les grandes lignes d’un consensus global. La prochaine question clé est donc « Comment enseigner afin de garantir que cette éthique et ces valeurs seront assimilées par les apprenants ? ».


The Constitution of Pakistan upholds the principles of equal rights and equal treatment of all persons. As a result of patriarchal traditions, women are subject to systematic subordination to men.

Between 2008 and 2030 the economy of South Asia is expected to grow at an average of 5% per annum. Such growth rates can only be sustained if adequate supplies of manpower are available. The projected increases in population could lead to a pattern of emigration followed by return, thereby propagating temporary migration – particularly of the younger cohorts – from South Asia to the OECD, unless the higher education sectors of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh absorb them for quality education and equip them with the skills that their own labour markets require. While the male-female distribution is expected to be roughly the same in all three countries by 2030, India has been projected to enjoy a “demographic dividend” while facing a high rate of graduate unemployment co-existing with skill shortages in sectors such as IT, education, health, insurance, heavy engineering, civil aviation, oil and gas.

Pakistan ratified the UNCAC in August 2007. It is a member of the APG. The Pakistani legal system is based primarily on English common law with some Islamic legal elements. Its criminal bribery offences have not been externally reviewed.

Ce jeu de données est issu de la base de données présentée dans les Perspectives Agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2013-2022. La table contient des projections du marché agricole et des principales denrées agricoles comme les céréales, les oléagineux, les produits laitiers, le coton, et d'autres. Sont incluses des données sur le commerce agricole en général, notamment sur la production, les prix, la balance commerciale, les stocks en fin de période, la consommation, la transformation, etc. Pour la plupart des marchés et denrées agricoles analysés dans les Perspectives Agricoles, les prix intérieurs et mondiaux sont aussi disponibles. La majeure partie des données remontent jusqu'en 1970 et couvrent jusqu'à la dernière année de projection (actuellement 2022).


This dataset stems from the database presented in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022. The table contains projections on the agriculture market and commodities such as cereals, oilseeds, diary products, cotton and more. It includes statistics on the trade side including data on production, prices, trade balance, ending stocks, consumption, transformation, etc. For most of the commodity markets analysed in the Agricultural Outlook, domestic and international commodity prices are also available. In most cases the data go back to 1970 and cover up to the latest year of projection (currently 2022).


Workers of an industry or establishment with 5 or more employees are required to be insured under earnings-related pension called employees’ old-age benefit scheme.

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