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This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodity Statistics contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.). COUNTRIES COVERED: Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland

This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.

This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.

Dans quelle mesure des obstacles commerciaux entravent-ils le transfert et l’adoption de biens et de services environnementaux ? Comment pourrait-on remédier à ces obstacles dans le cadre de négociations commerciales mondiales? Quel rôle les mesures complémentaires peuvent-elles jouer pour obtenir des effets « gagnant-gagnant », i.e. des effets qui contribuent à la fois à la protection de l’environnement et à la croissance économique ? Et comment associer les pays en développement de façon à ce que les avantages soient triples, c'est-à-dire « gagnant-gagnant-gagnant » ? Telles sont les questions abordées dans cet ouvrage. L’une des principales conclusions de cette étude fait valoir la nécessité, pour les responsables politiques, de prendre en compte les facteurs du côté de l’offre comme ceux du côté de la demande. En effet, les facteurs du côté de l’offre, qui incluent une accumulation d’obstacles commerciaux des plus divers, sont des freins au déploiement de solutions basées sur les services et sur la technologie pour relever les défis environnementaux mondiaux, plus importants que ce qui avait été pressenti jusqu’ici. A l’heure où l’idée d’un nouveau cycle de négociations sur les échanges de services fait son chemin au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce et où l’on s’efforce d’élargir le Cycle de l’OMC à des négociations tarifaires, ce livre entend apporter sa contribution au débat sur le rôle de la libéralisation des échanges pour atteindre des résultats concrets sur la voie du développement durable.

This book examines the extent to which there are trade impediments to the transfer and adoption of environmental goods and services, how can these be addressed by global trade negotiations, the role of complementary measures in order to ensure "win-win" benefits -- that is promoting both environmental protection and economic growth, and how developing countries can also benefit to ensure a triple -- "win-win-win" -- situation.
  • 23 Jul 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 147

As trade barriers at the border have fallen through successive trade negotiations, domestic regulation has emerged as a source of residual but potentially significant trade barriers. Recognising the importance of participating in intensified global competition, countries increasingly see regulatory reform as an inescapable policy to ensure that the expected benefits of globalisation are realised and that differences in national regulatory systems do not become barriers to international trade and investment. In this light, OECD has undertaken a broad-ranging project on regulatory reform, for which market openness is seen as a key objective.

The papers collected in this volume were presented at a workshop at OECD that aimed to share national experiences of regulatory reform and trade and to foster consensus-building on best practices. Such practices include enhanced transparency, non-discriminatory due process, independence of regulators and active implementation of competition policy. Other issues raised at the workshop included the challenges for developing countries in pursuing regulatory reform and enhancing market openness,  and insights for multilateral trading rule-making emerging from country experiences.

The discussions reveal the pervasiveness of the issues raised at the workshop. In examining the recent development of regulatory issues in trade policy making, this volume brings new light to experiences in some parts of Asia and the Western hemisphere as well as to the growing links among trade, regulation and governance.

This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.

Cette édition 2001 des Principes de l’OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l’intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales a été substantiellement révisée depuis; voir la version approuvée en juillet 2010.

Cette édition de poche des Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert contient la version intégrale des principes en matière de prix de transfert adoptée par les pays membres à l’usage des entreprises multinationales qui transfèrent des biens ou des services d’un pays à l’autre ou au sein d’un seul et même groupe d’entreprises. Ils réaffirment qu’un traitement de pleine concurrence doit être appliqué aux entreprises faisant partie d’un groupe multinational et que pour ce faire, les méthodes transactionnelles traditionnelles doivent être privilégiées. Ces questions controversées n’intéressent pas uniquement les spécialistes de la fiscalité. De fait, les administrations fiscales, les contribuables et les chefs d’entreprises ont tous un rôle à jouer pour éviter la coexistence de règles fiscales contradictoires qui risqueraient d’entraver sérieusement le développement des échanges mondiaux. Les Principes ont été également publiés en classeurs.

English, Turkish

The 2001 edition of Transfer Pricing Guidelines was substantially revised in July 2010.  See the current edition .

This compact version of Transfer Pricing Guidelines provides the complete and current text of the OECD pricing guidelines accepted by member countries and to be used by multinational enterprises when transferring goods and services across boundaries and within the same group of companies. They maintain the arm's length principle of treating related entreprises within a multinational group and affirm traditional transaction methods as the prefered way of implementing the principle. These controversial issues are not just of interest to tax experts. National tax administrations, taxpayers, and businessmen alike all have a share in avoiding conflicting tax rules which might seriously hamper the development of world trade.

These guidelines have also been published in a loose leaf version.

Turkish, French

This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.

The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA) was a turning point in the reform of the agricultural trade system. It imposed disciplines on trade-distorting domestic policies and established new rules in the areas of market access and export competition. How effective have the three disciplines contained in the URAA been in bringing about a reduction in the level of production-related support and protection? Which elements of the disciplines have proved effective and which ineffective? What policy lessons can be drawn from the experience so far? What might be inferred about opportunities and challenges for further trade liberalisation? This report provides some answers to these questions for all OECD countries.

A key conclusion of the report is that the immediate quantitative effects of the URAA on trade and protection levels have been modest. The reasons for this include the weakness of many specific features of the URAA including implementation and methodological issues.

Countries have already embarked on a new round of multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture. The challenge facing policy makers is to build upon the foundation of the URAA to further reduce trade distortions. This requires strengthening the disciplines already established under the URAA and addressing those weaknesses of the current agreement which have been identified in this study.


This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.

L’Accord sur l’agriculture du cycle d’Uruguay (AACU) représente un tournant dans la réforme du système commercial agricole. Il impose des disciplines aux politiques internes qui créent des distorsions commerciales et établit de nouvelles règles dans les domaines de l’accès au marché et de la concurrence à l’exportation. Dans quelle mesure les trois disciplines contenues dans l’AACU ont-elles permis de réduire le niveau de la protection et du soutien lié à la production? Quels éléments des disciplines se sont avérés efficaces et quels sont ceux qui sont apparus inefficaces ? Quelles leçons peut-on en tirer pour les politiques ? Enfin, quelles en sont les implications pour la poursuite de la libéralisation des échanges en termes d’opportunités et de défis ? Cet ouvrage apporte un certain nombre de réponses à ces questions pour tous les pays de l’OCDE.
Cette étude parvient à une conclusion importante : les effets quantitatifs immédiats de l’AACU sur les niveaux d’échanges et de protection ont été modestes. Ce phénomène s’explique notamment par les nombreuses faiblesses de l’AACU, en particulier dans des domaines bien spécifiques tels que la mise en oeuvre et la méthodologie.
Les pays ont déjà démarré un nouveau cycle de négociations commerciales multilatérales sur l’agriculture. Pour les décideurs publics, le défi sera maintenant de s’appuyer sur les fondations de l’AACU pour continuer à réduire les distorsions commerciales. Il est pour cela nécessaire de renforcer les disciplines déjà établies dans le cadre de l’AACU et de s’attaquer aux faiblesses de l’accord actuel identifiées dans cette étude.

  • 03 Apr 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on competition in postal services, merger law and policy, and OECD competition law recommendations, developing countries and possible WTO competition rules.


Promotion de la concurrence dans les services postaux Synthèse Note de référence Darryl Biggar Aide-mémoire de la discussion Contributions par pays
Evolution récente du droit et de la politique de la concurrence concernant les fusions John Clark
Recommandations de l'OCDE en matière de concurrence, pays en développement, et éventuelles règles de concurrence de l'OMC Terry Winslow


This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodities Statistics (previously published as Foreign Trade by Commodities) contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).
COUNTRIES COVERED: OECD Total, NAFTA, OECD Asia and Pacific, OECD Europe, EU 15

This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodities Statistics (previously published as Foreign Trade by Commodities) contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.). COUNTRIES COVERED: Greece, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United-States

This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodity Statistics contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).

  • 16 Mar 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

Part I of this two-part study sets out a framework for the analysis of State trading enterprises (STEs). It emphasises their diverse nature and the imperfectly competitive markets in which many of them operate. Although State trading enterprises may be granted monopoly powers, their objectives and therefore their behaviour may differ from that of private sector monopolies. All these factors should be considered in trying to assess the potential impact of STEs on market access or on world export markets.
Part II assembles and classifies a large amount of information and data concerning agricultural state trading enterprises in OECD countries. The criteria used relate to the potential of these enterprises to distort markets and trade.


La première partie de cette étude présente un cadre d’analyse des entreprises de commerce d’État. Elle souligne la diversité de leur nature et le fait qu’une concurrence imparfaite règne sur les marchés dans lesquels bon nombre d’entre elles opèrent. Bien que les entreprises de commerce d’État puissent bénéficier de pouvoirs monopolistiques, leurs objectifs et donc leur comportement peuvent différer de ceux des monopoles privés. Tous ces facteurs devraient être pris en compte lorsqu’on tente d’évaluer l’impact potentiel des entreprises de commerce d’État sur l’accès au marché ou sur les marchés mondiaux des exportations.
La seconde partie de cette étude rassemble et classe une grande quantité d’informations et de données concernant les entreprises de commerce d’État agricoles dans les pays de l’OCDE. Les critères utilisés sont liés au potentiel de distorsion de ces entreprises sur les marchés et les échanges.

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