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Year Index

  • 17 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 352

Gender gaps are pervasive in all walks of economic life and imply large losses in terms of foregone productivity and living standards to the individuals concerned and the economy. This new OECD report focuses on how best to close these gender gaps under four broad headings: 1) Gender equality, social norms and public policies; and gender equality in 2) education; 3) employment and 4) entrepreneurship.

Key policy messages are as follows:
-Greater gender equality in educational attainment has a strong positive effect on economic growth;
-Stereotyping needs to be addressed in educational choices at school from a young age. For example, adapt teaching strategies and material to increase engagement of boys in reading and of girls in maths and science; encourage more girls to follow science, engineering and maths courses in higher education and seek employment in these fields;
-Good and affordable childcare is a key factor for better gender equality in employment. But change also has to happen at home as the bulk of housework and caring is left to women in many countries. Policy can support such change, for example, through parental leave policies that explicitly include fathers.
-Support policies for women-owned enterprises need to target all existing firms, not just start-ups and small enterprises. Equal access to finance for male and female entrepreneurs needs to be assured.

French, Spanish, Korean, German
  • 17 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 272

The OECD Economic Outlook is the OECD’s twice-yearly analysis of the major economic trends and prospects for the next two years. The Outlook puts forward a consistent set of projections for output, employment, prices, fiscal and current account balances.

Coverage is provided for all OECD member countries as well as for selected non-member countries. This issue includes a general assessment, chapters summarising developments and providing projections for each individual country and an extensive statistical annex.

French, German

Why has the OECD, along with other members of the international community, mobilised to fight corruption? The answer is simple: corruption respects no borders, knows no economic distinctions and infects all forms of government. In the long run, no country can afford the social, political or economic costs that corruption entails. Not so long ago, bribing public officials in foreign countries to obtain business deals was, if not an acceptable, at least a tolerated business practice in many OECD countries. Today, corruption has moved to the top of the global political agenda as its dramatic impact on economic development and its corrosive effect on political stability and democratic political institutions has become increasingly obvious.

In the new millennium, the OECD and associated governments, which account for over 75% of trade and investment world-wide, will play by stricter rules. The Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions will outlaw the practice of bribing foreign officials, making competition for international business much more fair and open.

Bribery in commercial transactions is only part of the problem. A whole arsenal of legal instruments to combat corruption have now been developed to improve ethical standards in the public sector, to end tax deductibility for bribes, to curtail money laundering, and to clean up public procurement practices. The private sector and civil society will continue to play a critical role in making these new rules a reality.

This book provides the key elements needed to build and preserve corruption-free institutions, systems, and private enterprises.

  • 17 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

What does the OECD have to say about the state of education today? What are the main OECD messages on early childhood education, teacher policies and tertiary education? What about student performance, educational spending and equity in education? OECD work on these important education topics and others have been brought together in a single accessible source updating the first edition of Education Today which came out in March 2009.

Organised into eight chapters, this report examines early childhood education, schooling, transitions beyond initial education, higher education, adult learning, outcomes and returns, equity, and innovation. The chapters are structured around key findings and policy directions emerging from recent OECD educational analyses. Each entry highlights the main message in a concise and accessible way, with a brief explanation and reference to the original OECD source.

French, Korean
  • 17 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

OECD's 2012 Economic Survey of Sweden examines recent economic developments, policy and prospects before taking a more detailed look at labour and social policies as well as housing and financial markets.


L’éducation commence à la maison. Si simples soient-ils, les premiers mots qu’un parent dit à son enfant lui ouvrent les portes du langage et l’initient à un monde d’exploration et de découverte. Lorsque la scolarité officielle débute, de nombreux parents croient que leur rôle éducatif prend fin. En réalité, l’éducation est une responsabilité partagée et selon les dernières conclusions de l’enquête PISA, l’engagement des parents dans l’éducation est essentiel au succès de leur enfant tout au long de sa scolarité et bien au-delà.

Lisons-leur une histoire ! Le facteur parental dans l’éducation rend non seulement compte des conclusions et des analyses de l’enquête PISA, mais offre aussi aux parents, aux enseignants et aux décideurs des suggestions concrètes pour améliorer l’engagement parental, tout en soulignant les formes d’activités les plus fortement associées à l’amélioration des performances en compréhension de l’écrit. Il présente également une kyrielle d’exemples de programmes provenant du monde entier qui favorisent un engagement parental efficace et des partenariats fructueux entre les parents et les écoles. Enfin, il montre surtout aux parents qu’il n’est jamais trop tôt – ni trop tard – pour s’engager dans l’éducation de son enfant.

English, Spanish
  • 14 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

OECD's periodic review of the Australian economy examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. Special chapters cover strengthening adjustment capacity and productivity performance.

  • 13 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 102

Études économiques de l'OCDE : Luxembourg 2012 examine les développements récents, la politique et les perspectives économiques de ce pays. Ce rapport fournit aussi une analyse détaillée de la cohésion sociale et de la croissance verte.

  • 13 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 246

The insurance industry is a key component of the economy by virtue of the amount of premiums it collects, the scale of its investment and, more fundamentally, the essential social and economic role it plays in covering personal and business risks.

This annual publication provides major official insurance statistics for all OECD countries. The reader will find information on the diverse activities of this industry and on international insurance market trends.

The data, which are standardised as far as possible, are broken down under numerous sub-headings, and a series of indicators makes the characteristics of the national markets more readily comprehensible. This publication is an essential tool for civil servants, professionals and academics working in the insurance field.

  • 13 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 92

OECD's 2012 Economic Survey of Luxembourg examines recent economic developments, policy and prospects and includes more detailed analyses of social cohesion and green growth.

  • 11 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

This report on the recent Australian experience with activation policies contains valuable lessons for other countries that need to improve the effectiveness of employment services and control benefit expenditure. It provides overview and assessment of labour market policies in Australia including the main institutions, benefit system, training programmes, employment incentives, and disability employment assistance.

Australia is unique among OECD countries in that its mainstream employment services are all delivered by over 100 for-profit and non-profit providers competing in a “quasi-market”, with their operations financed by service fees, employment outcome payments, and a special fund for measures that tackle jobseekers’ barriers to employment. In most other OECD countries, these services are delivered by the Public Employment Service. In the mid 2000s, several benefits previously paid without a job-search requirement were closed or reformed, bringing more people into the effective labour force.

Australia now has one of the highest employment rates in the OECD and this report concludes that its activation system deserves some of the credit for this relatively good performance. The Job Services Australia model, introduced in 2009, reinforced the focus on employment outcomes for highly-disadvantaged groups. This report assesses the latest model for activation and puts forward some recommendations to improve its effectiveness.

  • 11 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

Cette deuxième édition de Panorama de l’entrepreneuriat, un produit du Programme d’indicateurs de l’entrepreneuriat OCDE-Eurostat (PIE), présente une collecte originale d’indicateurs destinés à mesurer l’état de l’entrepreneuriat accompagnée d’explications sur le contexte politique et sur l’interprétation des données. Cette édition contient des chapitres spéciaux qui traitent de problèmes de mesures concernant l’entrepreneuriat féminin et le financement de l’entrepreneuriat. Elle comporte aussi une sélection d’indicateurs des déterminants de l’entrepreneuriat féminin.

English, Spanish

Researchers are embarking on increasingly diverse careers where collaboration, networking and interdisciplinarity are becoming more important. Transferable skills (e.g. communication skills and problem-solving abilities) can help researchers operate more effectively in different work environments. While researchers acquire some of these skills in the course of studies and work, attention is turning to the role of formal training.

This study analyses countries' government and institutional level policies on formal training in transferable skills for researchers, from doctoral students through to experienced research managers. It draws on results from a cross-country policy quesionnaire on transferable skills training strategies and programmes, including formal training and workplace-based options, as well as discussions at a policy-oriented workshop with OECD delegates and experts. The study represents a first step to analysing transferable skills for researchers in OECD countries.

The study points to the significant role of individual institutions in setting strategies and providing transferable skills training programmes. While the scope for governments to improve on current arrangements is difficult to assess, the study suggests policy makers could boost policy monitoring and evaluation, facilitate dialogue between academia and industry, encourage workplace-based training options, and leverage collaborative research to support transferable skills training for researchers at all levels.

  • 06 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

OECD's 2012 Economic Survey of the Slovak Republic examines recent economic developments, policies and prospect and takes a special look at improving the fiscal framework and investing efficiently in education and active labour market policies.

  • 06 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

This publication highlights the importance of promoting growth in all types of OECD regions, particularly in underdeveloped ones. Helping underdeveloped regions to catch up will have a positive impact on a country’s national growth; in some cases more so than in already well-developed regions. Furthermore such growth helps to build  a fairer society, in which no territories and their people are left behind. An important question is whether this potential to catch up is possible?  The evidence suggests that this IS the case.  Examinations of patterns of growth reveal that underdeveloped rural and intermediate regions tend to grow faster. Their catching-up potentially largely depends on human capital development, infrastructure and innovation-related activities but also on institutional factors and policies. This publication is based on anlaysis among all OECD regions and 23 case study regions from ten OECD countries over the period 1995-2007.

  • 05 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 207

Ce premier examen des performances environnementales de la Slovénie évalue les progrès réalisés dans le domaine du développement durable, l'amélioration de la gestion des ressources naturelles, l'intégration des politiques environnementales et économiques et le renforcement de la coopération internationale. Il couvre des sujets tels que la croissance verte, la gestion environnementale, le changement climatique, la pollution atmosphérique et la gestion des déchets.

  • 05 Dec 2012
  • OECD, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Training Foundation, European Union
  • Pages: 292

Part I of this book provides a comparative overview across the region for SME policy development in 10 thematic areas. Part II provides a series of country profiles presenting analysis of the particular situation of the SME sector and the SME policy environment in every partner country. Part III provides a comparative overview across the region on the level of SME policy development in 10 thematic areas at the sub-national levels and provides country-specific analysis of the particular situation of the SME sector and the SME policy environment in every partner country at sub-national level. Annexes provide a list of abbreviations, an assessment grid and a list of SBA coordinators.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises aim to help businesses meet the challenge of acting responsibly in any country they operate by providing a global framework for responsible conduct covering all areas of business ethics. While observance of the Guidelines by enterprises is voluntary and not legally enforceable, adhering governments are committed to promoting their observance among enterprises. This Annual Report, the twelfth in a series, and the first since the Guidelines were updated in May 2011, describes what adhering governments have done to live up to their commitment over the 12 months to June 2012 . In particular it highlights the mediation and consensus building activities promoted by National Contact Points, the Guidelines' implementation mechanism set up by adhering governments.

  • 04 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

This review of regulation in Greece maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include improving regulatory management, institutional capacities for effective regulation, transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication, processes for the development of new regulations and for the management of the regulatory stock, compliance rates, enforcement policy. appeal processes, the interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU.

  • 03 Dec 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 187

This book includes reports on Multilateral Aid, the Division of Labour and Aid Fragmentation, Aid Predictability to provide an overview of the key trends and developments in the architecture of aid.

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