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Title Index

Year Index

  • 06 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 63

Los Principios de Gobierno Corporativo de la OCDE y del G20 ayudan a los responsables de formular políticas a evaluar y mejorar el marco legal, regulatorio e institucional para el gobierno corporativo. Identifican los elementos clave para un marco sólido de gobierno corporativo y ofrecen orientación práctica para su implementación a nivel nacional. Los Principios también brindan orientación para las bolsas de valores, los inversores, las corporaciones y otros que desempeñan un papel en el desarrollo de una buena gobernanza corporativa.

French, Japanese, English, Armenian

La edición 2024 de Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas: América Latina y el Caribe ofrece los datos disponibles más recientes sobre las administraciones públicas y su desempeño en la región de ALC y los compara con los países de la OCDE. Incluye indicadores sobre la confianza en las instituciones públicas y la satisfacción con los servicios públicos, así como evidencia sobre las prácticas de buen gobierno en áreas como la gobernanza del ciclo de políticas públicas, gobierno abierto, gobernanza regulatoria, prácticas y procedimientos presupuestarios, gestión de la contratación pública, planificación y ejecución de infraestructuras, y gobierno digital y datos abiertos gubernamentales. Por último, proporciona información sobre qué recursos utilizan las instituciones públicas y cómo se gestionan, incluidas las finanzas públicas, el empleo público y la gestión de los recursos humanos. Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas permite realizar comparaciones entre países y ayuda a identificar tendencias, mejores prácticas y áreas de mejora en el sector público. Los indicadores de gobernanza son especialmente útiles para el seguimiento y la evaluación comparativa del progreso de los gobiernos en sus reformas del sector público. Cada indicador de la publicación se presenta en un formato de fácil manejo, que consiste en gráficos o tablas que ilustran las variaciones de los países y a lo largo del tiempo, breves análisis descriptivos que destacan las principales conclusiones de los datos, y una sección metodológica sobre la definición del indicador y cualquier limitación en la comparabilidad de los datos.

  • 04 Mar 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 48

Since 2014, the Flemish government has undertaken a series of reforms of its budgetary system, including the implementation of performance-informed budgeting, which includes both the implementation of spending reviews and performance budgeting. The aim of the reforms is to better integrate policy development and resource allocation and improve the accountability and transparency of the Flemish public sector. This report takes stock of performance-informed budgeting practices in Flanders. It provides an assessment of their key strengths and highlights where improvements can be made. Finally, it includes recommendations to further strengthen the approach to performance-informed budgeting in Flanders.

This report analyses the performance of public administration in Ukraine through a set of standard indicators based on the Principles of Public Administration.

The Principles set out what good public governance entails in practice and outline the main requirements to be followed by countries during the European Union (EU) integration process. They address the preconditions for a good public administration (good laws, policies, institutional capacity and procedures) and how an administration performs in practice.

In its 2014 and 2018 Enlargement Strategies, the European Commission highlighted public administration reform as one of three “fundamentals first” areas of the EU enlargement process. Given the European Council decision of December 2023 to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, this report provides data and recommendations on how Ukraine could better meet the standards set by the Principles.

The report follows up on the 2018 SIGMA Baseline Measurement Report and provides comparative information on reform successes and remaining challenges. It covers the six thematic areas of the Principles (strategic framework of public administration reform, policy development and co-ordination, public service and human resource management, accountability, service delivery and public financial management). The report provides indicator values and comparison of overall trends across the administration.


A risk management approach is important for promoting public integrity efficiently and effectively. This report reviews the current corruption risk management methodology in the Romanian central government through the lens of behavioural science. After introducing the Romanian corruption risk management methodology and analysing the challenges related to its implementation, the report provides four concrete avenues for its adoption and implementation. Behaviourally inspired strategies are designed to improve public officials' capacities, opportunities, and motivations to identify corruption risks, assess their probability and impact, and design more effective control measures.


Managementul riscurilor de corupție este o măsură importantă pentru promovarea integrității publice în mod eficient și efectiv. Acest raport analizează metodologia actuală de management a riscurilor de corupție în cadrul administrației publice centrale din România din perspectiva domeniului intervențiilor comportamentale. După prezentarea metodologiei românești de management a riscurilor de corupție și analiza provocărilor legate de implementarea sa, raportul oferă patru căi concrete pentru asumarea și punerea în aplicare a metodologiei. Strategiile inspirate comportamental sunt concepute pentru a îmbunătăți capacitățile, oportunitățile și motivațiile oficialilor publici de a identifica riscurile de corupție, a evalua probabilitatea și impactul acestora și a proiecta măsuri de control mai eficiente.


This Public Communication Scan of the United Kingdom, the first such scan of an OECD Member country, brings new insights to the OECD’s work on understanding how public communication contributes to democratic governance. The scan analyses how the United Kingdom’s Government Communication Service (GCS) is building a more effective communication function amid changes to the information ecosystem and how it can help make policymaking more responsive to citizens' needs. The analysis and recommendations in this Scan highlight opportunities for the GCS and the UK Government to align ongoing communication reforms with actions to promote more inclusive and people-centred communication that contributes to greater engagement, improved public trust, and better policy outcomes.

EU Funded Note

This report provides concrete recommendations for strengthening the legislative and institutional framework for elected and appointed officials in Malta. It reviews the institutional and procedural set-up of the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life and analyses the omissions, inconsistencies and overlaps in the Standards in Public Life Act. It also provides recommendations to the Government of Malta on developing the most feasible lobbying regulation, and identifies concrete measures to strengthen the existing codes of ethics for elected and appointed officials, as well as the system of asset and interest declarations.

  • 12 Sept 2023
  • OECD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • Pages: 139

Half a century after independence, Bangladesh has achieved impressive progress. The country has transformed from one of the poorest nations into a global textile manufacturing hub capable of meeting its medical needs almost entirely through domestic pharmaceutical production. The country will graduate from the least developed country (LDC) category in 2026 and aspires to be a high-income nation through industrialisation by 2041. Meeting this challenge requires accelerating economic transformation through diversification and innovation. This Production Transformation Policy Review (PTPR), implemented with the support and collaboration of the European Union (EU), and in partnership with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), identifies concrete options for supporting Bangladesh’s development. It calls for leveraging digitalisation to address persistent fragilities and it advocates for a new pact based on shared responsibilities between the national government, the private sector and international partners to shift to a new development phase and ensure sustainable, smooth and irreversible graduation.

This Policy Guidance is a product of the Development Assistance Committee’s multi-year programme of work on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) in oil commodity trading. It proposes a set of relevant, feasible actions for providers of official development assistance (ODA) to respond to IFFs in oil commodity trading. The aim is to enhance the mobilisation of domestic resources for the benefit of populations living in oil-producing developing countries, and enable integrity in their energy transition, particularly in carbon trade.


EU Funded Note

This report outlines the findings of a review of public investment processes in Bulgaria and provides recommendations for improving its effectiveness and efficiency. It focuses on infrastructure planning, investment and delivery at the national and municipal levels. The report identifies what Bulgaria should retain and improve upon to ensure that investments made at the European, State and municipal levels achieve value for money and contribute to people’s well-being and living standards.


EU Funded Note

Lithuania is one of the fastest-ageing countries in Europe. Its working-age population is not only ageing, but also expected to decline significantly, giving rise to considerable economic, labour market, social and public governance challenges. The inclusion of older persons has improved in many areas in the past two decades. Yet, many Lithuanians aged 55 and over continue to lag in fully engaging in society relative to younger people and their peers in neighbouring countries. This report takes a holistic approach to analyse Active Ageing policies in Lithuania in three dimensions: labour market inclusion, social policies, and participation in public and political life. It provides tailored policy recommendations to improve the well-being of older people in Lithuania in terms of better employment and lifelong learning outcomes, stronger integration in society, and participation in democratic institutions and processes.

EU Funded Note

In Malta, public procurement accounted for approximately 6% of GDP in 2019 and is recognised as a strategic instrument for achieving government policy goals, including recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite recent efforts, the public procurement system still faces several challenges in several areas. This report provides an overview of the procurement system and tailored recommendations in six main areas: i) the organisational structure of the public procurement system, ii) public procurement processes, iii) risk management, iv) the strategic use of public procurement, v) the professionalisation of the procurement workforce, and vi) the performance measurement framework.

EU Funded Note

Despite strong economic performance and significant governance reforms over the past few decades, Lithuania has a higher share of its population at-risk-of poverty than other EU countries (21.4% in 2020 compared to an EU average of 16.3%), with some people more at risk than others, particularly people with multiple and complex needs in vulnerable situations who tend to rely more on public services.

The provision of personalised services is fundamental to addressing the needs of people in vulnerable situations and to improving their well-being. This report is part of a joint project between the OECD and the European Commission to develop a more integrated approach to personalised services for people with disabilities, young people leaving care, and people leaving prison in Lithuania and to increase the involvement of non-governmental organisations in the design and delivery of those services.

The report provides an analysis and assessment of the governance arrangements and NGO involvement in Lithuanian public service provision, the associated operating models and information technology (IT) infrastructure of employment and social services; and service design and delivery methods for the three groups. Finally, the report proposes recommendations to deliver effective, well-integrated public services to people in vulnerable situations in Lithuania.

  • 14 Jun 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 74

This OECD Public Governance Monitor (PGM) provides a concise analysis of Sweden’s public governance system, instruments and capabilities, and helps identify areas of opportunities for public governance reforms. The report provides an overview of public administration in Sweden looking at public governance mechanisms around six key themes: public sector effectiveness, spending, citizen participation, the governance of climate change and other cross-cutting priorities, digital transformation, and public integrity. The report suggests several priorities for reforms to improve public sector effectiveness, increase the impact of participatory mechanisms, reinforce the governance of cross-cutting topics, strengthen the steering of digital government policy and take a more holistic approach to public sector integrity, in particular by revising the national anti-corruption plan.

This is the second edition of a regular publication on public employment and management issues. This edition explores the theme of flexibility in the public service workforce through the angles of workforce mobility, learning and development, and flexible working arrangements. It presents comparative data and analysis as well as country-specific case studies to help governments design and embed greater flexibility. This report also features a synthesis of the OECD review of public service leadership and capability in the Brazilian Federal Public Service. Taken together, the insights of this edition can help guide and shape flexible work practices for a high-performing public service.

  • 25 Apr 2023
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 90

OECD dan FAO telah mengembangkan Panduan ini untuk membantu perusahaan mematuhi standar perilaku bisnis yang bertanggung jawab dan melakukan uji tuntas di sepanjang rantai pemasok agrikultura untuk memastikan bahwa operasi mereka berkontribusi pada pembangunan berkelanjutan. Pedoman tersebut terdiri dari:

• Model kebijakan perusahaan yang menguraikan standar yang harus dipatuhi oleh perusahaan untuk menciptakan rantai pemasok agrikultura yang bertanggung jawab.

• Kerangka kerja untuk uji tuntas yang menjabarkan lima langkah yang harus diikuti oleh perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai, memitigasi, dan menjelaskan cara mengatasi dampak merugikan dari aktivitas mereka.

• Uraian risiko utama yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan dan tindakan untuk memitigasi risiko ini.

• Panduan untuk berinteraksi dengan penduduk asli.

English, Portuguese, French, German, Arabic, All

Regulators act as “market referees”, balancing often competing interests of stakeholders, including governments, current and future actors in the markets, and consumers. At the same time, markets are changing at an unprecedented pace due to new technologies, the international drive toward carbon-neutral economies, shifts in consumer needs and preferences, and, more recently, the profound changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessing the performance of economic regulators must therefore be a continuous effort.

This progress review evaluates the changes put in place by Peru’s telecommunications regulator, OSIPTEL, since the previous OECD performance assessment review in 2018, in the interest of increasing the effectiveness of its regulatory activities and improving final outcomes for consumers and the economy.


Přehled o stavu veřejné správy v České republice identifikuje prioritní oblasti pro reformu veřejné správy v České republice a nabízí doporučení pro posílení efektivity, rychlosti a reakceschopnosti veřejné správy v ČR. Přehled nejprve zprostředkovává pohled na efektivitu veřejné správy a její schopnost řešit současné výzvy v oblastech, jako jsou digitalizace a klimatická změna. Poté analyzuje celou řadu zásadních a prioritních oblastí veřejné správy včetně zapojování občanů, koordinace a strategického plánování vedených z centra vládnutí, informovaného rozhodování (EIDM) ve veřejné správě, veřejné správy na úrovni krajů a obcí, řízení lidských zdrojů ve veřejné správě a využívání elektronických nástrojů veřejné správy. Součástí Přehledu je i případová studie o opatřeních a předpisech v oblasti veřejné správy během pandemie onemocnění covid-19. Přehled o stavu veřejné správy v ČR obsahuje doporučení pro veřejnou správu v ČR, která jí pomohou s uskutečněním a se splněním cílů koncepce rozvoje veřejné správy s názvem Klientsky orientovaná veřejná správa 2030 a v konečném důsledku také s realizací dlouhodobé vize a závazků udržitelného rozvoje.

  • 23 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This report analyses current public financial management practices in Peru in light of OECD recommendations and good practices, and identifies areas where Peru could improve.

It focuses on four areas: budgetary practices and governance; treasury modernisation and cash management systems; ensuring a fiscally sustainable, competitive pay regime for the Peruvian public sector; and public infrastructure programming, budgeting and management. It analyses these issues both at central government level and for sub-national governments.

The report provides detailed policy recommendations to overcome the main challenges and their implications in each of the areas.

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