  • 06 Jan 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 212

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on trade and competition policies, competition law and policy in Mexico, the essential facilities concept, and abuse of dominance and monopolisation.


Table des matières
Conférence sur les politiques des échanges et de la concurrence : comment aller de l’avant ? 7 Synthèse 8 Note de discussion 26
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence au mexique 47 Michael Wise
Passation des marchés publics 99 Synthèse 100 Note de référence 104 Darryl Biggar Aide-mémoire de la discussion 126 Contributions par pays 141
Concept des installations essentielles 143 Note de référence 144 Sally Van Siclen Aide-mémoire de la discussion 163 Contributions par pays 180
Abus de position dominante et monopolisation 181 Note de référence 182 Sally Van Siclen Aide-mémoire de la discussion 198 Contributions par pays 226


Table des matières

Réforme de la réglementation, démantèlement des monopoles et privatisation : vers des politiques cohérentes avec la politique de la concurrence 7 Joanna Shelton

Notification des fusions transnationales 27 Rapport du CLP

Courtoisie active 41 Rapport du CLP

Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence au Japon 85 Michael Wise

Droit et politique de la concurrence dans les pays baltes 167 John Clark

Autorités de la concurrence et responsables de la réglementation : leurs rôles respectifs 193
Synthèse 195 Note de référence 202 Gary Hewitt Aide-mémoire de la discussion 253 Contributions par pays 283

L'argument de l'efficience dans les accords horizontaux 285
Note de référence 287 John Clark Aide-mémoire de la discussion 297 Contributions par pays 304

  • 06 Oct 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 268

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on regulatory reform, demonopolisation and privatisation; transnational mergers; positive comity; competition law and policy in Japan and in the Baltics; the relationship between competition and regulatory authorities; and efficiency claims.

  • 04 May 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on the Asian and Russian economic crises, competition policy and international rules, competition policy in the Netherlands, the failing firm defence, and film distribution.


Table des matières

Les crises économiques asiatiques et russes: le rôle de la corruption, des réseaux informels, de la discrimination et des incitations biaisées; le rôle de la politique de la concurrence
Introduction Terry Winslow
Politique de la concurrence et crise économique asiatique Frédéric Jenny
Remédier à la crise économique russe: marchés ouverts, confiance publique, opportunité et politique de la concurrence Sarah J. Reynolds
Politique de la concurrence: va-t-on vers des règles internationales? Joanna R. Shelton
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence aux pays-bas Michael Wise
La défense des entreprises défaillantes - Note de référence Gary Hewitt, Aide-mémoire de la discussion, Contributions des pays
La distribution de films - Note de référence Patricia Heriard-Dubreuil, Aide-mémoire de la discussion, Contributions des pays

  • 08 Feb 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 232

Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on competition law and policy in the United States, competition law in the courts, the role of economics in competition cases, judicial review and enforcement of competition cases, and competition in railroads.


Table des matieres
Introduction 7 Frédéric Jenny
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence aux États-Unis 9 Michael Wise
Le droit de la concurrence dans les instances judiciaires 87 Synthèse 88 Le rôle de la science économique et des économistes dans les affaires de concurrence Hon. John S. Lockhart 96 Le rôle de la science économique et des économistes dans les affaires de concurrence Hon Diane P. Wood 99 Examen judiciaire des affaires de concurrence Hon. William P. Mckeown et Hon. Marshall E. Rohstein 125 La mise en oeuvre judiciaire du droit de la concurrence John W. Clark 148 Contributions supplémentaires 160
Développements récents des droits et politiques nationales de concurence 161 John W. Clark et Hélène Chadzynska
La concurrence et les chemins de fer 173 Synthèse 174 Aide-Mémoire de la discussion 187 Chemins de fer : réglementation, structure et concurrence Christopher A. Nash et Jeremy P. Toner 227 Contributions des pays 262

  • 02 May 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 130

The ASEAN region’s economic expansion has created significant financing needs among corporations and investment opportunities for households. This report aims to support ASEAN policy makers harness opportunities and address barriers in mobilising capital markets for sustainable growth and development in the region. It focuses on the functioning of capital markets and the corporate sector’s use of market-based financing. It also examines current corporate governance regulatory frameworks, emerging artificial intelligence trends in finance, and sustainable finance developments with a focus on corporate sustainable bonds.

La desinformación tiene consecuencias de gran alcance en muchos ámbitos, desde la salud pública hasta la seguridad nacional de los países. Puede arrojar dudas sobre la veracidad de los hechos, poner en peligro la aplicación de políticas públicas y socavar la confianza de los ciudadanos en la integridad de las instituciones democráticas. Este informe explora cómo responder a estos retos y reforzar la democracia. Presenta una evaluación exhaustiva de las respuestas gubernamentales destinadas a respaldar espacios informativos plurales, basados en hechos y que fomenten una ciudadanía informada. Analiza las interacciones entre distintas dimensiones políticas que fortalecen la integridad del ámbito informativo, al mismo tiempo que aseguran una protección diligente de las libertades fundamentales y los derechos humanos. Igualmente, propone un triple marco de actuación en materia de políticas públicas: mejorar la transparencia, la rendición de cuentas y la pluralidad de las fuentes de información; fomentar la resiliencia social; y actualizar las medidas de gobernanza y las instituciones públicas para ayudar a fortalecer la integridad del espacio informativo.

French, English

Since joining the EU in 2013, Croatia’s macroeconomic performance has improved significantly. At the same time, large demographic and socio-economic disparities across Croatian regions persist. These trends provide the backdrop against which Croatia has reformed its legislative and strategic planning framework for regional development. Such reforms culminated in the adoption of the National Development Strategy 2030, which includes balanced regional development among its main long-term objectives. They have also led to the creation of regional development agencies, and the design of development plans at the county and local levels.

This report assesses the extent to which Croatia’s multi-level governance system is supporting its regional development objectives. In particular, it provides an overview of the country’s regional development performance on several demographic, economic and well-being indicators. From there, it considers how the regional development reforms adopted since 2014 affect the ability of national and subnational governments to design, implement, fund, monitor and evaluate place-based regional development plans. Finally, this report provides practical recommendations to help national and subnational policy makers develop and implement strategic frameworks to meet their territorial development objectives and deliver tangible results to communities across the country.

Ce rapport analyse le cadre législatif et institutionnel en France relatif à la transparence et à l’intégrité des activités d’influence étrangère. Il identifie ainsi des pistes d’actions concrètes adaptées au contexte français pour rendre les activités d’influence étrangère plus transparentes, décourager les tentatives d’ingérences étrangères effectuées notamment au travers d’activités de lobbying et d’influence opaques, et veiller à ce que le contrôle des mobilités public-privé prenne mieux en compte ce risque.


This report analyses the legislative and institutional framework in France relating to the transparency and integrity of foreign influence activities. It identifies concrete policy measures adapted to the French context to make foreign influence activities more transparent, and to discourage foreign interference attempts that are made notably through opaque lobbying and influence activities. It also ensures that the risk of foreign interference is better taken into account when public officials move between the public and private sectors.


This report provides insights on applying behavioural insights to improve public integrity in the public administration of the Slovak Republic. This report illustrates, through a stepwise application of the OECD BASIC toolkit, how corruption risk management policies can be improved through the identification and analysis of undesired behaviours, and through the design and testing of strategies to change these behaviours. Specifically, a randomised controlled trial was employed to test the effect of two behaviourally informed strategies to improve risk communication in the public administration. The results provided novel empirical evidence that: 1) providing support to public servants to better understand risks; and 2) exposing public servants to good leadership examples can improve their propensity to communicate risks. Moreover, it was found that feeling safe, trusting and being aware of risk communication channels also play an important role in improving risk communication. Based on the findings, this report provides recommendations to improve the risk management system of the Slovak Republic and inform the discussion on the upcoming National Anti-corruption Strategy, contributing to advancing the country’s efforts in curbing corruption.

From steering decision-making in times of complexity to stewarding cross-cutting policies and guiding good practices across the public administration, centres of government (CoGs) play an important role in achieving government ambitions. CoGs have recently found themselves under pressure to help navigate increasingly complex policy challenges in an environment characterised by multiple crises, polarisation and declining trust in public institutions. This compendium gathers and shares practices and experiences of CoGs in undertaking their various roles and functions. It describes the mechanisms CoGs use in roles such as bridging the political-administrative interface, stewarding cross-cutting policies, guiding public administration reform, and engaging with citizens and other stakeholders. Finally, it discusses the lessons learnt and key enablers that emerge from the experiences. This compendium serves CoG leaders and government officials who seek to better understand the role of the centre in contributing to better outcomes for citizens and society.

  • 18 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 120

The Slovak Republic has reduced some environmental pressures over the past decade. However, it needs to do more to reduce air pollution, improve waste and wastewater treatment and move towards carbon neutrality. Since 2011, the country has taken important steps to improve its biodiversity policy. Slovakia needs to now align its strategy with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Most species and habitats are in an unfavourable state and biodiversity considerations are not sufficiently integrated into sectoral policies.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of the Slovak Republic. It provides an evidence-based assessment of the country's progress towards its environmental goals over the past decade. The 29 recommendations aim to help Slovakia improve its environmental performance, giving special focus to biodiversity and forests in the context of climate change.

The Welsh Government is refining its approach to regional development, adopting a regional lens directed to four regions to better allocate resources and address local needs. This OECD Multi-level Governance Study – a follow up to the 2020 OECD report The Future of Regional Development and Public Investment in Wales, United Kingdom – summarises the progress Wales has made to advance this regional lens, and identifies key areas of attention going forward. It synthesises the results of a vision-setting exercise, capacity-building workshops with the national government and regional bodies, and a multi-stakeholder workshop on collaborative working among Welsh regional development actors. This report identifies enablers for the effective use of a regional lens in Wales, including robust regional data, long-term and future-oriented objectives, effective co-ordination across Welsh Government policy areas related to regional development, capacitated regional structures, and trust and collaborative working among levels of government. The report's insights on establishing strategic direction and fostering collaboration among national, regional, and local levels could be valuable for countries exploring ways to optimise regional development policy, including in the face of resource constraints.

EU Funded Note

Ireland has shown a strong commitment to addressing child poverty and improving outcomes for children and young people. Responding to the needs of children and young people, particularly those most vulnerable, requires integrated policies and services. This report is part of a joint project between the OECD and the European Commission to strengthen policy and governance arrangements for tackling child poverty and improving outcomes for children and young people based on a whole-of-government approach.

The report assesses recent policy, institutional and legislative developments in Ireland and compares outcomes for children and young people with those in other EU and OECD countries. It finds that despite progress, Ireland still has room for improvement on child poverty reduction, and more can be done to address the trust gap between young people in Ireland and their government. The report recommends Ireland to adopt measures to enhance inter-departmental and inter-agency co-operation, strengthen evidence-informed approaches, reinforce policy monitoring tools, and improve accountability mechanisms. It also recommends measures to support the effective implementation of Young Ireland, the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People (2023-28), and to ensure policy coherence.

  • 06 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 63

Los Principios de Gobierno Corporativo de la OCDE y del G20 ayudan a los responsables de formular políticas a evaluar y mejorar el marco legal, regulatorio e institucional para el gobierno corporativo. Identifican los elementos clave para un marco sólido de gobierno corporativo y ofrecen orientación práctica para su implementación a nivel nacional. Los Principios también brindan orientación para las bolsas de valores, los inversores, las corporaciones y otros que desempeñan un papel en el desarrollo de una buena gobernanza corporativa.

French, Japanese, English, Armenian
  • 04 Apr 2024
  • OECD, European Union Intellectual Property Office
  • Pages: 60

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted various aspects of human activity, including illicit trade. Criminal networks have adapted quickly to exploit disrupted supply chains and increased demand for essential goods, creating new opportunities for profit. This report examines how the pandemic has reshaped the trade in counterfeit goods. It looks at the multifaceted effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trade dynamic, particularly in the European Union. It also explores its effects on the trade in counterfeit goods, drawing on both law enforcement and industry expertise, as well as global customs seizure data. In particular, it highlights the challenges faced, the changing modus operandi of counterfeiters and the solutions that have emerged during this unprecedented health crisis.

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