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This second edition of Integrating Human Rights into Development consolidates the findings and research compiled in 2006 with key developments and activities that have occurred in the intervening seven years. It builds upon the review and findings of the first edition,  so that much of that material in that first edition is preserved in this publication.

Like the first edition, this study seeks to advance understanding of the nexus between development and human rights through a systematic consideration of donor approaches. It also seeks to enhance understanding among donors of how to work collectively to advance the strategic and coherent integration of human rights in development in light of agencies’ roles and areas of comparative advantage.

This publication brings together the key political and policy statements of recent years with a discussion of the approaches and experiences of bilateral and multilateral agencies engaged in integrating human rights into their development cooperation activities.

  • 23 May 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

This report studies green growth trends, challenges and opportunities in the City of Kitakyushu, Japan.  It firstly analyses socio-economic trends and the environmental performance of Kitakyushu; secondly reviews urban policies for land use, transport, buildings, waste, energy, water and industries that contribute to economic growth and reduce pressure on the environment; thirdly identifies innovation assets and actors in Kitakyushu and the northern Kyushu region and assesses Kitakyushu’s potential to bolster a regional green innovation system; and finally examines local, regional and national institutions, including horizontal and vertical co-ordination mechanisms that strengthen cross-sectoral and multilevel governance for green growth.

  • 23 May 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132
This report synthesises the findings from six case studies of urban green growth policies, four at city level (Paris, Chicago, Stockholm, Kitakyushu) and two at the national level (China, Korea). It offers a definition of urban green growth and a framework for analysing how it might play out in different types of cities. It demonstrates the importance of urban policies for achieving national environmental policy goals and discusses the increased efficiency of policy intervention at the urban level. It identifies urban activities to reduce environmental impact that are most likely to contribute to the policy priorities of job creation, urban attractiveness, metro-regional supply of green products and services, and increased urban land values. It also provides guidance on addressing potential financing and governance challenges that may arise in pursuing urban green growth. Finally, the report offers a preliminary proposal for how green growth in cities could be measured.
  • 23 May 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 123

This report studies green growth trends, challenges and opportunities in the City of Stockholm, Sweden. It first analyses socio-economic trends and the environmental performance of the city and the county of Stockholm; then it reviews urban policies for land use, transport, buildings, waste, energy and water that contribute to economic growth and reduce pressure on the environment; thirdly assesses Stockholm’s green innovation potential in areas such as cleantech, ICT and university to business linkages; and finally it examines local, regional and national institutions, including horizontal and vertical coordination mechanisms that strengthen cross-sectoral and multilevel governance for green growth.


The world is becoming increasingly global. This raises important challenges for regulatory processes which still largely emanate from domestic jurisdictions. In order to eliminate unnecessary regulatory divergences and to address the global challenges pertaining to systemic risks, the environment, and human health and safety, governments increasingly seek to better articulate regulations across borders and to ensure greater enforcement of rules. But, surprisingly, the gains that can be achieved through greater co-ordination of rules and their application across jurisdictions remain largely under-analysed.

This volume complements the stocktaking report on International Regulatory Co-operation: Rules for a Global World by providing evidence on regulatory co-operation in the area of transboundary water management and through the fast development of transnational private regulation. 

The world is becoming increasingly global. This raises important challenges for regulatory processes which still largely emanate from domestic jurisdictions. In order to eliminate unnecessary regulatory divergences and to address the global challenges pertaining to systemic risks, the environment, and human health and safety, governments increasingly seek to better articulate regulations across borders and to ensure greater enforcement of rules. But, surprisingly, the gains that can be achieved through greater co-ordination of rules and their application across jurisdictions remain largely under-analysed.
This volume complements the stocktaking report on International Regulatory Co-operation: Rules for a Global World by providing evidence on regulatory co-operation in the framework of the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperation Council, as part of EU energy regulation, under the Global Risk Assessment Dialogue, and in the area of prudential regulation of banks. The four case studies provided in this volume follow the same outline to allow for comparison.

  • 30 Apr 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136
This report presents the results of the assessment of the organisation of the central government of Sweden. The study looks at reforms that are aimed at improving the quality of services (more value) and efficiency (less money) in central government. Starting with facts and quantitative benchmarks on the Swedish central government, the study reviews recent reforms in Sweden, and makes recommendations in ten selected areas. The study concludes with a survey of the effects on the quality of services and the potential savings.

The world is becoming increasingly global. This raises important challenges for regulatory processes which still largely emanate from domestic jurisdictions. In order to eliminate unnecessary regulatory divergences and to address the global challenges pertaining to systemic risks, the environment, and human health and safety, governments increasingly seek to better articulate regulations across borders and to ensure greater enforcement of rules. But, surprisingly, the gains that can be achieved through greater co-ordination of rules and their application across jurisdictions remain largely under-analysed.
This volume complements the stocktaking report on International Regulatory Co-operation: Rules for a Global World by providing evidence on regulatory co-operation in four sectors: chemical safety, consumer product safety, model tax convention, and competition law enforcement. The four case studies follow the same outline to allow for comparison. 

  • 29 Apr 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 212

This review of Chile's urban policy finds that Chile has undergone significant transformation in the past three decades, including growth in GDP, population levels and urbanisation. This growth has been a key factor in Chile’s success in reaching an improved quality of life.  However, Chile ranks lower than many other OECD member countries on a variety of urban-related quality-of-life factors, such as income, housing, jobs and the environment.  Chile’s urban and metropolitan development practices have traditionally been sector-driven, and today the need for well-integrated approaches to urbanism are increasingly recognised among urban policy makers.  This report examines the economic and socio-economic trends in Chile’s urban areas including population growth, and mounting inequality; it analyses four policy areas with significant implications for national urban programming, specifically land-use and zoning, housing, public transport, and the environment; and it examines possible approaches for revitalising the urban governance structure in metropolitan and urban areas, as well as mechanisms to reinforce strategic planning and service-delivery capacity.

Les gouvernements sont parmi les principaux émetteurs de titres d’emprunt sur le marché mondial des capitaux. Le présent volume fournit des informations quantitatives sur les titres d’emprunt d’État pour les 34 pays membres de l'OCDE en vue de répondre aux besoins analytiques des utilisateurs tels que les pouvoirs publics, les spécialistes de la gestion de la dette et les analystes de marché. Les statistiques sont présentées selon un plan d’ensemble normalisé pour permettre une comparaison entre les différents pays. Les notes méthodologiques par pays donnent des informations sur les émissions de titres d’emprunt dans chacun des pays, ainsi que sur le cadre institutionnel et réglementaire dans lequel s’inscrivent la politique de gestion de la dette et les techniques de vente.

  • 26 Apr 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

Governments are major issuers of debt instruments in the global financial market. This volume provides quantitative information on central government debt instruments for the 34 OECD member countries to meet the analytical requirements of users such as policy makers, debt management experts and market analysts.  Statistics are presented according to a comprehensive standard framework to allow cross-country comparison.  Country methodological notes provide information on debt issuance in each country as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy and selling techniques.


The world is becoming increasingly global. This raises important challenges for regulatory processes which still largely emanate from domestic jurisdictions.   In order to eliminate unnecessary regulatory divergences and to address global challenges pertaining to systemic risks, the environment, and human health and safety, governments increasingly seek to better articulate regulations across borders and to ensure greater enforcement of rules and their application across jurisdictions.

This report gathers in a synthetic manner the knowledge and evidence available to date on the various mechanisms available to governments to promote regulatory co-operation, and their benefits and challenges. The review of evidence confirms the increased internationalisation of regulation, which takes place through a wide variety of mechanisms and multiple actors, and highlights a shift in the nature of IRC from complete 'harmonisation' of regulation to more flexible options - such as mutual recognition agreements. Despite growing regulatory co-operation, however, decision making on IRC is not informed by a clear understanding of benefits costs and success factors of the diverse IRC options.

Ce rapport évalue le cadre d’intégrité du secteur public tunisien pour apporter un premier éclaircissement sur les mesures qui doivent être mises en place. Cette évaluation se base sur la Recommandation de l’OCDE de 1998 portant sur l’Amélioration des comportements éthiques dans le service public et  les Principes de 2008 de l’OCDE pour renforcer l’intégrité dans les marchés publics. Le rapport comprend également des références aux  expériences des pays du Moyen Orient et d’Afrique du Nord dans la mise en place de politiques de promotion de l’intégrité. Les propositions d’action de cette première évaluation fournissent une feuille de route aux autorités tunisiennes en vue de renforcer le cadre d’intégrité dans le secteur public. Elles incluent, parmi d'autres, la réalisation des diagnostics détaillés des vulnérabilités dans le système pour identifier des mesures prioritaires de réforme. En plus, il est conseillé aux autorités d'identifier des mesures prioritaires sur la base des diagnostics developer en coopération avec les parties prenantes. Un accent particulier est mis sur le domaine des marchés publics qui est un domaine particulièrement vulnérable à la corruption.

  • 11 Apr 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

Geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten machen sich in allen Bereichen des Wirtschaftslebens bemerkbar und bedeuten sowohl für die betroffenen Personen als auch für die Volkswirtschaft insgesamt hohe Verluste in Form von entgangener Produktivität und niedrigeren Lebensstandards. Dieser neue OECD-Bericht befasst sich mit Lösungsansätzen zur Beseitigung dieser geschlechtsspezifischen Ungleichheiten unter folgenden thematischen Gesichtspunkten: Geschlechtergleichstellung, soziale Normen und öffentliche Politik sowie Geschlechtergleichstellung in Bildung, Berufsleben und Unternehmertum.

Die Kernaussagen lauten:

? Die Verbesserung der Geschlechtergleichheit beim Bildungsniveau hat einen stark positiven Effekt auf das Wirtschaftswachstum.

? Geschlechterstereotypen muss schon im jungen Alter bei den Bildungsentscheidungen in der Schule entgegengewirkt werden. So sollten beispielsweise Unterrichtsmethoden und -materialien angepasst werden, um Jungen stärker für das Lesen und Mädchen stärker für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften zu begeistern; Mädchen sollten ermutigt werden, verstärkt naturwissenschaftliche, ingenieurwissenschaftliche und mathematische Studienfächer zu wählen und eine Berufstätigkeit in diesen Bereichen anzustreben.

? Gute und bezahlbare Kinderbetreuung ist ein ausschlaggebender Faktor für die Verbesserung der Geschlechtergleichstellung im Berufsleben. Veränderungen sind jedoch auch im familiären Kontext notwendig, da der überwiegende Teil der Hausarbeit und Kindererziehung in vielen Ländern immer noch von den Frauen geleistet wird. Diese Veränderungen können von der Politik unterstützt werden, beispielsweise durch Elternurlaubsregelungen, die Väter explizit einschließen.

? Fördermaßnahmen für Unternehmen in Frauenbesitz müssen auf alle Unternehmen, nicht nur auf Neugründungen und Kleinbetriebe, ausgerichtet werden. Es muss ein gleichberechtigter Zugang zu Finanzierungsmitteln für männliche und weibliche Unternehmer gewährleistet werden.

Spanish, English, Korean, French
  • 28 Mar 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100
Ce rapport étudie la planification budgétaire, l'information financière, l'audit interne, l'évaluation des politiques et le pilotage des entités administratives au Luxembourg, et fait des recommandations auprès du ministère des Finances luxembourgeois pour l'ajustement des institutions budgétaires dans ces domaines. Le rapport examine également la conformité des institutions budgétaires du Luxembourg avec les nouvelles exigences de l'Union européenne, et formule des recommandations d'actions à entreprendre pour en assurer le respect.
This report proposes a practical, country-based framework for developing good governance indicators for programmes funded by the European Union in Poland. The concepts presented and the challenges discussed are, however, relevant to a wide range of OECD member and non-member countries in the development of indicators-based performance measurement systems.


This report studies budgetary planning, financial information, internal audit, and related policies in the administrative entities of Luxembourg and makes a series of recommendations. It also examines conformity to the new EU requirements.


  • 21 Mar 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

This  report analyses e-government implementation in Egypt and presents a series of recommendations for action.

Le commerce et l’investissement dans les ressources minérales naturelles offrent de grandes possibilités de générer des revenus, de la croissance et de la prospérité, de fournir des moyens d’existence et de favoriser le développement local. Toutefois, une grande partie de ces ressources sont situées dans des zones de conflit ou à haut risque. Dans ces zones, l’exploitation des ressources minérales naturelles est importante et peut alimenter, directement ou indirectement, les conflits armés, des violations flagrantes des droits humains, et entraver le développement économique et social. Le Guide OCDE sur le devoir de diligence pour des chaînes d’approvisionnement responsables en minerais provenant de zones de conflits ou à haut risque fournit des orientations pratiques soutenues par les pouvoirs publics adressées aux entreprises pour des chaînes globales d’approvisionnement en minerais responsables afin que les entreprises respectent les droits de l'homme et évitent de contribuer aux conflits à travers leurs décisions ou pratiques d’approvisionnement. Le Guide sur le devoir de diligence peut être utilisé par toute entreprise susceptible d’exploiter des minerais dans des zones de conflit ou à haut risque. Il s’agit de favoriser des chaînes d’approvisionnement en minerais transparentes ainsi qu'un engagement durable des entreprises dans le secteur des minerais. Cette édition a été mise à jour et comporte de nouveaux chapitres sur l’étain, le tantale et le tungstène et sur l'or.

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