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  • 02 sept. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 175

Rural Scotland represents an important resource for national development and growth, but large unexploited potential remains. Many of Scotland’s strengths are rural in nature, including an abundant land area, rich natural and cultural resources, higher standards of living, and a stable and relatively diversified economy with good employment and entrepreneurship indicators. This comprehensive review of rural policy in Scotland recommends a more integrated approach to rural policy which addresses land and housing related issues, economic diversification in key emerging sectors, service delivery improvements and actions to exploit rural-urban linkages.

  • 02 sept. 2008
  • OCDE, Banque asiatique de développement
  • Pages : 248

Asian-Pacific countries have made significant efforts to address weaknesses in their procurement frameworks and practices. To support these efforts and to assist the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative’s 28 member countries in strengthening their public-procurement mechanisms, the Initiative conducted a Regional Seminar on Fighting Bribery in Public Procurement in November 2007.  This volume compiles the experience that experts from Asian and Pacific countries – as well as beyond the region – shared during the seminar. It is addressed to policy makers and experts who wish to learn from other countries’ experiences in strengthening frameworks to protect public procurement from bribery and corruption risks.

The Southeast Asian region has experienced remarkable economic dynamism in the past few decades. An interesting feature of recent developments in the region, is that in spite of its diversity, several initiatives have been launched towards integration.

The peer review mechanism has been a tried and tested instrument for OECD member states to work together successfully over the past decades. This tool could benefit the Southeast Asian region as it helps identify good practices, establish standards and principles and ultimately improve the performance of participating economies. This publication presents the proceedings of a conference in which  the possible application of peer reviews to address regional and domestic challenges in Southeast Asia were discussed.

  • 22 août 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 324

The Cape Town city-region, which is the second-largest area in South Africa (4 million inhabitants), reflects the national challenge of creating new economic opportunities while correcting past inequities. Since the end of the apartheid system, Cape Town has benefited from macroeconomic stabilisation and has outpaced the national average growth rate. It has both modernised its traditional strengths in port logistics and developed innovative sectors in tourism, agro-food processing, viticulture, financial and business services. However, 22% of the population is unemployed and 38% of residents live below the poverty line. This report identifies the key missing collective goods that could both create externalities for firms and foster a more equitable distribution. It provides a platform for the development of a forward-looking, cross-cutting regional development strategy and proposes new "second generation" governance reforms to consolidate previous achievements and respond to emerging obstacles.

De toutes les activités gouvernementales, la passation des marchés publics est la plus vulnérable à la corruption. Dans les pays de l’OCDE, la corruption par des entreprises internationales est plus répandue dans les marchés publics que dans les services d’utilité publique, le système fiscal ou le système judiciaire. La plupart des efforts déployés au niveau international ont porté exclusivement sur la procédure d’appel d’offres. Or, ce n’est là que la partie visible de l’iceberg. Des affaires de corruption récentes ont révélé des « zones grises » à tous les stades du cycle des marchés publics, y compris lors de l’évaluation des besoins et de la gestion des contrats. De surcroît, les efforts de réforme ont souvent négligé les exceptions aux procédures concurrentielles telles que les contrats d’urgence et les marchés de la défense. Cette publication donne des indications concrètes sur la façon dont le métier d’acheteur public évolue pour répondre à la demande croissante d’intégrité, s’appuyant sur l’expérience de praticiens des marchés publics et de spécialistes de l’audit, de la concurrence et de la lutte contre la corruption. Cette publication va au-delà du constat général selon lequel la bonne gouvernance et la prévention de la corruption jouent un rôle important dans la passation des marchés publics relevés d’exemples provenant des pays membres et non membres.

Anglais, Espagnol
This report discusses some of the major challenges for implementing regulatory reform, from a political perspective. It draws on the experience and evidence from OECD countries when building the case through results and developing strategies for advocacy. This reflects the discussions held at the meeting of the OECD Group on Regulatory Policy in December 2007. Core issues concern how to create common consensus to support reform and which actors and stakeholders to integrate in achieving reforms. The issues of sequencing and timing are extremely relevant. Citizens and the public also need to understand the economic benefits of liberalisation and cutting red tape through regulatory reform.

Specific chapters analyse the role of advocacy bodies for regulatory reform, as well as competition policy, discussing their incentives and how they operate in their cultural, political and administrative environment. They should perform as powerful drivers and engines for reform, integrating the views of business and citizens in the policy process. An example is presented in the form of a case study assessing the political viability of centralised regulatory oversight as an institutional strategy based on the United States’ experience. Concerning competition policy advocacy, the report examines the balance between institutional independence and objectivity that are necessary for enforcement. Finally, the report also discusses how to interlink market-openness policies in a friendly reform environment, drawing lessons from trade and structural adjustments. It underlines the role of international negotiations as a means to harness political support, and strategies for managing and sustaining market-opening reforms.


Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) is a fundamental tool to help governments to assess the impacts of regulation. RIA is used to examine and measure the likely benefits, costs and effects of new or existing regulation. The implementation of RIA supports the process of policy-making by contributing valuable empirical data to policy decisions, and through the construction of a rational decision framework to examine the implications of potential regulatory policy options. This is an important factor in responding to the impact on modern economies of open international markets and budgetary constraints, and the consequences of competing policy demands. A key feature of RIA is its consideration of the potential economic impacts of regulatory proposals...


L’usage optimal des deniers publics dans la fourniture de services par les administrations est un sujet important et ce débat est toujours d’actualité. Cet ouvrage présente dix « bonnes pratiques » illustrant les questions que doit se poser tout pays souhaitant s’engager dans un partenariat public-privé (PPP). On citera notamment la faisabilité financière des PPP, l’optimisation des ressources, la notation des PPP dans le budget et leur traitement comptable, les engagements (conditionnels ou explicites) et les questions de réglementation et de gouvernance institutionnelle. L’ouvrage aborde également des sujets aussi essentiels que le risque – politique autant que financier – et la juste mesure de la performance d’un PPP afin de s’assurer qu’il sert bien la société. En s’appuyant sur des exemples nationaux de pays membres et non membres de l’OCDE, cet ouvrage aidera les administrations et le public à mieux cerner ce mécanisme complexe et son impact sur les finances publiques et sur la définition des frontières entre l’État et le marché.


Le changement climatique pose un défi majeur au développement économique et social. Cette étude présente une évaluation critique des coûts et des bénéfices de l’adaptation dans certains secteurs clés mais vulnérables au changement climatique ainsi qu’à l’échelle nationale et mondiale. Au-delà de la problématique de l’estimation des coûts, cette analyse oriente le débat sur le potentiel et les limites des instruments économiques – par exemple, assurance et partage des risques, marchés et tarification de biens et services environnementaux, partenariats public-privé – visant à encourager les activités d’adaptation.

  • 03 juin 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 184

Faced with high population density, close proximity of urban areas and urban-rural linkages, rural areas in the Netherlands have witnessed a gradual disappearance of characteristically rural landscapes and a deterioration of biodiversity. Future developments will increase pressures on rural land use, making a policy framework to address these challenges only more pertinent.

This comprehensive review of rural policy in the Netherlands examines the character of rural areas in the Netherlands and how they have evolved.  It then examines rural policies and their decentralisation, rural land use planning, and landscape and nature policies. The final chapters discusses how to  strengthen rural policies in the Netherlands.  The book includes a series of recommendations.

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