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  • 08 déc. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 170

Les thèmes abordés dans cette édition 2009 de l'étude économique consacrée périodiquement à la Grèce sont les suivants : comment le pays a mieux résisté à la crise économique mondiale, les finances publiques, le systèmes de santé ainsi que les défis liés à l'éducation.


La Grèce a remarquablement bien réagi à la crise économique mais la bonne assise des finances publiques imposera un renforcement de l’administration fiscale et un resserrement de la gestion des dépenses. Les résultats en matière de santé sont bons par rapport à la moyenne de l'OCDE et pourtant ils sont mal perçus  par la population. Cette étude propose une série de recommandations visant à améliorer la situation. Les indicateurs de l'éducation  sont moins bons que ceux de l'OCDE qui propose un large éventail de recommandations visant à améliorer la situation.


The State of Victoria is a knowledge-intensive centre for Australia: educational services are Victoria’s strongest export worth more than AUD 5 billion, surpassing tourism and automotive sectors. Victoria is a magnet for immigration, and the international student enrolment represents over 30% of the total for Australia.
The higher education system in Australia is moving to a more competitive phase with the decision that the government funding will follow students wherever they choose to enroll. How can Victoria continue to increase participation in higher education and widen access to lower socio-economic groups? How can its higher education institutions help transform Victoria into an innovative state with knowledge-intensive industries and jobs?

This publication explores a range of helpful policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for the development of the State of Victoria.

  • 07 déc. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 102

PISA 2009 at a Glance is a companion publication to PISA 2009 Results, the six-volume report on the 2009 survey conducted by the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA assesses the extent to which students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. Its triennial assessments of 15-year-olds focus on reading, mathematics and science.

PISA 2009 at a Glance provides easily accessible data on the some of the main issues analysed in the full report:

  • What students know and can do: How do students compare in the knowledge and skills they show at school? Which countries are the best performers? Which perform poorly?
  • Overcoming social background: Does a student’s socio-economic background affect his or her performance in school?
  • Learning to learn: Are there some types of reading, and some ways of learning, that are better for students than others?
  • What makes a school successful?: What traits do high-performing schools have in common?

Each issue is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains what the issue means both for students and for participating countries and economies, discusses the main findings and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in other OECD publications and databases. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format.

PISA 2009 at a Glance is an ideal introduction to PISA and to the OECD’s rich trove of internationally comparable data on education and learning.

  • 07 déc. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 344

The OECD Economic Outlook analyses the current economic situation and examines the economic policies required to foster a sustained recovery in member countries. This issue covers the outlook to end-2012 for both OECD countries and selected non-OECD economies. Together with a wide range of cross-country statistics, the Outlook provides a unique resource to keep abreast of world economic developments.

In addition to the themes featured regularly, this issue contains a special chapter entitled “Fiscal consolidation: Requirements, timing, instruments and institutional arrangements. It addresses the following questions: How much budget consolidation is required in individual OECD countries to stabilise the ratio of government debt to GDP and what are the requirements to bring gross debt ratios to 60% of GDP? What factors should determine the appropriate speed of consolidation? What instruments should be employed for consolidation and what kind of public spending should be cut and what kind of taxes should be raised? What fiscal rules and institutions are most likely to foster consolidation?

Français, Allemand
  • 07 déc. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 92

This first volume of PISA 2009 survey results provides comparable data on 15-year-olds' performance on reading, mathematics and science across 65 countries. The volume opens with an introduction explaining what PISA is and how PISA 2009 is different from previous PISA surveys.  The introduction also explains what PISA 2009 measures and how.  A reader's guide provides information needed to interpret the data. Chapter 2 provides a summary of the findings related to performance in reading, the focus of the 2009 survey. Chapter 3 provides a summary of the findings related to performance in mathematics and science. A final chapter explores policy implications in five areas: low performance, pursuing excellence, strengths and weaknesses in different kinds of reading, student performance in math and science, and the potential to improve performance across the world. Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.

Espagnol, Allemand, Français, Arabe
This volume of PISA 2009 results examines how human, financial and material resources, and education policies and practices shape learning outcomes. Following an introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide explaining how to interpret the data, Chapter 1 presents a summary of features shared by "successful" school systems. Chapter 2 details how resources, policies and practices relate to student performance. Chapter 3 provides detailed descriptions and in-depth analyses of selected organisational features (how students are sorted into grades, schools, and programmes, school autonomy, etc.) of schools and systems and how those aspects affect performance. Chapter 4 describes and analyzes key aspects of the learning environment (behaviours, discipline, parental involvement, school leadership, etc.) and how they affect performance.  The final chapter discusses the policy implications of the findings.  Annexes provides detailed statistical data and technical background.
Allemand, Français, Espagnol

Volume III of PISA 2009 results examines 15-year-olds’ motivation, their engagement with reading and their use of effective learning strategies. The book opens with an introduction to PISA and a reader's guide to help user's understand the findings.  Chapter 1 examines how engaging in reading activities and approaching  learning positively relates to reading proficiency. Chapter 2 examines how much students read for enjoyment, what they read, and how much they enjoy reading. Chapter 3 examines the extent to which reading and learning habits relate to performance differences between boys and girls. The final chapter discusses the policy implications of the findings. Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.

Espagnol, Français
This volume of PISA 2009 results looks at the progress countries have made in raising student performance and improving equity in the distribution of learning opportunities. Following an Introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide helping users interpret the data, Chapter 1 summarises overall performance over time.   Chapter 2 looks at trends in reading.  Chapter 3 looks at trends in mathematics and science.  Chapter 4 examines trends in equity. Chapter 5 explores trends in attitudes and student-school relations.  The final chapter analyzes implications for policy. Annexes provide techical background and tables of results.
Espagnol, Français, Allemand

Sind die Schülerinnen und Schüler gut auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft vorbereitet? Können sie analysieren, logisch denken und ihre Ideen effektiv kommunizieren? Haben sie Interessen entwickelt, die sie ihr ganzes Leben hindurch als produktive Mitglieder von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft weiterverfolgen können? Die Internationale Schulleistungsstudie der OECD (PISA) sucht durch die umfassendste und weitreichendste internationale Erhebung der Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten von Schülerinnen und Schülern Antworten auf diese Fragen zu liefern. Die Gruppe der an PISA teilnehmenden Länder und Partnerländer macht insgesamt nahezu 90% der Weltwirtschaft aus.

PISA 2009 Ergebnisse stellt die Erkenntnisse vor, die bei der jüngsten PISA-Erhebung gewonnen wurden. Schwerpunkt war diesmal wieder die Lesekompetenz, evaluiert wurden aber auch die Schülerleistungen in Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften.

  • Band I, Was Schülerinnen und Schüler wissen und können: Schülerleistungen in Lesekompetenz, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, vergleicht die Schülerleistungen in den verschiedenen Ländern.
  • Band II, Potenziale nutzen und Chancengerechtigkeit sichern: Sozialer Hintergrund und Schülerleistungen, befasst sich mit der Frage, wie gut es den Bildungssystemen gelingt, den Effekt des sozioökonomischen Hintergrunds und des Migrationsstatus auf die Schüler- und Schulleistungen einzudämmen.
  • Band III, Learning to Learn: Student Engagement, Strategies and Practices (nur in Englisch verfügbar), setzt sich mit der Motivation, dem Leseengagement und dem Einsatz effektiver Lernstrategien bei 15-Jährigen auseinander.
  • Band IV, Was macht eine Schule erfolgreich? Lernumfeld und schulische Organisation in PISA, untersucht, wie sich die Ressourcenausstattung der Schulen sowie die Schulpolitik und -praxis auf die Lernergebnisse der Schüler auswirken.
  • Band V, Lernfortschritte im globalen Wettbewerb: Veränderungen bei den Schülerleistungen seit 2000, befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Fortschritte die Länder bei der Anhebung des Leistungsniveaus und der Verbesserung der Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung erzielt haben.
  • Band VI, Students On Line: Reading and Using Digital Information (nur in Englisch verfügbar), untersucht, wie gut die Schülerinnen und Schüler Informationstechnologien für Lernzwecke nutzen können.

PISA 2009 markiert den Beginn des zweiten Erhebungszyklus, in dessen Rahmen 2012 eine schwerpunktmäßige Beurteilung der Mathematikleistungen und 2015 der Leistungen in Naturwissenschaften geplant ist.

Die Internationale Schulleistungsstudie der OECD (PISA)

PISA richtet das Augenmerk auf die Fähigkeit der Jugendlichen, ihre Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten zur Bewältigung alltäglicher Herausforderungen einzusetzen. Diese Orientierung spiegelt eine Veränderung in den Zielen der Lehrpläne wider, in denen es zunehmend darum geht, wie die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihr Schulwissen konkret nutzen können, und nicht mehr nur um die Fähigkeit zur Wiedergabe des Gelernten. Zu den Besonderheiten von PISA gehören:

  • Politikorientierung: Die Daten über die Lernergebnisse der Schülerinnen und Schüler werden mit Informationen über deren Hintergrundmerkmale und über wichtige Faktoren, die ihr Lernen innerhalb und außerhalb der Schule beeinflussen, verknüpft, um die Unterschiede bei den Leistungsstrukturen hervorzuheben und zu untersuchen, wodurch sich Schüler, Schulen und Bildungssysteme, die hohe Leistungen erbringen, auszeichnen.
  • Innovatives Konzept der Grundbildung: Im Mittelpunkt steht die Fähigkeit der Schülerinnen und Schüler, Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten in wichtigen Fächern zur Definition, Interpretation und Lösung von Problemen in einer Vielzahl von Situationen zu nutzen, zu analysieren, logisch zu denken und effektiv zu kommunizieren.
  • Relevanz für das lebenslange Lernen: Bei PISA werden nicht nur die Kompetenzen der Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Schulfächern erfasst, sondern auch Informationen über ihre Lernmotivation, Selbsteinschätzung und Lernstrategien erhoben.
  • Regelmäßigkeit: Die Länder haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Fortschritte bei der Verwirklichung entscheidender Lernziele im Zeitverlauf zu beobachten.
  • Große geografische Reichweite und kooperativer Charakter: In PISA 2009 nehmen alle 34 OECD-Mitgliedstaaten sowie 40 Partnerländer und -volkswirtschaften teil.
Arabe, Anglais, Espagnol, Français
Volume II of PISA's 2009 results looks at how successful education systems moderate the impact of social background and immigrant status on student and school performance. The volume opens with an introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide providing information that will help readers understand the data. Chapter 1 focuses on the magnitude of differences in student performance across countries and the extent to which these differences relate to socio-economic background. Chapter 2 examines the extent to which students and schools with different socio-economic backgrounds have access to similar educational resources, and the impact of background and school on learning outcomes. Chapter 3 examines the relationship between student performance and different aspects of socio-economic background. Chapter 4 compares the performance of students with an immigrant background with the performance of other students. Chapter 5 analyses the impact of socio-economic background of schools on reading performance. The final chapter examines policy implications of the findings.  Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.
Allemand, Espagnol, Français

This year’s Latin American Economic Outlook focuses on those in the middle of the income distribution in Latin America. If these middle sectors have stable employment and reasonably robust incomes, then, arguably, they provide a solid foundation for economic progress. Moreover, following the political role often attributed to the middle classes by historians and sociologists, they might also support moderate but progressive political platforms in Latin America’s democracies. In fact, this report shows that, contrary to expectations, in Latin America this group is still economically vulnerable, few have university degrees and many work in informal employment. This is a “middle class” quite different from the group that became the engine of development in many OECD countries. In Latin America, what are the economic characteristics of these vulnerable middle sectors? How do they perceive inequality, public policies and democracy? How can public policies protect the livelihoods of these middle-sector households? These questions guide the Outlook to discuss why and how upward mobility should and can be promoted, and how safety nets can be put in place to protect the most vulnerable segments of people within those middle-income groups, as well as the poorest and most disadvantaged households in the economy at large. The report tackles policies such as social protection and education that promote upward mobility, and underscores the importance of fiscal policy as a tool to finance the required reforms and programmes that can engage the Latin American middle sectors in a renewed social contract.

“Latin America is undergoing a rapid transformation and the middle classes are one of the most powerful motors of this change. This edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook analyses the process of expansion of the region’s middle sectors through innovative statistical methods and from a refreshing perspective. The middle classes are dynamic but also vulnerable; they are not poor but they are nevertheless far from enjoying a comfortable and secure economic situation. Their future depends on their own actions, and on the economic and social policies that the region’s governments will adopt over the next decade.”
Eduardo Lora, Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank.

“This new report from the OECD Development Centre touches upon a theme that is not often studied but which is of vital importance for the development of our countries: middle-income groups in Latin American societies. The report’s recommendations should be used as a basis for economic policy in the region, with the objective of promoting policy actions in favour of a sector that in advanced economies has been a pillar of development and democratic harmony – in contrast to what has happened in Latin America and the Caribbean.”
Juan Temístocles Montás, Minister of Economy and Planning, Dominican Republic.

“This excellent report leads us to conclude that only with a stronger focus on rights, democracy and redistributive policies can we break the transmission of inequality and poverty from generation to generation, and advance towards the consolidation of a real middle class, a driver of development.”
Soraya Rodriguez Ramos, Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Spain.

Espagnol, Chinois, Français

La edición de Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina de este año arranca con la perspectiva macroeconómica de la actual recuperación económica tras la crisis mundial. Seguidamente, la presente publicación se centra en la fortuna de quienes se encuentran en la parte central de la distribución de la renta de las economías latinoamericanas. Si esos estratos medios cuentan con empleo estable e ingresos relativamente robustos, entonces, constituyen una sólida base de progreso económico. Además, podría decirse que respaldan asimismo plataformas políticas moderadas pero progresistas en las democracias latinoamericanas –el papel político a menudo atribuido a las clases medias tanto por historiadores como por sociólogos–.

Esta edición de Perspectivas analiza las características económicas de los estratos medios latinoamericanos, tales como sus categorías de ingresos o el tipo de empleos que ocupan, así como también sus actitudes y valores en relación con la desigualdad, la política económica y, de forma más general, el sistema democrático. Los resultados muestran que, en América Latina, estos estratos son a menudo económicamente vulnerables y están sometidos al riesgo de descender en la escala económica. En consecuencia, se abordan cuidadosamente las políticas públicas que podrían proteger los medios de subsistencia de los hogares de los estratos medios y las medidas posibles, por ejemplo en materia de protección social y educación pública, que promueven la movilidad ascendente de forma general. Por último, se subraya la importancia de la política fiscal como medio de financiar las reformas y los programas necesarios, y de hacer participar a los estratos medios latinoamericanos en la renovación del contrato social.

Chinois, Anglais, Français
  • 02 déc. 2010
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 108

This report maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management for Luxembourg, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include: strategy and policies for improving regulatory management; institutional capacities for effective regulation and the broader policy making context; transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication; processes for the development of new regulations, including impact assessment and for the management of the regulatory stock, including administrative burdens; compliance rates, enforcement policy and appeal processes; and the multilevel dimension: interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU. This book is part of a project examining better regulation, being carried out in partnership with the European Commission.

  • 02 déc. 2010
  • Conférence Européenne des Ministres des Transports
  • Pages : 343

Le présent rapport aborde les grandes questions qui concernent la gestion des encombrements urbains. Il définit les encombrements urbains en les mesurant, en en appréciant les effets et en formulant une stratégie d'orientation des mesures de gestion, sans oublier de recourir à la technologie et aux divers modes d'exploitation de nature à réduire la congestion urbaine. Il propose des recommandations à caractère politique et fondées sur des recherches pour gérer effectivement la circulation et combattre l’excès de congestion dans les grandes agglomérations.


  • 01 déc. 2010
  • OCDE, Union européenne
  • Pages : 128
This special edition of Health at a Glance focuses on health issues across the 27 European Union member states, three European Free Trade Association countries (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) and Turkey. It gives readers a better understanding of the factors that affect the health of populations and the performance of health systems in these countries.Its 42 indicators present comparable data covering a wide range of topics, including health status, risk factors,  health workforce and health expenditure.

Each indicator in the book is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicators and any limitations in data comparability. An annex provides additional information on the demographic and economic context within which health systems operate.   

This publication is the result of collaboration between the OECD and the European Commission, with the help of national data correspondents from the 31 countries.

  • 01 déc. 2010
  • Anna Alberini, Graham Loomes, Milan Scasny, Ian Bateman
  • Pages : 150

Is the value of reducing environmental risk greater for children than for adults? If so, what does this mean for policy makers? This report, the final output of the Valuation of Environment-Related Health Impacts (VERHI) project, presents new research findings on these key environmental policy questions.

The authors estimate a "VSL" (Value of a Statistical Life) for children and adults based on new methodological approaches for valuing children’s health. The survey work is distinguished by its international dimension (surveys were conducted in the Czech Republic, Italy and the United Kingdom) and by the extensive development efforts undertaken.

The result: Two new survey instruments based on different methodological approaches; new estimates of the VSL for adults and children; analysis of the effects of context and other factors on risk preferences; presentation of novel ways to communicate risk, including a variety of visual aids; and insights that identify interesting paths for further study.



Governments are seeking to channel research funds into universities and other institutions in ways that support high-quality research in strategically important areas and bolster effective knowledge diffusion. These issues of steering and funding have even more relevance in light of the current  financial crisis and economic downturn which have seen severe fiscal pressures fall on many countries.

This publication presents a collection of papers presented at an OECD workshop on performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions. It takes stock of current thinking and practice around performance-based funding of public research in tertiary education institutions, as a tool to help governments meet their research goals. These funding models are essentially systems of ex-post evaluation of research outputs and outcomes from universities and other tertiary institutions, and are generally based on peer review, bibliometric or other quantitative indicators. Their results are used to inform government decisions about how much and which institutions to fund.

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