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  • 30 oct. 2008
  • Małgorzata Kuczera, Giorgio Brunello, Simon Field, Nancy Hoffman
  • Pages : 52

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

The Norwegian VET system has many strengths including strong and trustful co-operation between employers, unions and VET authorities and high-status VET tracks in upper secondary education. Many employers are keen to attract apprentices and there is a high level of adult literacy. But there are significant challenges, including an ageing workforce of school-based trainers, weak quality assurance mechanisms, high levels of dropout and concerns that the priority accorded to student choice may make the system unresponsive to labour market needs.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

  • 31 oct. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 157
Étude périodique de l’OCDE consacrée à l’économie portugaise. L’édition 2008 porte essentiellement sur plusieurs défis fondamentaux : assainir les finances publiques, tirer le meilleur parti de l’intégration du Portugal dans l’économie mondiale et améliorer le fonctionnement du marché du travail.
  • 31 oct. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 598

Les tendances de la rentabilité des banques et les facteurs agissant sur elle sont des indicateurs importants de l’état de santé des systèmes bancaires nationaux. Cette publication fournit des informations sur les comptes des banques des pays membres de l'OCDE. La couverture des banques n'est pas la même dans chaque pays ; cependant l'objectif est d'inclure toutes les institutions qui ont des activités bancaires, notamment celles qui prennent des dépôts de personnes privées et qui financent un large éventail de projets. Sont également incluses des informations sur le nombre de banques, leurs filiales et leur personnel, ainsi que des informations structurelles relatives à l’ensemble du secteur financier.  En outre, des ratios, calculés à partir de différents postes des comptes des banques en pourcentage d’agrégats spécifiques, sont proposés pour faciliter l'analyse des tendances de la rentabilité des banques des pays de l'OCDE.

  • 03 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 257

OECD economies have experienced the transformation from their traditional industrial base to the knowledge era, in which learning and innovation are central. Yet, many of today’s schools have not caught up: they continue to operate as they did in the earlier decades of the 20 century. This book summarises and discusses key findings from the learning sciences, shedding light on the cognitive and social processes that can be used to redesign classrooms to make them highly effective learning environments. It explores concrete examples in OECD countries, from alternative schools to specific cases in Mexico, in which the actors are seeking to break the mould and realise the principles emerging from learning science research. The book also asks how these insights can inspire educational reform for the knowledge era, in which optimising learning is the driving aim and in which innovation is both the widespread catalyst of change and the defining result.

When immigrants arrive in a new country, they are confronted with new labour market requirements such as language proficiency, familiarity with job search procedures and work practices which they are not always able to satisfy. These obstacles affect not only new immigrants, but, surprisingly, their children too, even if the children are born and educated in the receiving country. This publication presents reviews of the labour market integration of immigrants and their children in four OECD countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal), and provides country-specific recommendations. Governments have a role to play in promoting language and vocational training, and encouraging diversity in the workplace. Immigrants themselves must accept the requirements of the host country employers. The viability of future migration policies, in particular greater recourse to immigration, will depend to a large extent on how successful OECD countries and immigrants are in achieving these objectives.

  • 04 nov. 2008
  • Forum International des Transports
  • Pages : 72

Der Verkehrssektor trägt in den meisten Ländern maßgeblich zu den Treibhausgasemissionen bei. Im Jahr 2005 verantwortete er 23 Prozent der weltweiten CO2-Emissionen aus der Verbrennung fossiler Kraftstoffe; in den OECD-Staaten waren es 30 Prozent. Der Straßenverkehr ist dabei der Hauptemittent, aber auch andere Verkehrsträger tragen zur globalen Erwärmung bei – besonders der Luft- und Seeverkehr. Typischerweise spiegelt die Zunahme der verkehrsbedingten Emissionen das Wirtschaftswachstum wieder und hält dabei Schritt mit dem Anstieg der Emissionen des Energiesektors oder überholt diesen sogar. Daher müssen die meisten Länder den Verkehrssektor in ihre Anstrengungen zur Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen einbeziehen.

Diese Publik verschafft Einblick in die Untersuchungen des Forums auf Gebieten wie Biokraftstoffe, Eco-Driving, dem Einfluss hoher Energiepreise sowie Politiken zur Senkung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs.

Français, Anglais
  • 04 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 250

Belgian citizens want the look and feel of a single public sector entity and the provision of integrated e-government services customised to their needs rather than to have to understand the complex division of governmental responsibilities. Belgium already has internationally recognised examples to show: most importantly the transformation of the social sector administration through e-governance tools, and more recently the link of e-government services to administrative-burden reduction. Future transformation will be enabled by the common electronic identity card (eID) that has been adopted by all governments. This report shows that the development and provision of the next generation of user-focused services will require the maximisation of synergies between the federal, regional and community governments and local authorities in Belgium.

  • 05 nov. 2008
  • Forum International des Transports
  • Pages : 72

The transport sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in most countries, representing 23% (worldwide) and 30% (OECD) of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in 2005. Because of this, it is likely that most countries will have to include the transport sector in achieving future greenhouse gas emissions reductions. A defining milestone in these discussions, the International Transport Forum 2008, gathered more than 800 policy makers, industry stakeholders and researchers in Leipzig for a cycle of roundtables on cost-effective technology and policy instruments required to improve energy efficiency and curb carbon emissions across transport modes. This publication condenses the main findings of these roundtables and provides insight into the research carried out by the Forum in such areas as biofuels, ecodriving, the impact of high energy prices and the effectiveness of fuel efficiency policies.

Allemand, Français

The OECD has collectively underlined the importance of a high quality regulatory environment since the mid 1990s when the Council adopted the 1995 Recommendation on Improving the Quality of Government Regulation and its checklist as the first international standard on regulatory quality, and the 1997 Report on Regulatory Reform and its Principles of good regulation.
Since 1997, the OECD has carried out a series of country reviews based on the Principles, which have documented progress in the reviewed countries. Twenty OECD countries have been reviewed. The reviews have been multidisciplinary, covering the broader economic context, competition policy, market openness, sectoral reforms and not least, the development of regulatory policies, institutions and tools to build up capacities for a high quality rule-making environment supportive of economic growth and specific policy goals. This work has been complemented by the specific research of the OECD secretariat and others on issues such as the link between product market reforms and economic performance. Ample material is now available to take stock of the progress made in OECD countries and to reflect on the continued relevance of the 1997 Principles.
This report integrates more detailed papers prepared for the committees and working parties responsible for regulatory management, competition policy and trade, as well as relevant papers prepared for the Economic Policy Committee.

Le secteur des transports contribue de manière significative aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans la plupart des pays, et représente 23 % (au niveau mondial) et 30 % (au niveau de l’OCDE) des émissions de CO2 issues de la combustion des énergies fossiles en 2005. De ce fait, il est fort probable que la plupart des pays devront prendre en compte le secteur des transports dans leurs efforts pour diminuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le Forum International des Transports 2008, qui a rassemblé à Leipzig plus de 800 décideurs politiques, représentants de l’industrie et chercheurs, a constitué une étape clé de ce processus. De nombreuses tables rondes ont été organisées à cette occasion et ont notamment porté sur les technologies de transport efficaces, les instruments politiques nécessaires pour améliorer l’efficience énergétique et les moyens d’infléchir les émissions de gaz carbonique dans les différents modes de transport. Cette publication reprend de manière condensée les principaux apports des discussions et des travaux de recherche du Forum portant sur les biocarburants, l’éco-conduite, l’impact des prix élevés de l’énergie et l’efficacité des politiques d’économie de carburant.

Anglais, Allemand

This Investment Policy Review of China 2008 reviews Chinese government efforts to encourage responsible business conduct against the backdrop of recent regulatory changes and China's increasing outward investment. It assesses the extent to which China's legal and regulatory framework for investment has been improved since the 2006 Review, including new cross-border mergers and acquisitions regulations, the Enterprise Income Tax Law, the Property Rights Law, the Anti-Monopoly Law and the latest revision of the Catalogue for Guiding Foreign Investment Industries. It also evaluates recent improvements in China's FDI statistics.

The 2008 Review provides a unique account of the motivations for and development of China's outward direct investment in recent years in light of government policy encouraging companies to "go global", focusing in particular on Chinese investment in Africa. It provides the first detailed and comprehensive analysis of the government's efforts to encourage responsible business conduct by enterprises in China and by Chinese enterprises operating abroad, highlighting in particular efforts to strengthen environmental protection and respect for core labour standards by enterprises. The Review concludes with an evaluation of enterprises' environmental conduct in China.

  • 10 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 196

L'édition 2007 de l'Étude économique de l’OCDE de la Corée examine les principaux défis économiques du pays dont les dépenses sociales publiques dans le contexte d’un vieillissement démographique, la réforme du marché du logement et des politiques régionales, ainsi que la politique monétaire.

  • 12 nov. 2008
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 576

The World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2008 draws on the experience of another turbulent year in energy markets to provide new energy projections to 2030, region by region and fuel by fuel. It incorporates the latest data and policies. WEO-2008 focuses on two pressing issues facing the energy sector today:

-Prospects for oil and gas production:  Through field-by-field analysis of production trends at 800 of the world’s largest oilfields, an assessment of the potential for finding and developing new reserves and a bottom-up analysis of upstream costs and investment, WEO-2008 takes a hard look at future global oil and gas supply.

-Post-2012 climate scenarios: Two different scenarios are assessed, one in which the atmospheric concentration of emissions is stabilised at 550 parts per million (ppm) in CO2 equivalent terms and the second at the still more ambitious level of 450ppm. The implications for energy demand, prices, investment, air pollution and energy security are fully spelled out. This ground-breaking analysis will enable policy makers to distill the key choices as they strive to agree in Copenhagen in 2009 on a post-Kyoto climate framework.

This publication presents information about VAT/GST and excise duty rates in OECD member countries as well as information about indirect tax topics such as international aspects of VAT development and application of VAT to small and medium-size enterprises. It also describes a range of taxation provisions in OECD member countries, such as the taxation of motor vehicles, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. This edition’s special feature describes the way VAT is implemented in three significant non-OECD economies: China, Russia and India.

  • 12 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 132

Encouraging Student Interest in Science and Technology Studies examines overall trends in higher education enrolments and the evolution of S&T compared with other disciplines. The results suggest that although absolute numbers of S&T students have been rising as access to higher levels of education expands in OECD economies, the relative share of S&T students among the overall student population has been falling, The report shows that encouraging interest in S&T studies requires action to tackle a host of issues inside and outside the education system, ranging from teacher training and curriculum design to improving the image of S&T careers. Numerous examples of national initiatives are used to complement the analyses to derive a set of practical recommendations.

This book examines the contributions that space technologies can make in tackling some of the serious problems posed by climate change. Focusing on examples of water management, marine resources and maritime transport, it sets out the rationale for further developing satellite systems to measure and monitor climate change and help mitigate its consequences. The report underlines the need to consider satellites not just as research and development systems, but as an important component of a critical communication- and information-based infrastructure for modern societies. The tool box for decision makers that concludes the book reviews different methodological options for deciding on investments in space-based earth observation.

  • 13 nov. 2008
  • OCDE, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, La Banque mondiale
  • Pages : 46

This report draws a range of new analyses and case studies carried out in preparation for the Accra High-Level Forum held in September 2008. It it is organized into four parts. Part 1 examines trends in aid for health from a global perspective, focusing both on how increases in aid finance have been used, and on financing modalities and patterns that impact on the implementation of the Paris declaration. Part 2 then draws on a series of country cases studies-including Rwanda, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mali and Tanzania-looking at practical experience from the perspective of the main pillars of the Paris Declaration. Part 3 examines current issues and future directions, highlighting new work on predictable financing, showcasing developments in mutual accountability through country compacts, and innovations in cross-cutting issues such as gender and human rights. Part 4 summarizes the key messages and recommendations following the structure and format of the Accra Agenda for Action.

  • 14 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 252

Although Poland has managed to maintain high growth levels since the mid-1990s, with the second-best performance in the OECD in 2006-07, territorial disparities are persistent and rising, especially between large urban areas and rural ones. Like many OECD countries, Poland must seek to achieve an appropriate balance between support for poles of growth and the development of lagging regions, particularly its eastern peripheral regions, which are among the poorest in the European Union. This report explores the various challenges and opportunities for Polish regional development policy, and provides recommendations to best design and implement the policy mix, looking in particular at governance challenges.

Polonais, Français

¿Las políticas de desarrollo de recursos humanos en los países en desarrollo son instrumentos para atraer no sólo inversión extranjera sino también para mantener un círculo virtuoso en el cual las empresas contribuyan al desarrollo de habilidades laborales y a la transferencia de tecnología? Considerando que la transferencia de tecnología depende no solamente de las actividades de las empresas multinacionales para difundir habilidades y talentos, sino también de los esfuerzos locales tales como el desarrollo de recursos humanos y las actividades de investigación y desarrollo de las empresas locales ¿qué papel pueden jugar las políticas para incentivar a los agentes interesados a invertir lo necesario? Los capítulos de este libro abordan estas preguntas basándose en la experiencia de los países latinoamericanos y asiáticos en desarrollo.
Se muestra que las políticas gubernamentales tienen un papel importante por desempeñar, no solamente creando un clima atractivo de inversión para las empresas multinacionales de alto valor agregado, sino además incentivando a empresas locales y extranjeras a invertir en desarrollo de recursos humanos y en investigación y en desarrollo, lo cual facilitaría transferencias de tecnología y elevaría más el atractivo del país como lugar de inversiones. El libro identifica cinco líneas de política relevantes: a) políticas de desarrollo humano sensibles a la demanda, b) políticas bien apuntadas al tipo de inversión extranjera directa conveniente, c) coherencia entre la política de educación inicial y las políticas de educación continua y capacitación, d) políticas que expanden la capacidad de absorción local, y e) políticas que abordan las fallas del mercado de inversión en desarrollo de recursos humanos.
Los responsables de las políticas, los tomadores de decisiones de las empresas multinacionales y nacionales, y los académicos pueden encontrar ideas e información de valioso interés en Inversión extranjera directa, tecnología y recursos humanos en los países en desarrollo.

  • 17 nov. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 152

Selon les conclusions de l’édition 2008 de l’étude périodique de l’OCDE consacrée à l’économie irlandaise, ce pays a enregistré ces dix dernières années d’excellents résultats, avec un revenu par habitant qui dépasse aujourd’hui la moyenne des pays de l’OCDE. Les paramètres fondamentaux de l’économie restent bien orientés, mais l’activité s’inscrit en repli. Cette étude analyse une partie des grands défis économiques auxquels l’Irlande est actuellement confrontée : préservation de la croissance, ralentissement du marché du logement, stabilité financière, adaptation des dépenses publiques à la décélération des recettes, réforme du régime des retraites et intégration des immigrés.

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