
Les travaux de l'OCDE dans le domaine de l'éducation portent un regard pragmatique sur l'égalité, l'équité et l'inclusion.
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image of Les faits sans le faux : Lutter contre la désinformation, renforcer l’intégrité de l’information

Les faits sans le faux : Lutter contre la désinformation, renforcer l’intégrité de l’information

Ce rapport étudie comment répondre à ces défis et renforcer la démocratie. Il présente un cadre d’action pour guider les pays dans l'élaboration de politiques publiques dédiées au renforcement de l'intégrité de l'information, en examinant trois...
image of Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives

Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives

Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives presents results from the OECD’s Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) 2023. SSES is the largest international effort to collect data on these skills among 10- and 15-year-old students. The report...
image of Evaluating post-pandemic education policies and combatting student absenteeism beyond COVID-19

Evaluating post-pandemic education policies and combatting student absenteeism beyond COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges for education systems and students worldwide, particularly impacting vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. In response, OECD education systems implemented a variety of new policies and practices to...
image of Policy Dialogues in Focus for Brazil

Policy Dialogues in Focus for Brazil

This policy brief brings together key reflections from the Policy Dialogues in Focus: International Insights for Digital Education Reform in Brazil. This seminar series from the Education Policy Outlook offered federal and subnational policy makers,...
image of What is PISA’s role in global education? A conversation

What is PISA’s role in global education? A conversation

You’re no doubt hearing a lot about education these days, with the release of the latest results from PISA. Over the two decades of its existence, th…
image of Regards sur l'éducation 2023

Regards sur l'éducation 2023

L’édition de 2023 porte en particulier sur l’enseignement et la formation professionnels (EFP), dont les effectifs et la structure des cursus sont analysés en profondeur. Elle comporte un nouveau chapitre sur la continuité pédagogique à préserver...

OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What are the impacts and consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on our lives and our societies - our healthcare systems, our jobs and education, our businesses, financial markets and economies.

Access the Key Policy Responses from the OECD

Click to access the Key Policy responses from the OECD

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