PEB Exchange, Programme on Educational Building

Programme pour la construction et l’équipement de l’éducation

Articles from the OECD Programme on Educational Building’s PEB Exchange. Articles cover examples of innovative new educational building projects, new technologies, trends in educational architecture, and related management and policy issues.

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School Libraries in the Information Society

Programme pour la construction et l’équipement de l’éducation

PEB and the Ministry of Education of Portugal brought together 67 library and resource centre professionals, policy makers, educators and information technology specialists from 21 countries around the theme “Designing Schools for the Information Society: Libraries and Resource Centres”. The seminar, held in Portugal in June 1999, addressed how the growing use of information technology and the move toward schools as community learning centres are affecting the demand for and use of space in educational institutions, with particular reference to changes which promote lifelong learning and the creation of the information society. Below are excerpts from some of the presentations.

Anglais Egalement disponible en : Français

Mots-clés: Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Austria
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