Browse by: "2015"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 22 May 2015
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 188

Les Perspectives Transport FIT examine l'évolution des volumes de transport mondiaux et les émissions de CO2 associées et impacts sur la santé jusqu'à 2050. Il examine les facteurs qui peuvent influer sur l'offre et la demande de services de transport et se concentre sur des scénarios illustrant les voies supérieures et inférieures potentiels, discuter de leur pertinence pour la politique décision.

Cette édition présente un aperçu des scénarios à long terme pour le développement des volumes de transport de passagers et de fret mondiaux, en mettant l'accent sur les changements dans les flux commerciaux mondiaux et les conséquences de l'urbanisation rapide. Il se concentre sur les caractéristiques du développement de la mobilité dans les pays en développement, de l'Amérique latine vers les villes chinoises et indiennes, soulignant l'importance des politiques de mobilité urbaine pour la réalisation des objectifs nationaux et mondiaux de développement durable.


Knowledge investment supporting the adoption of environmentally friendly farm practices is a key driver behind innovation processes in agriculture, yet impact evaluations and financial assessments of existing initiatives remain scarce despite dramatic changes in orientation, organisation and intervention. This report examines the role, performance and impact of farm advisory services, training and extension initiatives in the OECD area to foster green growth in agriculture. Based on a series of case studies, the report discusses a range of methodological issues and the merits of the different types of providers, and identifies best practices in sustainable agricultural management.

  • 23 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 204

The OECD Environmental Performance Review Programme provides independent assessments of countries’ progress in achieving their domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy relevant recommendations. They are conducted to promote peer learning, to enhance governments’ accountability to each other and to the public, and to improve countries’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. The reviews are supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries. The most recent reviews include: Iceland (2014), Sweden (2014), Colombia (2014).

This report is the third OECD review of Poland’s environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on forestry and biodiversity, as well as waste and materials management.


Volume II of this series compiles the science-based consensus documents of the OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2009 to 2014. They contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of food/feed products of modern biotechnology, i.e. developed from transgenic crops. Relevant information includes compositional considerations (nutrients, anti-nutrients, toxicants, allergens), use of the plant species as food/feed, key products and components suggested for analysis of new varieties for food use and for feed use, and other elements. These documents should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of novel foods and feeds, regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their comparative approach, as well as the wider scientific community.

  • 21 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

This report summarises the current situation in fisheries and aquaculture, observing that in many parts of the world these sectors are at risk and do not reach their full potential. However, the prospects for sustained growth are good if reforms along the lines suggested by the OECD Green Growth Strategy are undertaken. The report emphasises the need for a strong, science-based approach to stock management for resource sustainability, combined with a transparent and reactive policy development cycle to ensure that fisheries deliver maximum possible benefits. The report shows that improved regulation to deal with environmental externalities and space competition is key to unlocking future growth potential of aquaculture.


Developing countries are increasingly moving towards more strategic national policies and plans, the effectiveness of which will depend upon proper assessment of a given country’s vulnerability to climate change. This report draws upon emerging monitoring and evaluation practices across developed and developing countries to identify four tools that countries can draw upon in their own assessment frameworks: 1) climate change risk and vulnerability assessments, 2) indicators to monitor progress on adaptation priorities, 3) project and programme evaluations to identify effective adaptation approaches, and 4) national audits and climate expenditure reviews.

The appropriate mix of tools to monitor and evaluate national climate-change adaptation will to a large extent be determined by data availability, monitoring and evaluation capacity, and the ability to bring together the producers and the users of relevant climate information. The report also examines how development co-operation providers can support partner countries in their efforts to monitor and evaluate adaptation.

  • 13 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

Water resources allocation determines who is able to use water resources, how, when and where. It directly affects the value (economic, ecological, socio-cultural) that individuals and society obtain from water resources. This report overviews how allocation works in a range of countries and how the performance of allocation arrangements can be improved to adjust to changing conditions.

Capturing information from 27 OECD countries and key partner economies, the report presents key findings from the OECD Survey of Water Resources Allocation and case studies of successful allocation reform. It provides practical policy guidance for water allocation in the form of a "health check", which can be used to assess the performance of current arrangements and manage the transition to improved regimes.

  • 13 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

This report focuses on the urban water management challenges facing cities across OECD countries, and explores both national and local policy responses with respect to water-risk exposure, the state of urban infrastructures and dynamics, and institutional and governance architectures. The analyses focus on four mutually dependent dimensions – finance, innovation, urban-rural co-operation and governance – and proposes a solutions-oriented typology based on urban characteristics. The report underlines that sustainable urban water management will depend on collaboration across different tiers of government working together with local initiatives and stakeholders.

  • 13 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 276

This report assesses the current trends, drivers, obstacles, mechanisms, impacts, costs and benefits of stakeholder engagement in the water sector. It builds on empirical data collected through an extensive survey across 215 stakeholders, within and outside the water sector, and 69 case studies collected worldwide. It highlights the increasing importance of stakeholder engagement in the water sector as a principle of good governance and the need for better understanding of the pressing and emerging issues related to stakeholder engagement. These include: the shift of power across stakeholders; the arrival of new entrants that ought to be considered; the external and internal drivers that have triggered engagement processes; innovative tools that have emerged to manage the interface between multiple players, and types of costs and benefits incurred by engagement at policy and project levels. This report provides pragmatic policy guidance to decision makers and practitioners in the form of key principles and a Checklist for Public Action with indicators, international references and self-assessment questions, which together can help policy makers to set up the appropriate framework conditions needed to yield the short and long-term benefits of stakeholder engagement.

  • 03 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of chemicals used as chemical vapour deposition (CVD) precursors in the semiconductor industry. The document presents standard approaches for estimating environmental releases and occupational exposures, and discusses the typical engineering controls used to mitigate exposure to CVD precursors.

Volume I of this series compiles the science-based consensus documents of the OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2002 to 2008. They contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of food/feed products of modern biotechnology, i.e. developed from transgenic crops. Relevant information includes compositional considerations (nutrients, anti-nutrients, toxicants, allergens), use of the plant species as food/feed, key products and components suggested for analysis of new varieties for food use and for feed use, and other elements. These documents should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of novel foods and feeds, regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their comparative approach, as well as the wider scientific community.

  • 02 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 189

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of chemicals used in adhesive products, specifically during the use of adhesives in various industries. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to additives and components used in adhesive formulations.

  • 01 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 99

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and release pathways of chemicals used in industrial cleaning. This document provides a method of estimating emission quantity in the absence of sufficient empirical data to support an analysis of the substitution of one industrial cleaner for another. Among scenarios that are highly likely to occur (as determined by analysing trends in the substitution of cleaning chemicals), possible combinations of currently used substances and their substitutes are focused. Changes in operating conditions and cleaning equipment due to the use of substitute materials are also examined.

Une partie intégrante de toute stratégie de croissance verte est un ensemble très fiable d'outils de mesure et d'indicateurs qui permettraient aux décideurs d'évaluer l'efficacité des politiques, et de mesurer les progrès réalisés dans l'activité économique se déplaçant sur ​​la voie verte. Ces outils et indicateurs, qui devront être fondés sur des données comparables au niveau international, doivent également être intégrés dans un cadre conceptuel et sélectionnés selon un ensemble clairement spécifié de critères.

Ce rapport est une première étape vers l'élaboration d'un cadre pour suivre les progrès sur la croissance verte dans le secteur agricole dans les pays de l'OCDE. L'objectif est d'identifier les statistiques pertinentes, concises et mesurables pour mettre en œuvre le Cadre qui fournit une base commune pour élaborer de nouveaux indicateurs de croissance verte dans le secteur agricole dans les pays de l'OCDE.

  • 02 Mar 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 236

The OECD Environmental Performance Review Programme provides independent assessments of countries’ progress in achieving their domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy relevant recommendations. This report is the third OECD review of Spain’s environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on biodiversity and the environmental performance of the private sector.

Reviews are conducted to promote peer learning, enhance governments’ accountability to each other and to the public, and improve countries’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. They are supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries. The most recent reviews include: Iceland (2014), Sweden (2014), Colombia (2014).

Spanish, French

This publication provides governments with guidance on the policy options that are available to make the most of private investment opportunities in clean energy infrastructure, drawing on the expertise of climate and investment communities among others. It identifies key issues for policy makers to consider, including in investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, competition policy, financial markets, and public governance. It also addresses cross-cutting issues, including regional co-operation and international trade for investment in clean energy infrastructure.

  • 16 Feb 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 212

Les examens environnementaux de l’OCDE sont des évaluations indépendantes des progrès accomplis par les pays pour tenir leurs engagements environnementaux nationaux et internationaux.

Ces examens ont pour objectif de favoriser les échanges de bonnes pratiques et l’apprentissage entre pairs, d’aider les gouvernements à rendre compte de leurs politiques auprès des autres pays et de l’opinion publique et d’améliorer la performance environnementale, individuelle et collective, des pays. Les analyses s’appuient sur un large éventail de données économiques et environnementales et contiennent également des recommandations de politique publique.

Ce rapport est le troisième examen environnemental de la Suède. Il évalue les progrès accomplis par la Suède en termes de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec un accent particulier sur le rôle phare de la Suède dans la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et sa gestion de l'eau et des services écosystémiques marins.

Swedish, English
  • 12 Feb 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

Improving resource productivity and ensuring a sustainable resource and materials management building on the principle of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) is a central element of green growth policies. It helps to improve the environment, by reducing the amount of resources that the economy requires and diminishing the associated environmental impacts, and sustain economic growth by securing adequate supplies of materials and improving competitiveness. To be successful such policies need to be founded on a good understanding of how minerals, metals, timber or other materials flow through the economy throughout their life cycle, and of how this affects the productivity of the economy and the quality of the environment. This report contributes to this understanding. It describes the material basis of OECD economies and provides a factual analysis of material flows and resource productivity in OECD countries in a global context. It considers the production and consumption of materials, as well as their international flows and available stocks, and the environmental implications associated with their use. It also describes some of the challenges and opportunities associated with selected materials and products that are internationally-significant, both in economic and environmental terms (aluminium, copper, iron and steel, paper, phosphate rock and rare earth elements).

  • 12 Feb 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 184

Ce rapport est le troisième examen environnemental de l'Islande. Il évalue les progrès accomplis par l'Islande en termes de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec un accent particulier sur les aspects environnementaux des politiques énergétiques et touristiques du pays.


What are the channels for investment in sustainable energy infrastructure by institutional investors (e.g. pension funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds) and what factors influence investment decisions? What key policy levers and risk mitigants can governments use to facilitate these types of investments? What emerging channels (such as green bonds, YieldCos and direct project investment) hold significant promise for scaling up institutional investment?

This report develops a framework that classifies investments according to different types of financing instruments and investment funds, and highlights the risk mitigants and transaction enablers that intermediaries (such as public green investment banks and other public financial institutions) can use to mobilise institutionally held capital. This framework can also be used to identify where investments are or are not flowing, and focus attention on how governments can support the development of potentially promising investment channels and consider policy interventionsthat can make institutional investment in sustainable energy infrastructure more likely.

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