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Title Index

Year Index

  • 30 Oct 2009
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 416
Car ownership is set to triple by 2050, trucking activity will double and air travel could increase fourfold. This book examines how to enable mobility without accelerating climate change.  It finds that if we change the way we travel, adopt technologies to improve vehicle efficiency and shift to low-CO2 fuels, we can move onto a different pathway  where transport CO2 emissions by 2050 are far below current levels, at costs that are lower than many assume. 

The report discusses the prospects for shifting more travel to the most efficient modes and reducing travel growth rates, improving vehicle fuel efficiency by up to 50% using cost-effective, incremental technologies, and moving toward electricity, hydrogen, and advanced biofuels to achieve a more secure and sustainable transport future. If governments implement strong policies to achieve this scenario, transport can play its role and dramatically reduce CO2 emissions by 2050.

  • 16 Mar 2021
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 191

The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy policies of its member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences.

The guiding principles of Turkish energy policy continue to be market reform and energy security. Rapid economic and population growth in the past two decades have not only driven strong growth in energy demand but also an associated increase in import dependency.

Turkey has prioritised security of energy supply as one of the central pillars of its energy strategy, including efforts to boost domestic oil and gas exploration and production, diversify oil and gas supply sources and associated infrastructure, and reduce energy consumption through increased energy efficiency.

Turkey has seen considerable diversification of its energy mix in the past decade, in particular through the growth of renewable electricity generation. The commissioning of Turkey’s first nuclear power facility in 2023 will further diversify the country’s fuel mix.

Notwithstanding many positive changes Turkey has made toward liberalising its energy markets and diversifying its energy sources, the government should ensure that policies in place to bolster energy security – including growth in coal-fired generation and support for various forms of electricity generation – do not impede the economic efficiency of markets and the country’s longer-term decarbonisation efforts.

In this report, the IEA provides energy policy recommendations to help Turkey smoothly manage the evolution of its energy sector.

Commodity trading presents specific and heightened risks of corruption due to the large amount of money involved in commodity trading transactions, which are source of important revenues for developing countries, and due to the sophisticated mechanisms used to channel corrupt payments. These include complex and opaque corporate structures, the use of off-shore entities, that render the identification of beneficial owners more difficult, the use of intermediaries (including briefcase or shell companies) and joint ventures with politically exposed persons (PEPs).

This report maps out corruption risks of cross-cutting relevance for the sales of oil, gas and minerals that can arise at several points in commodity trading transactions. It contributes to advancing the global transparency and accountability agenda in commodity trading, by improving understanding and raising awareness of corruption red flags and evolving corruption patterns across a wide range of stakeholders, including home jurisdictions of buying companies, trading hubs, host governments, state-owned enterprises and buying companies.

Indonesia telah menjadi tujuan dambaan para investor di sektor energi bersih berkat potensi energi terbarukan dan efisiensi energi yang luar biasa serta ekonomi yang stabil dan dinamis. Namun, investasi energi bersih masih jauh di bawah tingkat yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan energi bersih dan keuangan berkelanjutan Indonesia yang ambisius. Sebaliknya, investasi bahan bakar fosil terus mendominasi.

Tinjauan Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Investasi Energi Bersih pertama di Indonesia ini mendukung upaya untuk membalikkan tren ini dan mewujudkan transisi energi bersih. Laporan ini memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang kerangka kebijakan saat ini, menyoroti kemajuan dan mengidentifikasi peluang yang belum dimanfaatkan untuk memperkuat intervensi kebijakan yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pembiayaan dan investasi energi bersih. Laporan ini juga memberikan sejumlah rekomendasi yang disesuaikan untuk Pemerintah Indonesia dan mitra pembangunan. Tinjauan dilakukan dalam Program OECD Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation (CEFIM), yang mendukung pemerintah di negara berkembang untuk membuka pembiayaan dan investasi dalam energi bersih.

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