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Year Index

  • 27 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 390

The PISA 2009 Technical Report describes the methodology underlying the PISA 2009 survey. It examines additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. The reader will find a wealth of information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.

  • 26 Mar 2012
  • Miho Taguma, Ineke Litjens, Kelly Makowiecki
  • Pages: 62

This series of reports suggests strengths and point to areas for further reflection on current policy initiatives. This report on the Slovak Republic focuses on improving workforce qualifications, training and working conditions.  Research has shown that well-educated, well-trained professionals are the key factor in providing high-quality ECEC with the most favourable cognitive and social outcomes for children. It is, however, not the qualification per se that has an impact on child outcomes but the ability of better educated and trained staff to create a high-quality pedagogical environment that makes the difference.



Durant les trois décennies précédant le récent ralentissement économique, le fossé entre les salaires s’est creusé et les inégalités de revenus entre les ménages ont augmenté dans une vaste majorité des pays de l'OCDE. Ce phénomène a même touché les pays traversant une période de croissance économique soutenue ainsi qu’une forte croissance de l'emploi. Ce rapport analyse les principales forces sous-jacentes à l’origine de ces évolutions. Il analyse dans quelle mesure la mondialisation de l’économie, le progrès technologique privilégiant les qualifications, et les réformes institutionnelles et réglementaires ont eu un impact sur la répartition des revenus. Le rapport examine également dans quelle mesure l’évolution de la formation et de la composition des ménages a modifié les revenus des ménages et l’inégalité des revenus. Il offre un aperçu sur la manière dont les systèmes d'imposition et d'indemnisation ont changé leur processus de redistribution des revenus des ménages. Enfin, le rapport met en évidence quelles seraient les politiques les plus prometteuses pour remédier à une hausse des inégalités et comment le dosage des politiques peut être adapté lorsque les budgets publics sont mis à rude épreuve.

English, Korean

유방암 생존율이 영국과 프랑스보다 미국에서 더 높을까? 심장마비로 병원에 입원 한 후 30일 이내에 환자가 사망할 가능성이 대한민국보다 캐나다에서 더 낮을까? 의사들이 수술 후 체내에“이물질”을 남겨두거나 수술 도중 실수로 천 공이나 열상을 일으킬 가능성이 일부 국가에서 더 높을까? 이 보고서에서 다루고 있는 사안들에는 이러한 종류의 질문 들에 대한 응답의 필요성과 보건의료 질 측정의 가치가 포함되어 있다. 다수의 보건의료 정책들이 진료의 질을 정확하게 측정하는 능력에 좌우되고 있다. 정부들이“환자 중심성”을 높이고, 진료 연계를 향상시키며, 양질의 보건의료를 제공하는 제공자에게 성과가 낮은 제공자보다 더 높은 보상을 제공하고자 한다. 그러나 보건의료의 질을 측정하는 것은 어려운 일이다. 여전히 많은 과제들이 남아 있기는 하지만, OECD 보건 의료 질 지표 프로젝트가 이들 문제 중 일부를 해결했다. 이 보고서에서는 국제적으로 비교 가능한 질 지표 중 어떤 것 들이 현재 가용하며, 이들 지표들을 인증, 진료지침, 성과기반 지불제도, 국가 안전프로그램, 질 보고 등과 같은 질 정 책과 어떻게 연계할 수 있는지 기술하고 있다.

French, English
  • 23 Mar 2012
  • Miho Taguma, Ineke Litjens, Kelly Makowiecki
  • Pages: 118

This report reviews quality in childhood education and care in Finland. It suggest strengths and point to areas for further reflection on current policy initiatives.

At a time when ever more information is available about the quality of health care, the challenge for policy makers is to better understand the policies and approaches that sit behind the numbers. Korea is the first country report in a new OECD series evaluating the quality of health care across OECD countries – whether care is safe, effective and responsive to patients’ needs. OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality examine what works and what does not work, both to benchmark the efforts of countries and to provide advice on reforms to improve quality of health care. This series of individual country reviews will be followed by a final summary report on the lessons learnt for good policy practices.

  • 20 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

OECD's review of investment policy in Zambia reviews the country's investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, trade and competition policy, tax policy, corporate governance, policies for promoting responsible business conduct, infrastructure development and other aspects of the policy framework for investment.

1.5 billion people live in countries affected by repeated cycles of violence and insecurity. These countries face tremendous challenges as they transition from conflict to peace. International support can play a crucial role in these contexts, but has so far struggled to deliver transformative results. This volume presents clear policy recommendations for better practice in order to improve the speed, flexibility, predictability and risk management of international support during post-conflict transition.


Humanity has witnessed unprecedented growth and prosperity in the past decades, with the size of the world economy more than tripling and population increasing by over 3 billion people since 1970. This growth, however, has been accompanied by environmental pollution and natural resource depletion. The current growth model and the mismanagement of natural assets could ultimately undermine human development.

The OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 asks “What will the next four decades bring?” Based on joint modelling by the OECD and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, it looks forward to the year 2050 to find out what demographic and economic trends might mean for the environment if the world does not adopt more ambitious green policies. It also looks at what policies could change that picture for the better. This Outlook focuses on four areas: climate change, biodiversity, freshwater and health impacts of pollution. These four key environmental challenges were identified by the previous Environmental Outlook to 2030 (OECD, 2008) as “Red Light” issues requiring urgent attention.

French, German
  • 13 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

OECD's 2012 Economic Survey of Hungary reviews economic developments, prospects and policies and provides a series of policy recommendations. It also includes a special chapter on the labour market.

  • 12 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156

Improving water quality is consistently ranked as a top environmental concern in OECD public opinion surveys. The key challenges for policy makers in addressing water quality issues in agriculture are to reduce water pollution while encourage benefits, such as maintaining aquatic life. This book examines linking policies, farm management and water quality. It looks at recent trends and prospects for water pollution from agriculture and the implications of climate change. It assesses the costs and benefits of agriculture's impact on water systems, and presents a series of case studies. Finally the report provides a set of recommendations for countries for meeting the challenge of improving agricultural water quality.


L’eau est un élément essentiel à la croissance économique, à la santé humaine, à l’environnement. La gestion rationnelle des ressources en eau représente pourtant aujourd’hui un défi majeur pour les gouvernements du monde entier. Les problèmes sont nombreux et complexes : des milliards d’individus n’ont toujours pas d’accès à l’eau potable ni à un assainissement adéquat ; la concurrence s’accroît entre les différents usagers et usages de l’eau ; des investissements importants sont nécessaires au maintien et à l’amélioration des infrastructures de l’eau, aussi bien dans les pays membres de l’OCDE que dans les non-membres. Cette série d’ouvrages de l’OCDE propose des analyses et des orientations sur les aspects de la gestion des ressources en eau qui touchent à l’économie, à la finance et à la gouvernance. Ces aspects sont généralement au cœur du problème. Ce n’est qu’en les prenant en compte qu’une solution au problème crucial de l’eau pourra être trouvée.

  • 09 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 142

Les Études économiques de l'OCDE : Israël 2011 examine les développements économiques récents, les politiques et les perspectives économiques, le marché du logement, enjeux de la finance privée et les defis dans le secteur énergétique.

English, Hebrew

Les coûts d’une mauvaise santé mentale pour les individus concernés, les employeurs et la société au sens large sont considérables. Une estimation prudente de l’Organisation internationale du travail les chiffre à 3-4 % du PIB de l’Union européenne. La plupart de ces coûts se manifestent en dehors de la sphère de la santé. La maladie mentale est à l’origine de pertes considérables de main-d’oeuvre potentielle, de taux de chômage élevés, d’une forte incidence de l’absentéisme pour maladie et d’une moindre productivité au travail.

Ce rapport vise à cerner les données manquantes sur la santé mentale et l'emploi, à enrichir la base de connaissances et ainsi à remettre en question certains mythes, et à donner une vision plus complète des défis stratégiques sousjacents.

  • 09 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

The OECD territorial review of Småland-Blekinge presents an overview of recent trends, regional policies and governance arrangements of this region that is made up of four counties in South-East Sweden: Jönköping,  Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The challenges include the need to facilitate a shift from the region’s historic specialisation in medium-low and low technology manufacturing towards more knowledge-intensive activities. This will require addressing the supply of human capital, improving connectivity and enhancing the attractiveness of the region. A regionalisation reform is now under discussion in Sweden with potential implications for Småland-Blekinge. Whatever the future administrative structure of Småland-Blekinge, the effectiveness of regional development policies and public service delivery will be directly related to strengthened interaction and co-ordination arrangements among the numerous actors and administrative units involved.

  • 08 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172
The need to reform water policies is as urgent as ever. Water is essential for economic growth, human health, and the environment. Yet governments around the world face significant challenges in managing their water resources effectively. The problems are multiple and complex: billions of people are still without access to safe water and adequate sanitation; competition for water is increasing among the different uses and users; and major investment is required to maintain and improve water infrastructure in OECD and non-OECD countries.   Despite progress on many fronts, governments around the world are still confronted with the need to reform their existing water policies in order to meet current objectives and future challenges. Building on the water challenges identified by the OECD Environment Outlook to 2050, this report examines three fundamental areas that need to be addressed whatever reform agendas are pursued by governments: financing of the water sector; the governance and institutional arrangements that are in place; and coherence between water policies and policies in place in other sectors of the economy. The report provides governments with practical advice and policy tools to pursue urgent reform in their water sectors.

Cette publication a précédemment fait l’objet d’un rapport de conférence au Quatrième Forum de Haut Niveau sur l'Efficacité de l'Aide à Busan, en Corée (29 novembre-1 décembre 2011) sous le titre Efficacité de l'aide 2005-10: Progrès accomplis dans la mise en œuvre de la Déclaration de Paris.

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