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Title Index

Year Index

  • 07 May 2024
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations
  • Pages: 208

This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2022 for 27 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. It provides harmonised data on the level and structure of tax revenues based on the OECD classification of taxes, thereby enabling comparison of national tax systems on a consistent basis, both across the region and with other economies globally. The report includes two special features: one examines fiscal revenues from non-renewable natural resources in the LAC region in 2022 and 2023, while the second calculates equivalent fiscal pressure in the LAC region. The publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, the OECD Development Centre, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

  • 07 May 2024
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations
  • Pages: 170

Este informe recopila estadísticas comparables de ingresos tributarios durante el periodo 1990-2022 para 27 economías de América Latina y el Caribe. A partir de la base de datos de estadísticas tributarias de la OCDE, se aplica la metodología de la OCDE a los países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) para permitir la comparación de los niveles impositivos y las estructuras tributarias de forma coherente, tanto entre las economías de la región como con otras economías. El informe incluye dos capítulos especiales que examinan los ingresos fiscales procedentes de los recursos naturales no renovables en la región de ALC en 2022 y 2023, mientras que el segundo calcula la presión fiscal equivalente en la región de ALC. Esta publicación ha sido realizada conjuntamente por el Centro de Política y Administración Tributaria de la OCDE, el Centro de Desarrollo de la OCDE, el Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias (CIAT), la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

  • 03 May 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 60

Statistiques de l'impôt sur les sociétés est une publication phare de l'OCDE sur l'impôt sur les sociétés, et comprend des informations sur l'impôt sur les sociétés, l'activité des entreprises multinationales, et les pratiques d'érosion de la base d'imposition et de transfert de bénéfices (BEPS). Cette publication comprend des données sur les taux d'imposition des sociétés, les recettes, les taux d'imposition effectifs, les incitations fiscales à la R&D et l'innovation et les taux de retenue à la source, entre autres séries de données. Les Statistiques de l'impôt sur les sociétés comprennent également des données anonymes et agrégées pays par pays qui donnent un aperçu des activités fiscales et économiques de milliers de groupes d'entreprises multinationales opérant dans le monde entier. Statistiques de l'impôt sur les sociétés a été un résultat clé de l'Action 11 du projet BEPS de l'OCDE/G20, qui visait à améliorer la mesure et le suivi de l'évasion fiscale. Cette cinquième édition de la base de données contient deux années de données anonymes et agrégées pays par pays permettant de disposer de séries de données plus récentes. Sont également inclues, pour la première fois, des informations sur les taux de retenue à la source en vertu de conventions fiscales pour les juridictions membres de l'OCDE et du Cadre inclusif.


La desinformación tiene consecuencias de gran alcance en muchos ámbitos, desde la salud pública hasta la seguridad nacional de los países. Puede arrojar dudas sobre la veracidad de los hechos, poner en peligro la aplicación de políticas públicas y socavar la confianza de los ciudadanos en la integridad de las instituciones democráticas. Este informe explora cómo responder a estos retos y reforzar la democracia. Presenta una evaluación exhaustiva de las respuestas gubernamentales destinadas a respaldar espacios informativos plurales, basados en hechos y que fomenten una ciudadanía informada. Analiza las interacciones entre distintas dimensiones políticas que fortalecen la integridad del ámbito informativo, al mismo tiempo que aseguran una protección diligente de las libertades fundamentales y los derechos humanos. Igualmente, propone un triple marco de actuación en materia de políticas públicas: mejorar la transparencia, la rendición de cuentas y la pluralidad de las fuentes de información; fomentar la resiliencia social; y actualizar las medidas de gobernanza y las instituciones públicas para ayudar a fortalecer la integridad del espacio informativo.

French, English

Governments adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are required to set up a National Contact Point (NCP) that functions in a visible, accessible, transparent and accountable manner. This report contains a peer review of the Hungarian NCP, mapping its strengths and accomplishments and also identifying opportunities for improvement.

This document is the peer review report of the National Contact Point (NCP) of Türkiye. The objectives of NCP peer reviews are to assess that the NCP is functioning and operating in accordance with the core effectiveness criteria set out in the implementation procedures; to identify the NCP’s strengths and possibilities for improvement; to make recommendations for improvement; and to serve as a learning tool for all NCPs involved. The peer review of the NCP of Türkiye was conducted by a team of reviewers from the NCPs of Luxembourg and Peru, along with representatives of the OECD Secretariat.

This document is the peer review report of the National Contact Point (NCP) of Estonia. The objectives of NCP peer reviews are to assess that the NCP is functioning and operating in accordance with the core effectiveness criteria set out in the implementation procedures; to identify the NCP’s strengths and possibilities for improvement; to make recommendations for improvement; and to serve as a learning tool for all NCPs involved. The peer review of the NCP of Estonia was conducted by a team of reviewers from the NCPs of Argentina, Canada, and Israel, along with representatives of the OECD Secretariat.

This document is the peer review report of the National Contact Point (NCP) of Poland. The objectives of NCP peer reviews are to assess that the NCP is functioning and operating in accordance with the core effectiveness criteria set out in the implementation procedures; to identify the NCP’s strengths and possibilities for improvement; to make recommendations for improvement; and to serve as a learning tool for all NCPs involved. The peer review of the NCP of Poland was conducted by a team of reviewers from the NCPs of Bulgaria, Germany, the United States, and Ukraine as observer, along with representatives of the OECD Secretariat.

This document is the peer review report of the National Contact Point (NCP) of Kazakhstan. The objectives of NCP peer reviews are to assess that the NCP is functioning and operating in accordance with the core effectiveness criteria set out in the implementation procedures; to identify the NCP’s strengths and possibilities for improvement; to make recommendations for improvement; and to serve as a learning tool for all NCPs involved. The peer review of the NCP of Kazakhstan was conducted by a team of reviewers from the NCPs of Egypt, France, and Korea, along with representatives of the OECD Secretariat.

Many of the failures that occur in nuclear fuel rods in light water reactors around the world are caused by the phenomenon of mechanical interaction between pellets and cladding (PCMI). The process is extremely complex to simulate, therefore the models involved must be continuously improved and subjected to validation with experiments and comparison to other similar codes.

This benchmark study of PCMI is aimed to improve the understanding and modelling of PCMI. The study engaged investigators representing the main fuel performance simulation groups in the world. After a detailed analysis of the results of all the participants, a series of conclusions have been drawn. The results are captured in two volumes: Volume 1: Hypothetical Beginning-of-Life Power Ramps (NEA, 2024) and Volume 2: Validation of Beginning-of-Life Power Ramping (this publication).

Many of the failures that occur in nuclear fuel rods in light water reactors around the world are caused by the phenomenon of mechanical interaction between pellets and cladding (PCMI). The process is extremely complex to simulate, therefore the models involved must be continuously improved and subjected to validation with experiments and comparison to other similar codes.

This benchmark study of PCMI aims to improve the understanding and modelling of PCMI. The study engaged investigators representing the main fuel performance simulation groups in the world. After a detailed analysis of the results of all the participants, a series of conclusions have been drawn. The results are captured in two volumes: Volume 1: Hypothetical Beginning-of-Life Power Ramps (this publication) and Volume 2: Validation of Beginning-of-Life Power Ramping (NEA, 2024).

  • 30 Apr 2024
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 257

L’objet de cette nouvelle édition des Perspectives des transports du FIT est d’étudier comment la demande de transport et les émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO₂) évolueront à l’échelle mondiale d’ici 2050 en fonction des mesures mises en œuvre. L’analyse porte sur l’activité de transport de personnes et de marchandises, tous modes confondus, et sur trois problématiques en particulier : les politiques de transport destinées à rendre les villes plus vivables ; les décisions relatives aux investissements dans les infrastructures selon différents scénarios d’action ; et la disparité régionale des incidences de l’action publique.

Cette étude de l’évolution future des transports repose sur deux scénarios d’action élaborés à l’aide des modèles du FIT. Le scénario d’ambitions inchangées repose sur l’hypothèse du maintien de la trajectoire actuelle en matière de politique de décarbonation des transports et décrit les conséquences à en attendre pour les trente prochaines années, notamment sur la demande de transport et le niveau des émissions de CO₂. Le scénario d’ambitions élevées, en revanche, montre les incidences à prévoir de politiques de nature à accélérer la décarbonation du secteur des transports.


Since joining the EU in 2013, Croatia’s macroeconomic performance has improved significantly. At the same time, large demographic and socio-economic disparities across Croatian regions persist. These trends provide the backdrop against which Croatia has reformed its legislative and strategic planning framework for regional development. Such reforms culminated in the adoption of the National Development Strategy 2030, which includes balanced regional development among its main long-term objectives. They have also led to the creation of regional development agencies, and the design of development plans at the county and local levels.

This report assesses the extent to which Croatia’s multi-level governance system is supporting its regional development objectives. In particular, it provides an overview of the country’s regional development performance on several demographic, economic and well-being indicators. From there, it considers how the regional development reforms adopted since 2014 affect the ability of national and subnational governments to design, implement, fund, monitor and evaluate place-based regional development plans. Finally, this report provides practical recommendations to help national and subnational policy makers develop and implement strategic frameworks to meet their territorial development objectives and deliver tangible results to communities across the country.

This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors.

This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.

  • 26 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 50

Students face a future filled with uncertainty and change. For education systems to continue to remain relevant, they must empower students to navigate these changes and succeed in the future by equipping them with the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Teachers are key enablers of this endeavour, and it is imperative that governments and teacher organisations collaborate to support teachers in exploring and enacting pedagogies, and designing learning environments that support student attainment of future-ready competencies, through policies, processes and teacher professional development.

Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives presents results from the OECD’s Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) 2023. SSES is the largest international effort to collect data on these skills among 10- and 15-year-old students.

The report explores how the following skills differ by socio-demographic groups and how they relate to key life outcomes: task performance skills (persistence, responsibility, self-control and achievement motivation); emotional regulation skills (stress-resistance, emotional control and optimism); engaging with others skills (assertiveness, sociability and energy); open-mindedness skills (curiosity, creativity and tolerance); and collaboration skills (empathy and trust).

The results show that students’ social and emotional skills – or 21st century skills – are linked to better life outcomes, including academic success, greater life satisfaction, healthier behaviours, less test and class anxiety, and more ambitious career plans. The Survey also finds that these skills are inequitably distributed among students by age, gender, and socio-economic background.

SSES 2023 was conducted in Bulgaria, Chile, Peru, Spain, Mexico, Ukraine, Bogotá (Colombia), Delhi (India), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Gunma (Japan), Helsinki (Finland), Jinan (China), Kudus (Indonesia), Sobral (Brazil) and Turin (Italy). Results are compared to SSES 2019, which took place before the COVID-19 pandemic.

A key part of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project is addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. In October 2021, over 135 jurisdictions joined a ground-breaking plan to update key elements of the international tax system which is no longer fit for purpose in a globalised and digitalised economy. The Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules are a key component of this plan and ensure large multinational enterprise pay a minimum level of tax on the income arising in each of the jurisdictions where they operate. More specifically, the GloBE Rules provide for a co-ordinated system of taxation that imposes a top-up tax on profits arising in a jurisdiction whenever the effective tax rate, determined on a jurisdictional basis, is below the minimum rate. The Commentary to the GloBE Rules was originally released by the Inclusive Framework in March 2022. The Commentary explains the intended outcomes under the GloBE Rules, clarifies the meaning of certain terms and illustrates the application of the rules to certain fact patterns. This Consolidated Commentary incorporates Agreed Administrative Guidance that has been released by the Inclusive Framework since March 2022 up until December 2023. It provides tax administrations and taxpayers with guidance on the interpretation and application of the GloBE Rules in order to promote a consistent and common interpretation and application of those that will facilitate coordinated outcomes for both tax administrations and MNE Groups.

  • 25 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 141

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has led to higher energy prices and disruptions in trade and supply chains, weighing on economic growth. Economic convergence had already slowed down before the pandemic, calling for accelerating structural reforms. Rising spending pressures related to defence, internal security, health and old age poverty need to be addressed by raising spending efficiency and tax revenue, while the tax burden should be shifted from labour towards other income, property, and environmental taxes. Continuing to improve the capacity of the public sector, fostering investment and innovation and addressing skilled labour shortages are key for raising potential growth. Low credit supply is a main factor for weak investment and should be tackled by fostering competition and deepening capital markets. High informality, which hinders access to finance and distorts the level playing field, should be addressed by reducing labour taxes for low-wage earners, improving tax enforcement and continuing to fight corruption. Strengthening the power of the Competition Council to enforce competitive neutrality of state-owned enterprises and challenge regulation that restricts competition would help to foster business dynamism and innovation. Addressing skilled labour shortages will require facilitating skilled migration and investing more in human capital.


Cette publication annuelle contient des informations détaillées sur les impôts payés sur les salaires dans les pays de l’OCDE. L'édition de cette année se concentre sur les incitations fiscales pour les seconds apporteurs de revenus dans l'OCDE et sur la façon dont la politique fiscale peut contribuer aux écarts entre les hommes et les femmes sur le marché du travail. Pour l'année 2023, le rapport couvre également les impôts sur le revenu et les cotisations de sécurité sociale payés par les salariés, les cotisations de sécurité sociale et taxes sur les salaires versés par leurs employeurs, et les transferts en espèces perçus par les travailleurs. L’objectif est de montrer comment ces taxes et prestations sont calculées dans chaque pays membre et d’examiner leurs impacts sur le revenu des ménages. Les résultats permettent aussi de faire des comparaisons internationales quantitatives des coûts de main-d’œuvre et de la situation globale vis-à-vis de l’impôt et des prestations des célibataires et des familles à différents niveaux de revenus. Cette publication présente des taux effectifs moyens et marginaux d’imposition sur les coûts de main-d’œuvre pour huit types de ménages représentatifs dont le niveau du salaire et la composition diffèrent (célibataires, parents isolés, couples avec un ou deux salaires et avec ou sans enfant). Les taux moyens d’imposition mettent en évidence le pourcentage de la rémunération brute ou des coûts de main-d’œuvre représenté par les impôts et les prélèvements sociaux, avant et après transferts en espèces, et les taux marginaux d’imposition correspondent à la partie d’une augmentation minime de la rémunération brute ou des coûts de main-d’œuvre reversée sous la forme d’impôts.

Les informations détaillées par pays sont disponibles en anglais seulement.


This annual publication provides details of taxes paid on wages in OECD countries. This year’s edition focuses on fiscal incentives for second earners in the OECD and how tax policy might contribute to gender gaps in labour market outcomes. For the year 2023, the report also examines personal income taxes and social security contributions paid by employees, social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by employers, and cash benefits received by workers. It illustrates how these taxes and benefits are calculated in each member country and examines how they impact household incomes. The results also enable quantitative cross-country comparisons of labour cost levels and the overall tax and benefit position of single persons and families on different levels of earnings. The publication shows average and marginal effective tax rates on labour costs for eight different household types, which vary by income level and household composition (single persons, single parents, one or two earner couples with or without children). The average tax rates measure the part of gross wage earnings or labour costs taken in tax and social security contributions, both before and after cash benefits, and the marginal tax rates the part of a small increase of gross earnings or labour costs that is paid in these levies.

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