Moldova, République de


Les travaux dans le domaine de l’éducation, retenus comme l’une des priorités du Pacte de stabilité, sont un volet essentiel pour former le capital humain et promouvoir la paix et les valeurs démocratiques.  Il a été demandé à l’OCDE d’assurer la coordination des activités du Groupe spécial sur l’éducation et la jeunesse dans le domaine de la politique générale de l’éducation et de la transformation des systèmes éducatifs et de réaliser des examens thématiques des politiques nationales d’éducation dans les pays de cette région.  Ce projet a abouti à l’établissement de rapports sur chacun des pays et à une synthèse régionale qui offrent une analyse des systèmes éducatifs, des problèmes en jeu et des obstacles à la réforme.  Ils présentent des recommandations, utiles aux décideurs publics nationaux, qui devraient permettre aux pays et organismes partenaires du Pacte de stabilité de mieux cibler l’aide régionale afin de faciliter l’intégration européenne des pays de l’Europe du Sud-Est.  Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre des relations de coopération que l'OCDE entretient avec les économies non membres de diverses régions du monde.


Educational work is a key element for both human capital formation and the promotion of peace and democratic values. It has therefore been identified as one of the priorities of the Stability Pact. The OECD was asked to be Co-ordinator for “General Education Policy and System Change” within the Education and Youth Task Force, and to carry out “Thematic Reviews of Education Policy” in the countries of the region. The main outcome of this project is a series of reports which provide both country overviews and a regional overview. These reports offer an analysis of the education system and address issues and barriers to reform and recommendations. The recommendations are designed to be of use for national policy-makers and to assist Stability Pact partner countries and institutions target regional assistance in order to achieve the goal of supporting South Eastern Europe towards European integration. These reports are part of the OECD’s ongoing co-operation with non-member economies around the world.


The Thematic Review of Education Policy of Moldova describes the current status of the education system and reform efforts underway. The country is introduced by general and demographic data; language, the geographic and historical context; the political, economic and the labour market situation; it also describes the structure and the legal framework. The whole education system is covered, from general education to vocational education, from higher education to lifelong learning, but focusing on early childhood and care, teachers and teacher training, curriculum and governance and administration. Equity in access, attainment and achievement are central issues, and special consideration is given to ethnic and minority questions and education for children with special needs. Attention is paid to decentralisation and financing of education; to quality, assessment and evaluation in education; to preservice and in-service teacher training; working conditions and teacher salaries, the role of school inspectors; textbook provision and material and resources in general. The report describes issues and barriers at all levels of the education system and gives recommendations for policy makers, practitioners and donors...


L’examen thématique de la politique de l’éducation de la République de Moldavie fait le point sur le système éducatif et les efforts de réforme encours dans ce pays. Le rapport commence par fournir des données générales et démographiques, situer le contexte linguistique, géographique et historique, et présenter la situation politique, économique et du marché du travail ; par ailleurs, il donne une description de la structure et du cadre juridique. Il traite de l’ensemble du système éducatif, autrement dit, aussi bien de l’enseignement général et supérieur que de la formation professionnelle et de la formation tout au long de la vie, mais porte plus particulièrement sur l’accueil et l’éducation de la petite enfance, les enseignants et leur formation, les programmes, la gestion et l’administration. L’équité devant l’accès, le niveau de formation atteint et les résultats obtenus sont des questions essentielles et les aspects liés à l’appartenance ethnique et aux minorités ainsi que les enfants ayant des besoins éducatifs particuliers bénéficient d’une attention spéciale. Le rapport examine aussi la décentralisation et le financement de l’éducation, la qualité et l’évaluation dans ce secteur, la formation initiale et en cours d’emploi des enseignant, les conditions de travail et les rémunérations du personnel enseignants, le rôle des inspecteurs scolaires, l’offre d’ouvrages scolaires, ainsi que les matériels et ressources en général. Cet ouvrage décrit les problèmes qui se posent et les obstacles rencontrés à tous les niveaux du système éducatif et formule des recommandations à l’intention des décideurs publics, des personnes de terrain et des donneurs...


This article describes the national nuclear legislative and regulatory activities of Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Latvia, Moldova, Morocco, Norway, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland in 2006.


Cet article décrire les travaux législatifs et réglementarires nucléaires de la Belgique, le Canada, l'Espagne, la France, la Lettonie, le Maroc, la Moldavie, la Norvège, la Roumanie, la République Slovaque, la Slovénie, et la Suisse en 2005 et 2006.

This report constitutes one of the pillars of the Investment Compact’s work. It provides governments with an overview of each country's performance on investment policy reform and will support them in setting priorities and further improving the investment environment. It is based on the Investment Reform Index (IRI), a novel tool used to measure – on a comparative basis – where countries stand on policy reform.The IRI is based on a broad and comprehensive approach to investment policy.  It encompasses all major policy areas that affect the investment environment, including anticorruption,
competition, tax, trade policy, regulatory reform and human capital.

1999: Law on Nonstate Pension Funds (as amended in 2002); regulates the establishment, operation, supervision and winding up of private pension funds and defines investment restrictions.

Le premier amendement modifie le financement des activités de l’Agence fédérale de contrôle nucléaire (AFCN) dans la mesure où une partie des frais de fonctionnement est transformée en ressource d’origine fiscale. En plus de ces ressources fiscales, des frais de fonctionnement et des amendes administratives, le financement peut s’opérer par le biais de donations, de legs et d’autres modes de financement.


One amendment changes the funding of the activities of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) whereby part of the fees is transformed into taxes. Besides taxes, fees and administrative fines, funding is possible by means of donations, legacies and extra fees.


Moldova has been marked by a violent history and currently suffers from a very high poverty rate. The country regained its independence in 1989, but has since been enmeshed in an ongoing economic crisis. The crisis has a big effect on Moldovan women, of which almost two-thirds are unemployed. A significant proportion of Moldovan women thus work abroad.

Using an innovative methodology, the Investment Reform Index 2010 (IRI 2010) monitors investment-related policy reforms in the economies of South-East Europe and compares these to best practices in the OECD area. Based on inputs from governments, the private sector, independent experts and multilateral organisations active in the region, the IRI 2010 assesses policies and institutional settings in eight fields of policy critical to domestic and foreign investors. These are: investment policy and promotion; human capital development; trade policy and facilitation; access to finance; regulatory reform and parliamentary processes; infrastructure for investment; tax policy analysis; and SME policy. For the economies examined, the IRI 2010 provides an independent and rigorous assessment of investment-related policy settings and reform against international good practice, guidance for policy reform and development and an evidence base with which to facilitate prioritisation of donor activities supporting investment and growth.

In 2008, the GDP per capita at purchasing power parity was USD 2 986, significantly below the average of USD 11 460 for the region. The economy experienced annual real GDP growth of 5.6% between 2005 and 2008, below the average of 6.1% for SEE economies1 (IMF, 2009). Emigration has emerged as a significant phenomenon and has resulted in a reduced workforce. As a consequence, while in 2000 the existence of a low-cost and abundant workforce was a factor attracting foreign investments in the Republic of Moldova, this is no longer the case (Foreign Investors Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2009).

  • 08 déc. 2010
  • Dirk-Jan Kraan, Valentina Kostyleva, Colin Forthun, Jutta Albrecht, Ragnar Olofsson
  • Pages : 53

The institutional features of the budget process in Moldova are in a permanent flux, because of ambitious reform programmes that have been adopted in recent years and that are planned for the future. This article examines the Moldovan budget formulation process, the role of parliament, budget execution and budget discipline, the supply side of the budget process (public administration and service delivery), and accounting and audit. JEL classification: H610.

The economic crisis, the second economic shock to hit the Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus region after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been a warning and a call to action. The region has many advantages and much potential, but some of this was squandered during the boom years of the 2000s. The studies contained in this volume demonstrate that the potential is still there and that the measures that need to be taken to realise that potential are feasible and affordable. Some of them can have an almost immediate effect, such as easing access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises and opening up new markets for the region’s goods. Others are more medium-term, such as redeveloping product lines in the steel industry or in agriculture. Some of the most critical reforms, like raising the level of education and improving health care, will require political and economic investment over the long term.

None of the recommendations in this book are, however, beyond the bounds of possibility. Governments and the private sector have an interest in implementing reforms to diversify the economy and improve the distribution of revenues. Given the enormous potential of the Eastern European and South Caucasus countries, the region has every reason to be confident about its future.

The OECD is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Throughout its history, the OECD has assisted countries in reforming and improving their policies to promote economic growth and development. It has fostered more open societies and the rule of law and has helped build the institutions necessary for the good functioning of market-based economies. This experience has been particularly valuable to countries undergoing political and economic transitions.

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