

This report examines how current legal provisions in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia are impacting women’s ability to fully participate in economic life, both as employees and entrepreneurs. It is based on a comparative analysis of the various rights set out in constitutions, personal status laws, labour laws, in addition to tax and business laws. The report recognises the considerable progress made – in particular in the aftermath of the 2011 uprisings – following the adoption of constitutional and institutional reforms to strengthen women’s status.

Yet ensuring sufficient opportunities for women remains a challenge in the six countries. The report suggests that this may be due to different factors such as: the existence of certain laws that are gender discriminatory, contradictions between various legal frameworks, lack of enforcement mechanisms, and barriers for women in accessing justice.  Through targeted policies, countries can tackle these challenges, and help unleash women’s potential to boost growth, competitiveness and inclusive social development.

Arabic, French

In the wake of the technological revolution that began in the last decades of the 20th century, labour-market demand for information-processing and other high-level cognitive and interpersonal skills have been growing substantially. Based on the results from the 33 countries and regions that participated in the 1st and 2nd round of the Survey of Adult Skills in 2011-12 and in 2014-15, this report describes adults’ proficiency in three information-processing skills, and examines how proficiency is related to labour-market and social outcomes. It also places special emphasis on the results from the 3rd and final round of the first cycle of PIAAC in 2017-18, which included 6 countries (Ecuador, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru and the United States). The Survey of Adult Skills, a product of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), was designed to provide insights into the availability of some of these key skills in society and how they are used at work and at home. The first survey of its kind, it directly measures proficiency in three information-processing skills: literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments.


Military operations have not prevented the spread of jihadist insurgency in the Sahel, particularly in Mali. While some Sahelian elites favour dialogue with jihadists, hoping to negotiate political settlements that reduce or end violence, past political settlements have sometimes set the stage for future conflict. This paper analyses past settlements with jihadists in Algeria and the Sahel, distinguishing between “stabilising settlements” that remove fighters from the battlefield versus “delaying settlements” that allow jihadists to accumulate resources and recruits. Even stabilising settlements carry downsides, particularly when they push jihadists into neighbouring states. The paper also analyses recent efforts in Mali to conduct dialogue with two leading jihadists, Iyad ag Ghali and Amadou Kouffa. The paper assesses that these efforts have faltered due to logistical problems and the state’s ambivalence, rather than due to ideological factors. Although renewed dialogue is more likely to fail than succeed, the paper recommends making further attempts.

This dataset stems from the database presented in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022. The table contains projections on the agriculture market and commodities such as cereals, oilseeds, diary products, cotton and more. It includes statistics on the trade side including data on production, prices, trade balance, ending stocks, consumption, transformation, etc. For most of the commodity markets analysed in the Agricultural Outlook, domestic and international commodity prices are also available. In most cases the data go back to 1970 and cover up to the latest year of projection (currently 2022).


This article describes Algeria's  Decree on Protection Against Ionising Radiation (2005), its Decree on Radioactive Waste Management (2005), and its Decree on Food Irradiation (2005). It also describes Armenia's Decree on Food Irradiation (2005), Belgium's Act Amending the 1994 Act on Protection of the Public and the Environment Against Radiation and Relating to the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (2005), Brazil's Decree on the National Defence Policy Including the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (2005), Finland's Nuclear Liability Bill (2005), France's Order on Professional Activities Using Raw Materials Containing Natural Radionuclides not Used for Their Radioactive Properties (2005) and its Order on the Organisation of a National Network to Measure radioactivity in the Environment and on Criteria for the Certification of Laboratories (2005), Germany's Act on the Control of High-activity Sources (2005), its Ordinance on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (2005), and its Ordinance on Establishing a Prohibition to Alter the Conditions of the Subsoil Within the Gorleben Salt Formation (2005), Hungary's Decree on the Procedures of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority in Nuclear Safety Regulatory Matters (2005), Israel's Amendment to the Pharmacists’ Regulations (Radioactive Elements and Their Products) (2005) and its Import and Export Order (Control of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Exports) (2004), the Republic of Korea's Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency (2004), Poland's Regulation on Ionising Radiation Dose Limits (2005) and its Regulation on Positions for Ensuring Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection and on Radiological Protection Inspectors (2005), Portugal's Decree-Law Setting up the Independent Commission for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (2005) and its Decree-Law Establishing the Environmental Monitoring System of Radioactivity (2005), Romania's Order on Methodological Norms Regarding Planning, Organisation and Intervention in the Event of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (2005) and its Order Approving Generic Procedures for Data Collection, Validation and Response During a Radiological Emergency (2005) as well as its Order on the Norms Regarding the Release of Radioactive Effluents into the Environment (2005), Slovenia's Regulation on Requirements for Workers in Nuclear Installations and Radiation Facilities (2005) and its Regulations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Installations and Radiation Facilities (2005), South Africa's recent regulatory developments in the nuclear field, Sweden's SKI Regulations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Facilities (2005) and Guidance for Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste (2005), Switzerland's Draft Act on Nuclear Third Party Liability (2005), Ukraine's Regime of nuclear installations, and the United States' Energy Policy Act (2005) and its Amendments to the Price-Anderson Act (2005) on nuclear third party liability.


In Part I, the determinants of past and current migration flows from the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries to OECD countries are discussed. In particular, the influence of economic, demographic and political factors on the size and composition of migration flows from North Africa to OECD countries is put forward using two complementary econometric analyses. In Part II, the economic and demographic prospects in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia are discussed focusing on the key determinants identified previously as important driving forces of future migration trends (GDP per capita, poverty levels, and demographic factors). In Part III, an attempt to assess the impact of climate change on future migration patterns in the Maghreb is carried out. This section looks at ways that climate change might lead to increased forced migration, presents some predictions for numbers of future climate migrants, examines the uncertainties with these predictions and lays out different tentative scenarios on future numbers of forced migrants.

  • 30 Mar 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 253

Middle East and North Africa Investment Policy Perspectives highlights the considerable progress in investment policies made by the region’s governments over the past decade. Yet, the reform momentum needs to be sustained and deepened for the benefits of investment to be shared with society at large and for growth to be sustainable, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting global economic upheaval. The publication takes stock of investment policy trends and reforms in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, and Tunisia, and draws out common challenges, offering suggestions of reform priorities. It considers several dimensions of the policy framework that affect the investment climate and places strong emphasis on how foreign investment can help economies of the region improve their citizens’ lives. The publication serves as reference point, informing policymakers on specific areas as they continue work on leveraging investment to advance inclusive and sustainable growth.

French, Arabic

Algeria’s Decree on the Diversification of Power Generating Costs adopted in 2004 introduced FiTs to support the private production of electricity from renewable energy sources, but has not yet been implemented. The types of renewable energy covered include hydropower, wind power, geothermal and solar power and electricity from waste. The Commission of Electricity authorises power companies to produce electricity from renewable energy up to a capacity of 50 MW. The authorities bear the additional costs related to the use of these technologies through FiTs.

Climate change in Algeria has led to increasing drought and erosion, damaging the livelihoods of agro-pastoralists trying to eke out a living on the steppe. In trying to adapt, herders have altered their traditional practices and behaviour over the years. Government policies – mainly subsidies – have had largely negative consequences. This is a good example of maladaptation.

Algeria: Part de l’encours de la dette extérieure dans le PIB et ratio du service de la dette sur les exportations (en pourcentage) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Algeria: Real GDP Growth and Per Capita GDP (USD/PPP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Algeria: Public Finances (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Algeria: GDP by Sector in 2007 (percentage) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Algeria: Demand Composition appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Algeria: Current Account (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Algeria’s business environment has undergone profound changes since the 1990s. The country’s commitment to the market economy attributes great importance to the private sector. Algeria recorded a sustained growth rate, particularly during the 2000s (IMF, 2013a). In 1994, the value added by the private sector was only 46.5% of the national total, but this proportion has been rising. In 1998, the added value created by the private sector contributed over half of the national total (Gharbi, 2011). Although unemployment dropped from a rate of nearly 30% in 2000 to 10% in 2012, it still disproportionately affects young people (21.5%) and women (19.1%).

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