  • 30 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 364

Tourism has been hit hard by the depth and duration of the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as the sector was starting to rebound, the economic fallout from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has dealt a fresh blow to recovery prospects. The 2022 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses tourism performance and policy trends to support recovery across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It examines the key tourism recovery challenges and outlook ahead, and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policy approaches to set tourism on a path to a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive future. Evidence on the significance of the tourism economy is presented, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on building resilience in the tourism ecosystem and promoting a green tourism recovery.


This policy paper sheds light on the type of investments that can maximise social returns and help bridge territorial gaps in access to services. It starts by explaining why it is challenging to balance proximity and cost-efficiency in service provision while maintaining quality across territories, highlighting the key role of subnational governments in providing education and health services. It then assesses the extent of territorial inequalities in access to basic education and health care services in G20 countries based on a comprehensive review of the evidence available. Finally, the report reflects on future needs based on demographic projections and offers two main implications for the future of infrastructure investment: 1) the need to tailor strategic and flexible investments to different demographic realities; and 2) the need to support quality infrastructure investment by subnational governments.

Over the coming years, significant infrastructure investment will be required to sustain economic growth and improve well-being in many regions and cities. Subnational governments will have a key role to help provide this infrastructure - they are responsible for almost 60% of total public investment in G20 countries. This G20-OECD Policy Toolkit, developed with input from the Asian Development Bank, aims to support inclusive and quality infrastructure investment by subnational governments across developing, emerging and developed countries. It outlines key elements of creating an enabling environment for subnational infrastructure investment. It then details common and innovative funding sources, financing instruments and investment approaches. Rather than recommending specific instruments, it provides a ‘toolkit’ of options for policymakers and practitioners. The Policy Toolkit is supported by 23 case studies.

Current mobility patterns in Ireland are incompatible with the country’s target to halve emissions in the transport sector by 2030. While important, electrification and fuel efficiency improvements in vehicles are insufficient to meet Ireland’s ambitious target: large behavioural change in the direction of sustainable modes and travel reductions are needed. Such changes will only be possible if policies can shift Irish transport systems away from car dependency. Building on the OECD process “Systems Innovation for Net Zero” and extensive consultation with Irish stakeholders, this report assesses the potential of implemented and planned Irish policies to transform car-dependent systems. It identifies transformative policies that can help Ireland transition to sustainable transport systems that work for people and the planet. It also provides recommendations to scale up such transformative policies and refocus the electrification strategy so that it fosters, rather than hinders, transformational change.

  • 01 Sept 2022
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 60

This report examines what ongoing shifts in the objectives of transport policy mean for transport project appraisal and planning processes. Many countries are rethinking their transport policy and planning objectives. Their focus is increasingly shifting from providing mobility to ensuring accessibility; giving greater priority to equitable access for all; recognising the urgency of decarbonising transport; and making urban environments healthier, safer and more liveable. The report summarises the findings of a discussion among 44 experts from 21 countries at an ITF Roundtable held from 29 September to 31 October 2021.

  • 30 Jun 2022
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 65

Road crashes kill over 1.3 million people every year worldwide and seriously injure millions more. A Safe System approach to road safety can drastically reduce road deaths – but how can it actually be put in place? This report provides experience-based guidance on implementing the Safe System approach.

The report also presents lessons from 17 case studies of road-safety interventions with a Safe System component. The case studies reveal no single recipe for successful implementation. Instead, they point to a variety of approaches conditioned by national and local contexts, and the crucial role of robust institutional governance and co-operation between partners in any successful Safe System intervention.

This publication is part of the OECD workstream on Preparing Regions for Demographic Change. It elaborates a case study for the Portuguese region of Alentejo and focuses on improving the delivery of educational services taking into account the multi-level governance context. The study highlights the need to better articulate and co-ordinate the delivery of educational services among levels of government to improve access and quality. It also sheds light on the decisive role that geography plays and the importance of adopting a spatial lens to mitigate the rising inequality present in Portugal in access to education services. Alentejo is a rural region that expects to lose 30% of its population between 2020 and 2080, hence it needs to put in place forward-looking and effective policy levers to delivery sustainable education services to citizens living in rural communities.

  • 28 Feb 2022
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 84

This report examines why freight carriers and shippers choose one transport mode over others. It analyses the main determinants for using road, rail, inland waterways, coastal shipping or pipelines to move goods and assesses government policies to influence it. The study also reviews how shifting freight to more sustainable modes could reduce the contribution of goods transport to climate change and provides recommendations for more effective policies. The role of mode choice in alleviating congestion and making goods transport safer is also addressed. Three case studies from China, Canada and the Netherlands highlight modal-shift policies.

  • 21 Dec 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 67

The ITF Road Safety Annual Report 2021 examines the development of road safety in the year 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. It assesses how the pandemic has affected mobility patterns and impacted the number of road fatalities. The analysis draws on data on road deaths from 34 member countries of the IRTAD Group. These are complemented by the more detailed crash and mobility data gathered via a survey of 24 countries, mobility data from Apple Inc. and data from the Oxford Covid-19 Governmental Response Tracker.

Detailed country profiles are available for download from the ITF website: https://www.itf-oecd.org/road-safety-annual-report-2021-impact-covid-19.

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 112

Limited transport options in rural and remote areas hinder access to basic services, jobs and social activities. This report presents international best practices and recommendations for transport provision in communities where conventional public transport is difficult to sustain. It examines how sustainable accessibility for people without access to a car could be provided in cost-effective ways in rural areas.

This report examines and determines the most relevant cases for artificial intelligence (AI) use in a transport planning context for crash prevention on an entire road network. It explores the possibility of using computer vision to acquire relevant information and the capability of computer models to map high-risk locations. It offers recommendations to stakeholders on the development and appropriate use of life-saving AI solutions.

  • 23 Nov 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 279

Les Perspectives des transports FIT 2021 proposent des scenarios d’évolution de la demande en transport jusqu’en 2050. Elles représentent également les trajectoires de décarbonation des transports correspondantes et leurs impacts sur le changement climatique. À partir de ces simulations, les Perspectives des transports FIT 2021 permettent d’identifier les mesures que les décideurs politiques auront à prendre pour assurer une transition vers une mobilité durable, à la fois efficace et équitable. Cette édition 2021 prend en compte les conséquences de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur les systèmes de transport, et modélise les évolutions potentielles sur le long terme, présentant des défis mais aussi des opportunités de décarbonation.

  • 18 Oct 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 43

This report examines the potential impact of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) on how passenger transport is currently organised. MaaS is a model for supplying a wide range of passenger transport services through a single, digital customer interface. In its most ambitious form, it integrates different transport, information and payment services into a smooth and reliable customer experience. The report assesses the regulatory and governance requirements for integrating MaaS with public transport and ensuring it delivers more sustainable urban mobility, focusing on the role of public transport authorities.

Les objectifs en matière d’égalité femmes-hommes et d’environnement se renforcent mutuellement, avec des progrès lents sur les actions environnementales affectant la réalisation de l'égalité femmes-hommes, et vice versa. Les progrès vers les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) nécessite des actions ciblées et cohérentes. Cependant, les complémentarités et les compromis entre l'égalité femmes-hommes et la durabilité environnementale sont à peine documentés dans le cadre des ODD. Basé sur le cadre des ODD, ce rapport propose une vue d’ensemble de ces liens, en examinant les déficits de données et d'éléments factuels, les bénéfices économiques et de bien-être, ainsi que les aspects de gouvernance et de justice. Il examine neuf ODD liés à l'environnement (2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 et 15) à travers un prisme genre-environnement, en utilisant des données disponibles, des études de cas, des enquêtes et d'autres éléments. Il démontre que les femmes partout dans le monde sont affectées de manière disproportionnée par le changement climatique, la déforestation, la dégradation des terres, la désertification, la raréfaction de l'eau et l'insuffisance de l'assainissement. Ces inégalités entre femmes et hommes ont été encore exacerbées par le COVID-19. Le rapport conclut qu’une approche sexospécifique des domaines clés comme d’utilisation des terres, de gestion de l'eau, de l'énergie et des transports, entre autres, permettrait la promotion d’un développement économique plus durable et plus inclusif, et d’accroître le bien-être pour tous. Reconnaissant les multiples dimensions et interactions entre l'égalité femmes-hommes et l'environnement, il propose un cadre d'action intégré, tenant compte à la fois de la croissance inclusive et des considérations environnementales aux niveaux local, national et international.

  • 06 Sept 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 41

Micromobility offers cities an opportunity to address congestion, emissions and air quality. This report examines micromobility trends and reviews its benefits and social costs, with the aim to help develop governance frameworks and regulations that maximise the contribution of e-scooters, electric bikes and pedal bikes to more sustainable mobility and minimise any negative effects, particularly for pedestrians.

Travel behaviour has evolved in unexpected ways in urbanised areas in the early 21st century. This report examines how significant breaks with past trends happened - and why these shifts were not foreseen. The Covid-19 pandemic adds to uncertainty about future demand to travel. Forecast-led transport planning is not well equipped to handle uncertainty. The report presents new approaches which explicitly address uncertainty, are vision-led and enable the development of resilient plans. It also considers how governance and institutions can be adapted to support such a paradigm shift.

  • 12 Aug 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 55

This report examines how big data from mobile phones and other sources can help to forecast travel demand. It identifies the strengths and potential use-cases for big data in transport modelling and mobility analysis. It also examines potential biases, commercial sensitivities and threats to privacy. The report presents approaches to resolve such issues and offers recommendations for governance arrangements that make data sharing easier.

Cette édition du rapport du Secrétaire général de l'OCDE aux ministres présente les principales réalisations de l'OCDE en 2020. Elle met l’accent sur les efforts de l’Organisation pour contribuer à la gestion de la crise du COVID-19 et ouvrir la voie à une reprise qui soit à la fois plus forte, plus inclusive, plus résiliente et plus verte. Elle décrit les travaux de l’OCDE dans tout un éventail de domaines essentiels tels que la santé, l’emploi, les inégalités, l'économie, la fiscalité, l'éducation, l'environnement, et bien d’autres encore. Ce rapport présente aussi les activités du Secrétaire général et de son cabinet, ainsi que celles des directions, des Secrétariats des entités appartenant à la famille OCDE et des partenaires sociaux de l'OCDE.

L'OCDE s'efforce de trouver des solutions fondées sur des données probantes à toute une série de défis sociaux, économiques et environnementaux, en promouvant « Des politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure ». L’OCDE constitue l’une des sources les plus importantes et les plus fiables de recherche et de données statistiques comparables au monde. Elle fait office de pionnier pour l’élaboration de nouvelles trames narratives et de nouvelles initiatives à l’échelle mondiale, mais aussi de « laboratoire d’action », prêt à soutenir ses membres et partenaires grâce à ses données, ses normes et ses conseils stratégiques.

  • 31 May 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

This edition of the OECD Secretary-General's Report to Ministers outlines the main achievements of the OECD in 2020, notably the Organisation’s efforts to help manage the COVID-19 crisis and pave the way towards a stronger, more inclusive, resilient and green recovery. It describes the OECD’s work across major policy areas, with a focus on health, employment, inequalities, economics and tax, education, and the environment, among others. The report outlines the activities of the Secretary-General and his office, as well as those of OECD directorates, the Secretariats of Entities within the OECD family and OECD Social Partners.

The OECD works on finding evidence-based solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges, promoting “Better Policies for Better Lives”. The OECD is one of the world’s largest and most trusted sources of comparable statistical data and research. The OECD serves as not only a pathfinder for new narratives and new initiatives at the global level, but also as a ‘do’ tank ready to support members and partners with our data, standards and evidence-based policy advice.


Intégration régionale dans l’Union pour la Méditerranée : Rapport d’étape analyse les grandes tendances et l’évolution de l’intégration dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Le rapport examine cinq domaines d’intégration régionale, à savoir l’intégration commerciale, l’intégration financière, l’intégration des infrastructures, la mobilité des personnes, ainsi que la recherche et l’enseignement supérieur. Le rapport présente une analyse originale des modèles et des défis de l’intégration dans la région euro-méditerranéenne, qui met en évidence l’interdépendance des domaines examinés – par exemple, comment accroître le commerce régional sans une connectivité des transports abordable ? Le rapport apporte un nouvel éclairage basé sur l’analyse temporelle d’indicateurs de performances quantitatifs et qualitatifs spécifiques. Près de 100 graphiques et tableaux présentent les données de 42 pays membres de l’Union pour la Méditerranée et, le cas échéant, des pays partenaires de la région. Le rapport fournit des points clés à retenir et des recommandations stratégiques visant à favoriser l’intégration régionale dans chacun des cinq domaines.

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