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Title Index

Year Index

  • 27 Feb 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 125

After a slow recovery from the pandemic, the Mexican economy has navigated well the global environment of tightening financial conditions and heightened uncertainty. Fiscal policy has a robust track record in attaining fiscal targets and keeping public debt low. Higher tax revenues would allow to maintain fiscal prudence and to address important spending needs in productivity enhancing areas, such as education, infrastructure, the digital and green transitions, and the fight against corruption and crime. Mexico has large potential to attract investment from companies looking to relocate their operations to North America. This is also a significant opportunity to spread the benefits of trade throughout the country and to create more and better value chain linkages. Fully harnessing these opportunities will require addressing long-standing challenges related to transport and digital connectivity, regulations or the rule of law, and shifting to renewables. Improving education outcomes and reducing gender gaps and informality would help to continue the recent fall in income inequality, while also strengthening the country’s growth potential. Improving access to adequate housing and more coordination across, urban, housing and transport infrastructure policies would enhance Mexicans’ living conditions, reduce urban sprawl and improve urban mobility.


This report highlights key policy developments up to 2024 and the latest trends affecting services trade and digital trade. It also indicates best practices and the countries that lead in services reforms. The OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) provides annually updated, comparable information on regulations affecting trade in services across 50 countries and 22 sectors from 2014 to 2024. The OECD’s quantification of services regimes across countries and over time seeks to inform the decisions of policy makers and regulators, to convey transparent and accessible information to exporters, and to provide a source of data for academic research on drivers and impediments to services trade.

This new web format for Country Notes on Fossil Fuel Support provides interactive on-line access to the latest data from the OECD Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels by country – identifying and estimating the value of support arising from policies that encourage the production or consumption of fossil fuels. The web version allows users to download, share and play with the data. Interactive graphics enable data visualisation, in national currency, by beneficiary and by energy product. These Country Notes provide, for each of the 50 economies covered in the Inventory, a snapshot of energy market structure, the current state of energy prices and taxes, and recent developments and trends in fossil fuel support. Data and country notes for the EU Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries have been collected and prepared as part of the GREEN Action Task Force.

  • 30 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 364

Tourism has been hit hard by the depth and duration of the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as the sector was starting to rebound, the economic fallout from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has dealt a fresh blow to recovery prospects. The 2022 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses tourism performance and policy trends to support recovery across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It examines the key tourism recovery challenges and outlook ahead, and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policy approaches to set tourism on a path to a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive future. Evidence on the significance of the tourism economy is presented, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on building resilience in the tourism ecosystem and promoting a green tourism recovery.

  • 28 Jun 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 294

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs have been hit hard during the COVID-19 crisis. Policy responses were quick and unprecedented, helping cushion the blow and maintain most SMEs and entrepreneurs afloat. Despite the magnitude of the shock, available data so far point to sustained start-ups creation, no wave of bankruptcies, and an impulse to innovation in most OECD countries. However, government support has been less effective at reaching the self-employed, smaller and younger firms, women, and entrepreneurs from minorities. Countries were not all even in their capacity to support SMEs either. As vaccine campaigns roll out and economic prospects brighten, governments have to take the turn of a crisis exit and create the conditions to build back better. The OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2021 brings new evidence on the impact of the crisis and policy responses on SMEs and entrepreneurs. It reflects on longer-term issues, such as SME indebtedness or SME role in more resilient supply chains or innovation diffusion. The report contains country profiles that benchmark impact, factors of vulnerability, and sources of resilience in OECD countries, and give a policy spotlight on liquidity support and recovery plans for SMEs.

  • 31 May 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

This edition of the OECD Secretary-General's Report to Ministers outlines the main achievements of the OECD in 2020, notably the Organisation’s efforts to help manage the COVID-19 crisis and pave the way towards a stronger, more inclusive, resilient and green recovery. It describes the OECD’s work across major policy areas, with a focus on health, employment, inequalities, economics and tax, education, and the environment, among others. The report outlines the activities of the Secretary-General and his office, as well as those of OECD directorates, the Secretariats of Entities within the OECD family and OECD Social Partners.

The OECD works on finding evidence-based solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges, promoting “Better Policies for Better Lives”. The OECD is one of the world’s largest and most trusted sources of comparable statistical data and research. The OECD serves as not only a pathfinder for new narratives and new initiatives at the global level, but also as a ‘do’ tank ready to support members and partners with our data, standards and evidence-based policy advice.


This report draws on more than 1 300 government budgetary transfers and tax expenditures providing preferential treatment for the production and consumption of fossil fuels as documented in the 2020 OECD Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels to track progress in reform of support. It sets out principal trends across 50 OECD, G20 and European Union (EU) Eastern Partnership (EaP) economies, including as resulting from the COVID-19 crisis and novel sectoral decomposition of Inventory data. It reports on developments in tracking and monitoring fossil fuel support in the context of the G20 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and with respect to enhancing the interpretation of tax expenditure data. Finally, the report offers a sequential framework to assist governments assess and address the effects of fossil-fuel support measures and their reform, given ongoing challenges in gaining traction for reform.

  • 16 Dec 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 134

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe human suffering and triggered a deep recession in Brazil. Economic policies reacted in a timely and decisive manner to the crisis, supporting millions of Brazilians. But a strong and inclusive recovery from the recession will require long-lasting improvements in economic policies. Improving fiscal outcomes remains one of Brazil’s principal challenges given a high debt burden, to which the pandemic has added significantly. Public spending will need to become more efficient, including by building on past progress in the fight against corruption and economic crimes. Social protection can be strengthened through a better focus on the most effective policies and benefits, which could allow significant reductions in inequality and poverty. Stronger growth will hinge on raising productivity, which has been virtually stagnant for decades. This requires addressing underlying policy challenges, including reducing regulatory burdens, reforming taxes, strengthening judicial efficiency and fostering a stronger integration into the global economy. Raising productivity implies reallocations and structural changes in the economy, which should be accompanied by well-designed training and education policies. Training with a strong focus on local skill demand can help workers master the transition and seize new opportunities to move into better jobs.


  • 05 Oct 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 166

Thailand has made impressive economic and social progress over several decades. However, the COVID-19 crisis has interrupted this progress. Thanks to its sound macroeconomic policy framework, Thailand was well placed to respond rapidly to the sharp economic downturn. Nevertheless, achieving high-income country status will require, in addition to a strong recovery programme, a set of policy reforms focused on productivity growth and human capital accumulation. Thailand has made remarkable progress in expanding access to education, and the share of highly educated workers has increased significantly. Nevertheless, because of skills mismatches, substantial labour shortages have prevailed in a range of occupations and industries, which makes it important to improve vocational education and adult training programmes. As the demand for services has become important globally, Thailand has an opportunity to boost its exports of services, diversify its economic activity, and therefore become more resilient in the face of unexpected shocks. This would involve a focus on digital services and business-to-business services, which represent a large share of the value of manufacturing products. Focus on human capital, skills, digital technology, and high-value services would help Thailand resume strong economic growth and social progress after the COVID-19 crisis.


  • 23 Jun 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The OECD works on finding evidence-based solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges, promoting “Better Policies for Better Lives”. The global spread of coronavirus in 2020 has made the commitment to this motto all the more relevant. This edition of the OECD Secretary-General's Report to Ministers outlines the main achievements of the OECD in 2019. It describes the OECD’s work on economics, employment, education, health, inequalities, the environment, tax and many other fields in the context of a rapidly changing world. It includes the activities of the Secretary-General and his office, as well as those of OECD directorates, agencies, special entities and advisory committees.

The OECD is one of the world’s largest and most trusted sources of comparable statistical data and research. It is also a unique forum and knowledge hub for exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and global standard-setting. This year will mark the 60th anniversary of the Organisation, and this will be the opportunity to reflect on the past, and develop a vision for the future. More than ever, we need evidence-based policies geared towards building societies and economies that are more resilient, inclusive and sustainable.


This OECD publication includes statistics by detailed type of service on international trade in services for the 36 OECD countries, the European Union, the Euro area, Colombia and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data are reported within the framework of the fifth and sixth editions of the IMF’s Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS), which is consistent with the balance of payments classification but is more detailed.

This book includes summary tables by country and by service category and zone totals for the European Union and the Euro area as well as tables for each individual country and for the EU and the Euro area showing data for detailed service categories. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2014-2018.


This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 34 OECD countries plus the European Union, the Euro area and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services.

This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2014-2018.

  • 23 Sept 2019
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 348

En la decimoquinta edición conjunta de la obra OCDE-FAO Perspectivas Agrícolas se presentan proyecciones de mercado para los principales productos básicos agrícolas, los biocombustibles y el pescado. Asimismo, se incluye una sección especial sobre las perspectivas y los retos planteados por la agricultura y la pesca en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.

Debido a la sólida oferta sostenida durante varios años, los precios internacionales de la mayoría de los productos básicos agrícolas disminuyeron. En lo que respecta a casi todos los productos básicos cubiertos en las Perspectivas, se prevé que durante la próxima década los precios reales se mantendrán en los niveles actuales o por debajo de ellos, a medida que las mejoras en productividad continúen superando el crecimiento de la demanda. El comercio internacional será esencial para la seguridad alimentaria en un número cada vez mayor de países importadores de alimentos. También constituirá una fuente importante de ingresos y medios de subsistencia en regiones exportadoras, en especial América Latina y el Caribe, la cual, según las proyecciones, incrementará aún más su participación en las exportaciones agrícolas mundiales.

English, Chinese, French, Italian
  • 08 Jul 2019
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 326

The Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028 is a collaborative effort of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. It brings together the commodity, policy and country expertise of both organisations as well as input from collaborating member countries to provide an annual assessment of the prospects for the coming decade of national, regional and global agricultural commodity markets.

This year's Special Feature will focus on agricultural development in Latin America.

Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian

This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 34 OECD countries plus the European Union, the Euro area and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services.

This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2013-2017.


This OECD publication includes statistics by detailed type of service on international trade in services for the 36 OECD countries, the European Union, the Euro area, Colombia and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data are reported within the framework of the fifth and sixth editions of the IMF’s Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS), which is consistent with the balance of payments classification but is more detailed.
This book includes summary tables by country and by service category and zone totals for the European Union and the Euro area as well as tables for each individual country and for the EU and the Euro area showing data for detailed service categories. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2013-2017.

  • 14 Nov 2018
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 116

En la decimocuarta edición conjunta de OCDE-FAO Perspectivas Agrícolas se presentan proyecciones de mercado para los principales productos básicos agrícolas, los biocombustibles y el pescado. Asimismo, se incluye una sección especial sobre las perspectivas y los retos planteados por la agricultura y la pesca en la región de Oriente Medio y África del Norte.

Los mercados agrícolas mundiales han cambiado notoriamente desde las pronunciadas alzas de los precios en los años 2007-2008, pues la producción aumentó en gran medida, en tanto que el crecimiento de la demanda comenzó a debilitarse. Se espera que en la próxima década los precios reales de los productos agrícolas permanezcan bajos como resultado del menor crecimiento de la demanda mundial de alimentos y forraje. Las exportaciones netas tenderán a aumentar, provenientes de países y regiones con abundancia de tierras, en particular en América. En los países con recursos naturales limitados, lento aumento de la producción y alto crecimiento demográfico, las importaciones netas aumentarán. Se prevé una creciente dependencia de las importaciones, sobre todo en la región de Oriente Medio y África del Norte, en la que la escasez de tierra cultivable y de agua limita la producción agrícola.

En http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/agr-data-en puede consultarse con mayor detalle las proyecciones y tendencias pasadas presentadas en el anexo estadístico.

En www.agri-outlook.org se proporciona información complementaria.

Italian, French, Chinese, English

Die OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien für multinationale Unternehmen und Steuerverwaltungen erörtern die Anwendung des Fremdvergleichsgrundsatzes, der den internationalen Konsens bei der Verrechnungspreisbestimmung darstellt, d.h. der Bewertung grenzüberschreitender Geschäftsvorfälle zwischen verbundenen Unternehmen für Steuerzwecke. Angesichts der entscheidenden Rolle, die multinationale Unternehmen in der Weltwirtschaft spielen, ist die Verrechnungspreisbestimmung sowohl für die Steuerverwaltungen als auch für die Steuerpflichtigen weiterhin von größter Bedeutung. Die Staaten müssen sicherstellen, dass die steuerpflichtigen Gewinne multinationaler Unternehmen nicht künstlich in andere Steuerhoheitsgebiete verlagert werden und dass die von multinationalen Unternehmen in ihrem Steuerhoheitsgebiet ausgewiesene Besteuerungsgrundlage der dort ausgeübten wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit entspricht. Für die Steuerpflichtigen ist es entscheidend, die Risiken einer wirtschaftlichen Doppelbesteuerung zu begrenzen, die sich aus Uneinigkeiten zwischen zwei Staaten über die Bestimmung der fremdvergleichskonformen Vergütung für ihre grenzüberschreitenden Geschäftsvorfälle mit verbundenen Unternehmen ergeben können.

Diese Ausgabe der OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien von 2017 enthält die umfassenden, 2016 erfolgten Überarbeitungen aufgrund der Klarstellungen und Änderungen, die in den 2015 verabschiedeten BEPS-Berichten zu den Aktionspunkten 8-10, Gewährleistung der Übereinstimmung zwischen Verrechnungspreisergebnissen und Wertschöpfung, und zu Aktionspunkt 13, Verrechnungspreisdokumentation und länderbezogene Berichterstattung, vereinbart wurden. Sie umfasst zudem die 2013 angenommenen überarbeiteten Leitlinien zu Safe-Harbour-Regelungen, die anerkennen, dass gut konzipierte Safe-Harbour-Regelungen Befolgungsaufwand verringern helfen und den Steuerpflichtigen mehr Sicherheit bieten können. Des Weiteren wurden im übrigen Text dieser Ausgabe der OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien Änderungen zur Verbesserung der Gesamtkohärenz vorgenommen.  Die OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien wurden 1995 in ihrer ursprünglichen Fassung vom Rat der OECD angenommen.

Czech, French, Chinese, English, Turkish, All
  • 03 Jul 2018
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 108

The fourteenth joint edition of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook provides market projections for major agricultural commodities, biofuels and fish, as well as a special feature on the prospects and challenges of agriculture and fisheries in the Middle East and North Africa.

World agricultural markets have changed markedly since the food price spikes of 2007-8, as production has grown strongly while demand growth has started to weaken. In the coming decade, real agricultural prices are expected to remain low as a result of reduced growth in global food and feed demand. Net exports will tend to increase from land abundant countries and regions, notably in the Americas. Countries with limited natural resources, slow production expansion and high population growth will see rising net imports. Increasing import dependence is projected in particular for the Middle East and North Africa, where a scarcity of arable land and water constrains agricultural production.

Italian, Spanish, Chinese, French

This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 33 OECD countries plus the European Union, the Euro area, Lithuania and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services.

This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2012-2016.

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