
OECD leads the development of international tax rules, addressing tax barriers to trade and investment
while also tackling tax evasion and avoidance.
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image of VITARA Reference Guide: Human Resource Management

VITARA Reference Guide: Human Resource Management

This VITARA Reference Guide on Human Resource Management provides a good introduction into what human resource management (HRM) is, how it contributes to a tax administration’s performance, and how it is organized. It looks at some of the key areas...
image of Country-by-Country Reporting – Compilation of 2024 Peer Review Reports

Country-by-Country Reporting – Compilation of 2024 Peer Review Reports

Under the Action 13 Minimum Standard, jurisdictions have committed to foster tax transparency by requesting the largest multinational enterprise groups (MNE Groups) to provide the global allocation of their income, taxes and other indicators of the...
image of Adapting intergovernmental fiscal transfers for the future

Adapting intergovernmental fiscal transfers for the future

Intergovernmental fiscal transfers (IFTs) play a crucial role in addressing vertical and horizontal imbalances, promoting equitable service delivery, and aligning local spending with national priorities across OECD countries. However, their design...
image of Navigating conflict and fostering co-operation in fiscal federalism

Navigating conflict and fostering co-operation in fiscal federalism

This paper examines intergovernmental fiscal disputes and co-operation mechanisms across federal and decentralised countries. Employing a case study approach and AI tools, the research analyses constitutional court rulings and their influence on the...
image of Gordon Brown shares how far we have come on the fight against tax evasion

Gordon Brown shares how far we have come on the fight against tax evasion

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, which brings together more than 150 countries, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown explains how the G20 launched the crackdown on...
image of Corporate Tax Statistics 2023

Corporate Tax Statistics 2023

Corporate Tax Statistics 2023, a flagship publication of the OECD, provides comprehensive insights into corporate tax systems and the tax and economic activities of thousands of multinational enterprises operating around the world.

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Just Released!
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2022

This January 2022 edition includes the revised guidance on the application of the transactional profit method and the guidance for tax administrations on the application of the approach to hard-to-value intangibles agreed in 2018, as well as the new transfer pricing guidance on financial transactions approved in 2020. Finally, consistency changes have been made to the rest of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines were approved by the OECD Council in their original version in 1995.

Access OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2022

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