Documents hors série de l'OCDE sur la politique du marché du travail et la politique sociale

  • Discontinué
Cette série qui s’adresse à un large public est une sélection d’études sur la politique du marché du travail et de l’emploi à usage interne de l’Organisation. Il s’agit généralement d’un travail collectif, mais les noms des principaux auteurs sont cités. Ces documents existent en général uniquement en version originale – anglais ou français – avec un résumé dans l’autre langue.


Statistics of Annual Earnings in OECD Countries

Existing multi-country earnings statistics generally relate to only a fraction of the economy's industries and occupations, often to manual workers in manufacturing industry. This paper discusses the annual basis of measurement, which has particular advantages when aggregations or comparisons of earnings need to be made across sectors, occupations, or countries that have markedly differing payment systems. Three main types of statistic of annual earnings are identified: estimates of annual earnings of the Average Production Worker (in manufacturing only), made in connection with OECD calculations of tax rates; aggregate wages and salaries per employee, corrected onto a full-time equivalent basis; and statistics based on individual data, which may come from household surveys, employer surveys or tax and social security records. Some comparisons among the available statistics examine to what extent the differing indicators give similar impressions as regards the level and trend of earnings.


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