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Lorsque les États membres des Nations Unies ont approuvé l’Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable en 2015, ils ont convenu que les objectifs et les cibles du développement durable devaient être atteints pour toutes les nations et tous les groupes de la société. Les gouvernements et les autres parties prenantes de l’agenda 2030 assument ainsi l'ambition de ne laisser personne de côté. Cette ambition apparaît de plus en plus souvent dans les politiques de développement, les priorités de la communauté internationale et les actions de plaidoyer de la société civile.
Comment garantir, dans les faits, que personne ne soit laissé de côté ? Les décideurs politiques, la société civile et les entreprises demandent plus de clarté. Concrètement, qu’est-ce que cela implique pour la conception et la mise en œuvre des politiques économiques, sociales et environnementales ? Comment adapter les politiques de coopération au développement, la programmation et les mécanismes de responsabilisation ? Qu'est-ce que les gouvernements, les partenaires au développement et la communauté internationale devraient faire différemment pour que la poursuite des objectifs de développement durable améliore la vie de tous, et en premier lieu celle des plus défavorisés ?
Le Rapport Coopération pour le développement 2018 : Agir ensemble pour n’oublier personne répond à ces questions et à bien d'autres. Il s’appuie sur les données les plus récentes pour montrer ce qu‘être « laissé de côté » veut dire. Tout en adoptant un large éventail de perspectives, l’ouvrage tire les leçons des politiques publiques, des pratiques et des partenariats qui fonctionnent le mieux. Il propose un cadre d’action holistique et innovant pour garantir que les politiques et les outils de coopération au développement soient à la hauteur de l’enjeu : n’oublier personne.

  • 05 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 124

As “market referees”, regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour and governance are important factors in how regulators, and the sectors they oversee, perform. This report uses the OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) to assess both the internal and external governance of Peru's Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL). The review acknowledges OSIPTEL's achievements and good practices, analyses the key drivers of its performance, and proposes an integrated reform package to help the regulator prepare for the future.

  • 05 mars 2019
  • Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Joaquin Urgel, Soumyajit Kar, Gwénaël Jacotin
  • Pages : 336

Measuring innovation in education and understanding how it works is essential to improve the quality of the education sector. Monitoring systematically how pedagogical practices evolve would considerably increase the international education knowledge base. We need to examine whether, and how, practices are changing within classrooms and educational organisations and how students use learning resources. We should know much more about how teachers change their professional development practices, how schools change their ways to relate to parents, and, more generally, to what extent change and innovation are linked to better educational outcomes. This would help policy makers to better target interventions and resources, and get quick feedback on whether reforms do change educational practices as expected. This would enable us to better understand the role of innovation in education.

This new edition of Measuring Innovation in Education examines what has (or has not) changed for students over the past decade in OECD education systems. It reviews no fewer than 150 educational practices. The report casts light on systemic innovation in primary and secondary education, with a focus on pedagogical innovation. Has the use of technology spread? Have assessments become more important in pedagogical practices? Are students given more agency in their learning? Are they still asked to memorise facts and procedures? Do teachers increasingly engage students in peer learning activities? These are some of the questions this book seeks to answer. This report also presents some preliminary findings about the links between innovation and educational performance.

This book will offer precious insights to policy makers, the education community and all those who seek to understand how educational practices are evolving.


Como "árbitros de mercado", los órganismos reguladores contribuyen a la prestación de servicios públicos esenciales. Su cultura organizacional, comportamiento y gobernanza son factores importantes para determinar su desempeño y el de los sectores regulados. El Marco para la Evaluación del Desempeño de los Reguladores Económicos de la OCDE (PAFER, por sus siglas en inglés), evalúa las instituciones, procesos y prácticas que pueden crear una cultura organizacional de desempeño y resultados. Este informe aplica el PAFER para examinar elementos relacionados con la gobernanza interna y externa del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPTEL). El informe identifica los logros y buenas prácticas del regulador desde su creación. Asimismo, analiza los factores clave del desempeño de OSIPTEL y propone una reforme integral para ayudar al regulador a prepararse para el futuro.


There is an urgent need to ensure that coastal areas are adapting to the impacts of climate change. Risks in these areas are projected to increase because of rising sea levels and development pressures. This report reviews how OECD countries can use their national adaptation planning processes to respond to this challenge. Specifically, the report examines how countries approach shared costs and responsibilities for coastal risk management and how this encourages or hinders risk-reduction behaviour by households, businesses and different levels of government. The report outlines policy tools that national governments can use to encourage an efficient, effective and equitable response to ongoing coastal change. It is informed by new analysis on the future costs of sea-level rise, and the main findings from four case studies (Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).

  • 07 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 216

This report presents an assessment of Mexico's recent education reforms. Education systems worldwide require continued policy efforts in essential areas to improve student learning, such as: the need to prioritise equity; providing learning environments that are fit for the 21st century; ensuring that schools are run and staffed by high-quality professionals who are well supported; and designing evaluation and assessment frameworks that support schools and assist policy makers in promoting effective student learning and quality of education for all. Mexico's education system has evolved in this direction, but many of the recent reforms need time to mature and flexibility to be adjusted to ensure schools can deliver quality education.

In Mexico, like in many other countries, there is a considerable distance between national policy making and the learning that happens in schools. Closing this gap requires substantial resources, capacity and support from state authorities, who have an important role to play as operators of the system, as well as from education stakeholders across the country. In complex education systems, implementation is not only about executing the policy but also building and fine-tuning it collaboratively. This OECD report aims to support Mexico in this endeavour.

  • 08 mars 2019
  • Andreas Schleicher
  • Pages : 326

Num mundo em que as coisas que são fáceis de ensinar e testar também se tornaram fáceis de digitalizar e de serem automatizadas, será a nossa imaginação, nossa consciência e nosso senso de responsabilidade que nos ajudarão a aproveitar as oportunidades do século 21 para transformar o mundo num lugar melhor.

As escolas de amanhã terão de ajudar os alunos a pensar por si mesmos e a se juntarem a outros, com empatia, no trabalho e na cidadania.

Elas terão que ajudar os alunos a desenvolver um forte senso de certo e errado, e também sensibilidade para com as reivindicações de outros.

De que as escolas vão precisar para conseguirem tornar isso realidade? Andreas Schleicher, criador do PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), um programa da OCDE, e uma autoridade internacional em política educacional, acompanhou líderes educacionais em mais de 70 países em seus esforços para criar e implementar políticas e práticas voltadas para o futuro.

Embora as melhoras na educação sejam mais fáceis de proclamar que de serem atingidas, neste livro Schleicher examina os muitos casos de sucesso a partir dos quais há algo a aprender. Isso não tem nada a ver com copiar e colar soluções de outras escolas ou países, e sim com olhar seriamente e com serenidade para boas práticas em nossos próprios países ou em outros, para compreender o que funciona e em que contextos.

Especialista em Física, Schleicher oferece uma perspectiva única na reforma da educação: ele argumenta, de forma convincente, que ela não deveria deixar de ser arte, mas ser principalmente uma ciência.

“Ninguém no mundo sabe mais sobre Educação que Andreas Schleicher. Ponto final. Pela primeira vez, ele compilou 20 anos de patrimônio intelectual em um só lugar. A leitura de Primeira classe deveria ser obrigatória para os formuladores de políticas públicas e qualquer pessoa que queira saber como nossas escolas podem se adaptar ao mundo moderno – e ajudar todas as crianças a aprenderem por si mesmas.”

Amanda Ripley, author of The Smartest Kids in the World, um bestseller do New York Times

“[Schleicher]…compreende as questões mais importantes, e o faz encostando o ouvido no chão e descobrindo soluções conjuntamente a uma variedade de líderes de todos os níveis do sistema e em diversas sociedades.”

Michael Fullan, Diretor da Global Leadership, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning

“Todos os líderes visionários que encaram com seriedade o aprimoramento da aprendizagem escolar deveriam incluir este livro, totalmente baseado em evidências – Primeira Classe: Como construir um sistema educacional para o século 21 – no topo de sua lista de leituras.”

Jeb Bush, 43º Governador da Flórida, e fundador e Presidente da Fundação pela Excelência em Educação

“…um livro que precisa ser lido por aqueles que desejam criar um futuro no qual as oportunidades econômicas possam ser compartilhadas por todos.”

Klaus Schwab, Fundador e Presidente Executivo do Fórum Econômico Mundial

“Neste livro oportuno e visionário, um dos educadores mais capacitados do mundo se baseia em dados impressionantes, observações argutas e considerável sensatez para indicar os caminhos de uma educação efetiva para todos os jovens.”

– Howard Gardner, Diretor Senior do Projeto Zero, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação de Harvard

Espagnol, Français, Anglais, Allemand

Over the past decade, the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) has consistently shown that governments need to look at discriminatory laws, social norms and practices to achieve gender equality and promote women’s empowerment. This 2019 global report provides an overview of the main outcomes of the SIGI in relation to women and the family, their physical integrity, access to productive and financial resources and their civic rights. Building on these outcomes, this report provides a set of policy recommendations to enhance governments’ efforts to deliver their gender-equality commitments through a three-pronged approach: starting with legal reforms and transformative gender policies, enforcing laws through community mobilisation and empowerment, and learning about the efficiency of policy through monitoring.

Нова редакція інструменту ОЕСР Керівні принципи корпоративного врядування на підприємствах державної форми власності  пропонує міжнародно узгоджений базовий орієнтир, що допомагає органам державної влади оцінювати та вдосконалювати виконання наданих їм функцій держави-власника на держпідприємствах.   Належне корпоративне врядування на підприємствах державної форми власності  є важливим пріоритетом реформування у багатьох країнах. Підвищення рівня ефективності та прозорості в державному секторі врешті даватиме значні економічні вигоди, особливо в країнах, де права власності держави є  важливим аспектом.   Крім цього, створення рівних умов функціонування приватних і державних підприємств стимулюватиме сталість і конкурентоспроможність у сфері підприємництва.  Ухвалена у 2005 році перша версія  Керівних принципів подає низку прикладів належного застосування правових і регуляторних засад держпідприємств (ДП), професійного виконання функції держави-власника та системи корпоративного врядування ДП.  Цю нову редакцію рекомендацій розроблено в світлі майже десятилітнього досвіду їх реалізації, після виконання низки тематичних і порівняльних досліджень, що були розроблені на базі попередньої версії Керівних принципів і продемонстрували та довели необхідність їх перегляду, зокрема, в частині розкриття інформації та прозорості, конкуренції державних і приватних підприємств, реалізації функцій Наглядової ради ДП, а також у сфері  кредитно-фінансової діяльності підприємств державної форми власності.

Bulgare, Vietnamien, Espagnol, Coréen, Chinois, All

Non-trial resolutions, often referred to as settlements, have been the predominant means of enforcing foreign bribery and other related offences since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention 20 years ago. The last decade has seen a steady increase in the use of coordinated multi-jurisdictional non-trial resolutions, which have, to date, permitted the highest global amount of combined financial penalties in foreign bribery cases. This study is the first cross-country examination of the different types of resolutions that can be used to resolve foreign bribery cases.

  • 11 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 120

While Italy has made major progress in the past decade to up-skill its population and workers, further efforts are needed to improve access to good quality adult learning opportunities. Training funds represent one important tool through which Italy could face the pressures brought about by the mega-trends, and equip adults and workers with the skills needed to thrive in the labour market and society. This report analyses how training funds are designed, used, and monitored, and provides actionable policy recommendations to ensure that they are put to their most effective use.

  • 11 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 260

Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future provides new insights into the state of the digital transformation by mapping indicators across a range of areas – from education and innovation, to trade and economic and social outcomes – against current digital policy issues, as presented in Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives. In so doing, it identifies gaps in the current measurement framework, assesses progress made towards filling these gaps and sets-out a forward-looking measurement roadmap. The goal is to expand the evidence base, as a means to lay the ground for more robust policies for growth and well-being in the digital era.

  • 11 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 168

Digital technologies and data are transformational. People, firms and governments live, interact, work and produce differently than in the past, and these changes are accelerating rapidly. How can we realise the immense promises of digital technologies and data for growth and well-being in a fast evolving world? This report charts the road ahead. It identifies seven policy dimensions that allow governments – together with citizens, firms and stakeholders – to shape digital transformation to improve lives. It also highlights key opportunities, challenges and policies related to each dimension, offers new insights, evidence and analysis, and provides recommendations for better policies in the digital age.

Français, Allemand
  • 12 mars 2019
  • Forum International des Transports
  • Pages : 32

Este documento tiene por objeto apoyar a las ciudades en el establecimiento de objetivos de seguridad vial y supervisar los avances en la mejora de la seguridad vial urbana. Los peatones, ciclistas y motociclistas representan casi el 80 % de las muertes por accidentes de tráfico urbanos. Por lo tanto, las ciudades deben intensificar sus esfuerzos para mejorar la seguridad de los usuarios vulnerables de la vía pública. Este documento presenta indicadores de seguridad vial para diferentes grupos de usuarios de la vía pública recolectados en 31 ciudades con el fin de facilitar la evaluación, la supervisión y la comparación de resultados de seguridad vial. Presta especial atención a la medición del riesgo de muerte en accidente de tráfico por unidad de distancia recorrida.

  • 12 mars 2019
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 149

Oil 2019, the International Energy Agency’s annual outlook for global oil markets, examines the key issues in demand, supply, refining and trade to 2024. This year, the report covers the following themes:

  • A changed supply picture led by the rise of the United States inworld markets thanks to rapidly-growing shale oil production, asit becomes a net exporter of crude oil and products.
  • Supply growth in the non-OPEC world, including Brazil, Canada,Norway and Guyana; and a falling capacity for the OPECproducers.
  • Demand growth underpinned by China and India and by thegrowing importance of petrochemicals as the industry invests tomeet rising consumer demand.
  • And a detailed analysis of how the refining industry is grapplingwith the International Maritime Organisation’s new marine fuelrules, growing excess capacity, and the changing patterns ofglobal oil trade.
  • 14 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 196

The Food and Agriculture Reviews provide a comprehensive assessment of agricultural policies and calculate a set of policy indicators developed by the OECD. These indicators are regularly used in the analysis of the agriculture and food sector in OECD countries and several emerging economies. This review analyses both the indicators available for Argentina and the main agricultural policy areas, such as trade, innovation, sustainability, risk management and value chains. It also provides a series of policy recommendations.

Argentina’s agricultural sector has undergone a considerable innovation process over the last two decades. This transformation was mostly led by a dynamic and pro-active private sector often subject to policies providing negative support via export restrictions and taxes. The rapid adoption of technologies, such as improved varieties and no-till farming, and organisational innovations have contributed to increasing the Total Factor Productivity of crops. Government focus on providing such general services as research, extension, and animal and plant health has facilitated innovation as has the proactive management of risks by farmers. Nevertheless, environmental pressures are increasing with deforestation and the use of pesticides.

  • 14 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 212

Las Revisiones de Políticas Agroalimentarias proporcionan una evaluación exhaustiva de las políticas agrícolas de cada país y el cálculo de un conjunto de indicadores desarrollados por la OCDE. Estos indicadores se utilizan regularmente en el análisis de la agricultura y sector alimentario en los países de la OCDE y de varias economías emergentes. Este informe incluye el análisis y los indicadores correspondientes a Argentina, integrando los principales aspectos de la política agroalimentaria como la política comercial, la innovación, la sostenibilidad, la gestión de riesgos y las cadenas de valor, y proporciona recomendaciones de política.  
El sector agropecuario de Argentina ha experimentado un proceso de innovación notable en las últimas dos décadas. Esta transformación ha sido liderada principalmente por un sector privado dinámico y proactivo, a pesar de estar sujeto a políticas de apoyo negativo tales como las restricciones y los impuestos a la exportación. La rápida adopción de tecnologías como las semillas mejoradas y la siembra directa, e innovaciones organizacionales han contribuido a aumentar la Productividad Total de los Factores en los cultivos. Los apoyos presupuestarios se han centrado en la prestación de servicios generales tales como investigación, extensión y sanidad agropecuaria, facilitando la innovación y la gestión proactiva de los riesgos. Las presiones ambientales están en aumento con el crecimiento del uso de pesticidas y la deforestación. Las producciones fuera de la región pampeana acumulan un retraso en productividad e innovación.

  • 14 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 128

Adult learning systems play a crucial role in helping people adapt to the changing world of work and develop relevant skills. Community Education and Training has been brought forward as a possible way to foster adult learning in South Africa, especially among disadvantaged groups. South Africa has a relatively large group of adults who have low levels of education and skills, and limited opportunities for skills development. This report looks at the potential role that Community Education and Training could play in South Africa, how the system should be financed, how to align the training offer with community needs, and how to ensure high-quality provision. The report provides international good practise examples and suggests actions that South African stakeholders might consider to develop the Community Education and Training system.

  • 14 mars 2019
  • Andreas Schleicher
  • Pages : 80

This report discusses policies and practices that shape quality and equity in early childhood education and care. It examines how the work environment, including the educational background of staff, and the policies that shape teaching approaches affect the quality of the education provided to our youngest learners. The book concludes with an overview of current thinking about how young children use, and are affected by, information and communication technologies (ICT). Linking the way children interact with ICT inside of school to the way they already use it outside of school could be the key to unlocking technology’s potential for learning.

Children learn at a faster rate during the first five years of their life than at any other time, developing cognitive, and social and emotional skills that are fundamental to their future achievements and well-being throughout childhood and as adults. Despite compelling evidence that high quality early childhood education and care programmes can make a crucial difference to children’s progress through school and success in adult life, large differences in access to and the quality of these programmes persist within and across countries.

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