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  • 18 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 212

This report looks at rural policy in Chile, examining the main trends in rural regions, policies and governance arrangements. It highlights the need to establish a national rural policy framework in Chile, in order to better coordinate the wide range of national policies and programmes currently targeting rural areas. It also investigates the evolving role of "rural" in development, highlighting the need to design rural policies in a strategic way so that complementarities with urban policy can be realised as the country develops.

  • 18 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 208

This review underlines some important points of strength with respect to Italian SMEs and entrepreneurship, notably for medium-sized firms that very often excel in their market niches, have a strong propensity to business collaboration, as well as favourable access to finance. The review also looks at the challenges that lie ahead for Italy, hard hit by the global economic crisis, notably among micro and small firms. Recovery will mean, among other things, removing barriers to business growth, streamlining the complexity of the Italian tax system, and opening the business environment to competition, foreign direct investment and equity financing, as well as improving training and workforce skills.

  • 18 nov. 2014
  • Simon Field, Pauline Musset, José-Luis Álvarez-Galván
  • Pages : 132

Vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. How can employers and unions be engaged? How can workbased learning be used? How can teachers and trainers be effectively prepared? How should postsecondary programmes be structured? This country report on South Africa looks at these and other questions.

  • 17 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 260

Latin American governments have embarked upon substantial open government reforms in recent years. Working with the Open Government Partnership (OGP), progress has been made. The OECD - as an official multilateral partner organisation of the OGP - has conducted a regional stocktaking exercise of open government strategies and practices. Its main findings are reflected in this report, allowing Latin American countries to compare and benchmark against good international practice.


  • 13 nov. 2014
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 748

The global energy landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, reshaping long-held expectations for our energy future. The 2014 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO) will incorporate all the latest data and developments to produce a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of medium- and longer-term energy trends. It will complement a full set of energy projections – which extend from today through, for the first time, the year 2040 – with strategic insights into their meaning for energy security, the economy and the environment. Oil, natural gas, coal, renewables and energy efficiency will be covered, along with updates on trends in energy-related CO2 emissions, fossil-fuel and renewable energy subsidies, and universal access to modern energy services.

The WEO-2014 will also provide in-depth analysis of some topical energy sector issues:

Africa: This continent-wide focus, paying particular attention to the energy outlook for sub-Saharan Africa, will include data and projections for the entire region as well as for its key energy-producing and consuming countries. Key elements for analysis will be the prospects for improving access to modern energy services and for developing the region’s huge resource potential in a way that contributes not only to regional and global energy balances but also to local economic and social well-being.

Nuclear power: Uncertainties continue to cloud the future for nuclear – government policy, public confidence, financing in liberalised markets, competitiveness versus other sources of generation and the looming retirement of a large fleet of older plants. The study will assess the outlook for nuclear power and its implications.

Energy sector investment (WEO Special Report to be released 3 June): The analysis will provide a detailed assessment of current flows and future investment needs along the entire energy value chain, examining the scale of investment required and financing options. The report will also show how barriers to investment vary according to the strength of decarbonisation policies.

Comment va la vie? La réponse peut dépendre selon la région où vous vivez. De nombreux facteurs qui influent sur le bien-être des personnes entrent en jeu au niveau local, par exemple : l’emploi, l’accès aux services de santé, la pollution et la sécurité publique. Les politiques publiques qui tiennent compte des réalités économiques et sociales dans lesquelles les personnes vivent et travaillent peuvent avoir un impact plus important sur l’amélioration du bien-être pour l’ensemble du pays.

Ce rapport dresse un tableau complet du bien-être dans 362 régions de l’OCDE à travers un examen des aspects les plus importants qui déterminent la vie des personnes : l’emploi, le revenu, le logement, la santé, l’accès aux services, l’environnement, la sécurité et l’engagement civique. Le rapport souligne que les disparités en matière de conditions matérielles et de qualité de vie sont souvent plus importantes entre régions d’un même pays qu’entre pays différents. Alors qu’en moyenne les gens sont plus riches, vivent plus longtemps et bénéficient d’une meilleure qualité de l’air qu’il y a quinze ans, de nombreux pays de l’OCDE ont vu s’accentuer l'écart entre leurs régions les plus performantes et les moins performantes.

Le rapport offre un cadre commun pour mesurer le bien-être au niveau régional ainsi que des lignes directrices pour aider tous les niveaux de gouvernement à utiliser les mesures du bien-être afin de mieux cibler les politiques publiques sur les besoins spécifiques de chaque communauté. Le rapport s’appuie sur une grande diversité d’expériences pratiques de régions et villes de l’OCDE.

  • 13 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 116

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. What type of training is needed to meet the needs of changing economies? How should the programmes be funded? How should they be linked to academic and university programmes? How can employers and unions be engaged? This report synthesises the findings of the series of  country reports done on skills beyond school.

Espagnol, Coréen, Français, Allemand
  • 13 nov. 2014
  • Mihály Fazekas, Ineke Litjens
  • Pages : 116

Vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. How can employers and unions be engaged? How can workbased learning be used? How can teachers and trainers be effectively prepared? How should postsecondary programmes be structured? This country report on the Netherlands looks at these and other questions.

  • 12 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 480

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2014 reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, and performance in more than 45 economies, including OECD countries and major emerging economies. The report draws on the latest OECD work on science and innovation policy analysis and measurement.

Following an overview of the STI global landscape and policy trends, key policy issues are discussed across a series of thematic policy profiles. The third section examines individual STI country performances, along with the most recent national policy developments. These global and national policy trends are monitored by a unique international policy survey conducted by the OECD every two years.

Espagnol, Français
  • 11 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 184

Southeast Asia’s booming economy offers tremendous growth potential, but also large and interlinked economic, social and environmental challenges. The region’s current growth model is based in large part on natural resource exploitation, exacerbating these challenges. This report provides evidence that, with the right policies and institutions, Southeast Asia can pursue green growth and thus sustain the natural capital and environmental services, including a stable climate, on which prosperity depends.

Carried out in consultation with officials and researchers from across the region, Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia provides a framework for regional leaders to design their own solutions to move their countries towards green growth. While recognising the pressures that Southeast Asian economies face to increase growth, fight poverty and enhance well-being, the report acknowledges the links between all these dimensions and underscores the window of opportunity that the region has now to sustain its wealth of natural resources, lock-in resource-efficient and resilient infrastructure, attract investment, and create employment in the increasingly dynamic and competitive sectors of green technology and renewable energy.

Some key policy recommendations are that these challenges can be met by scaling up existing attempts to strengthen governance and reform countries’ economic structure; mainstreaming green growth into national development plans and government processes; accounting for the essential ecosystem services provided by natural capital, ending open-access natural resource exploitation; and guiding the sustainable growth of cities to ensure well-being and prosperity.

Cette publication rassemble les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux présentés par pays partenaires pour 32 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne, la zone euro, et la Fédération de Russie, ainsi que des liens vers des définitions et des notes méthodologiques. Les données se réfèrent aux échanges entre résidents et non-résidents et sont présentées selon les recommandations du Manuel des statistiques du commerce international des services. Ce volume inclut des tableaux récapitulatifs par pays partenaires et par principales catégories de services. Les séries sont exprimées en dollars des États-Unis et couvrent la période 2008-2012.


This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 32 OECD countries plus the European Union, the Euro area, and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services.

This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2008-2012.

  • 05 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 120

OECD's 2014 Economic Survey of the Slovak Republic examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. Special chapters cover reforming the public sector and spurring growth in lagging regions.

  • 05 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 107

Ce livrable fournit des recommandations en vue de l’adoption, au niveau national, de règles destinées à neutraliser les effets des dispositifs hybrides ainsi que des propositions de modifications à apporter au Modèle de convention fiscale de l’OCDE pour combattre ces mécanismes. Une fois transposées dans la législation nationale, les recommandations énoncées dans la Partie 1 du livrable permettront de neutraliser les effets des dispositifs hybrides internationaux aboutissant à de multiples déductions au titre d’une seule dépense ou à une déduction dans un pays ou territoire non contrebalancée par une imposition équivalente dans un autre pays ou territoire. La Partie 1 sera complétée par des commentaires visant à expliquer les règles préconisées et à en illustrer l’application à l’aide d’exemples concrets. La Partie 2 présente des propositions de modifications du Modèle de convention destinées à garantir que les avantages prévus par des conventions fiscales ne sont accordés à des entités hybrides (y compris aux entités ayant la double résidence) que lorsque les circonstances s’y prêtent. Sont également examinées dans la Partie 2 les interactions entre les modifications du Modèle de convention fiscale et les recommandations relatives aux règles devant figurer dans les législations nationales énoncées dans la Partie 1.

Allemand, Anglais, Chinois, Coréen
  • 05 nov. 2014
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 540

In recognition of fundamental changes in the way governments approach energy-related environmental issues, the IEA has prepared this publication on CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. This annual publication was first published in 1997 and has become an essential tool for analysts and policy makers in many international fora such as the Conference of the Parties. The twentieth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (COP 20), in conjunction with the tenth meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 10), will be meeting in Lima, Peru from 1 to 12 December 2014.

The data in this book are designed to assist in understanding the evolution of the emissions of CO2 from 1971 to 2012 for more than 140 countries and regions by sector and by fuel. Emissions were calculated using IEA energy databases and the default methods and emission factors from the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

  • 05 nov. 2014
  • Claire Shewbridge, Johan van Bruggen, Deborah Nusche, Paul Wright
  • Pages : 164

This book provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the educational evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches in the Slovak Republic.

  • 04 nov. 2014
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 138

Cette publication analyse les défis de la politique énergétique auxquels le Maroc doit faire face et fournit des recommandations pour de nouvelles améliorations de cette politique.

  • 04 nov. 2014
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 132

The Kingdom of Morocco is over 90 % dependent on energy imports, so a major challenge is to develop indigenous resources. Topography and climate are favourable to wind, solar and additional hydropower. By 2020 Morocco aims to derive more than 40 % of its electrical capacity from these sources, strengthening both energy security and sustainability. At the same time, Rabat aims to retain its attractive investment conditions for oil and gas exploration.

To reduce the burden of energy subsidies, transport fuels have progressively been brought up towards full market prices, and electricity tariffs are also being adjusted upward. Energy efficiency has been elevated to a national priority, with a range of measures on lighting, building standards, appliances and vehicles.

Morocco’s electricity grid now covers more than 98 % of households. The sector is being progressively liberalised, with foreign investment in both renewables and coal-fired power stations. The energy mix is diversified further by imports of gas from Algeria and electricity from Spain.

Morocco has established new national agencies to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and research and development. Co‑operation on climate change within the United Nations framework is widely perceived as exemplary. Persevering in this direction could help Morocco emerge as a regional leader in energy sector reform, as well as in the renewable energy technologies in which it has a natural advantage.

This review analyses the energy policy challenges facing Morocco and provides recommendations for further policy improvements. It is intended to help guide policy makers in the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.

  • 03 nov. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 328

L’édition 2014 des Perspectives de l’emploi de l’OCDE propose un examen approfondi de l’évolution récente du marché du travail et de ses perspectives à court terme dans les pays de l’OCDE. Elle met en lumière les conséquences de la crise sur les revenus, en montrant que les bas salaires n’ont pas été épargnés par un ralentissement sensible de la progression des salaires réels. Si cette progression ralentie peut aider à restaurer la compétitivité et à stimuler l’emploi, ce qui est essentiel pour faire baisser le chômage, la qualité des emplois ainsi créés compte également. La complexité de la notion de qualité des emplois peut être appréhendée à travers trois dimensions : le salaire, la sécurité de l’emploi et la qualité des conditions de travail. Ces trois dimensions sont très variables d’un pays à l’autre, mais il n’est pas nécessaire de sacrifier la qualité au profit de la quantité des emplois : certains pays réussissent bien sur les deux tableaux. L’emploi non régulier peut avoir des effets néfastes sur la qualité, notamment au regard de la sécurité de l’emploi et de la difficulté de passer à un emploi permanent. Il est nécessaire, dans certains pays, de réformer la législation sur la protection de l’emploi afin de réduire les niveaux élevés d’emploi non régulier. Les compétences jouent un rôle déterminant dans la probabilité d’obtenir un emploi de qualité élevée, comme le montre la nouvelle enquête internationale de l'OCDE sur les compétences des adultes. Ce rôle dépend non seulement des compétences déjà acquises par les employés, mais également de la manière dont elles sont mises en œuvre sur le lieu de travail, qui à leur tour est le reflet des institutions et politiques du marché du travail des pays.

Allemand, Anglais
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