Documents d’orientation sur la gouvernance publique de l'OCDE

Ces documents fournissent des informations sur les travaux de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique, qui examinent comment les gouvernements conçoivent et mettent en œuvre des politiques stratégiques, fondées sur des données factuelles et innovantes pour répondre à des défis divers et tenir les engagements du gouvernement envers les citoyens.

Anglais, Français

Coherence and co-ordination at the centre of government in Romania

Governments operate in an increasingly volatile environment, marked by disruptive crises and cross-cutting policy challenges. This context has highlighted the importance centres of government (CoG) in setting up effective co-ordination systems, capable of developing and implementing coherent, whole-of-government responses to immediate threats, while steering the country towards a sustainable and resilient future. This policy paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the current legal, organisational and policy framework and practices in Romania as they relate to policy co-ordination, within the CoG and between the CoG and ministries. It also provides recommendations for consolidating the General Secretariat of the Government’s capacity and role in policy development and co-ordination, to improve the coherence of government action and, ultimately, achieve government priorities and commitments.


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