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  • 19 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 198

Türkiye hızla artan sera gazı emisyonları ile en hızlı büyümeye sahip OECD ekonomisidir. Türkiye’nin ekonomik büyümesi, 2008 yılından beri, hava emisyonları, enerji kullanımı, atık üretimi ve su tüketiminden nispeten ayrışmıştır. Ancak, Türkiye ekonomisinin kaynak yoğunluğunun yüksekliği ve fosil yakıtlara büyük orandaki bağımlılığı çevre üzerindeki baskıları mutlak olarak artırmaya devam edecektir. Ülkenin çevresel performansının iyileşmesi için düşük karbonlu döngüsel bir ekonomiye geçişte daha fazla ilerleme kaydedilmesi gerekmektedir.

Bu Türkiye’nin üçüncü Çevresel Performans İncelemesi’dir. Bu raporda, sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve yeşil ekonomi yönündeki ilerleme, iklim değişikliği ve kentsel atıksu yönetimi özel alanları ile birlikte değerlendirilmektedir.

Français, Anglais
  • 19 mars 2019
  • Forum International des Transports
  • Pages : 44

This report considers the innovative use of existing infrastructure and the adoption of emerging digital technologies to optimise the use of road capacity. It focuses on using big data to identify the traffic bottlenecks in real-time and manage peak demand with innovative measures at the local and network levels. The report examines the effectiveness and efficiency of a range of instruments for active traffic demand management and also considers application issues. It includes a review of the latest road pricing technologies used in several Asian cities.

  • 14 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 196

The Food and Agriculture Reviews provide a comprehensive assessment of agricultural policies and calculate a set of policy indicators developed by the OECD. These indicators are regularly used in the analysis of the agriculture and food sector in OECD countries and several emerging economies. This review analyses both the indicators available for Argentina and the main agricultural policy areas, such as trade, innovation, sustainability, risk management and value chains. It also provides a series of policy recommendations.

Argentina’s agricultural sector has undergone a considerable innovation process over the last two decades. This transformation was mostly led by a dynamic and pro-active private sector often subject to policies providing negative support via export restrictions and taxes. The rapid adoption of technologies, such as improved varieties and no-till farming, and organisational innovations have contributed to increasing the Total Factor Productivity of crops. Government focus on providing such general services as research, extension, and animal and plant health has facilitated innovation as has the proactive management of risks by farmers. Nevertheless, environmental pressures are increasing with deforestation and the use of pesticides.

  • 14 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 212

Las Revisiones de Políticas Agroalimentarias proporcionan una evaluación exhaustiva de las políticas agrícolas de cada país y el cálculo de un conjunto de indicadores desarrollados por la OCDE. Estos indicadores se utilizan regularmente en el análisis de la agricultura y sector alimentario en los países de la OCDE y de varias economías emergentes. Este informe incluye el análisis y los indicadores correspondientes a Argentina, integrando los principales aspectos de la política agroalimentaria como la política comercial, la innovación, la sostenibilidad, la gestión de riesgos y las cadenas de valor, y proporciona recomendaciones de política.  
El sector agropecuario de Argentina ha experimentado un proceso de innovación notable en las últimas dos décadas. Esta transformación ha sido liderada principalmente por un sector privado dinámico y proactivo, a pesar de estar sujeto a políticas de apoyo negativo tales como las restricciones y los impuestos a la exportación. La rápida adopción de tecnologías como las semillas mejoradas y la siembra directa, e innovaciones organizacionales han contribuido a aumentar la Productividad Total de los Factores en los cultivos. Los apoyos presupuestarios se han centrado en la prestación de servicios generales tales como investigación, extensión y sanidad agropecuaria, facilitando la innovación y la gestión proactiva de los riesgos. Las presiones ambientales están en aumento con el crecimiento del uso de pesticidas y la deforestación. Las producciones fuera de la región pampeana acumulan un retraso en productividad e innovación.

  • 12 mars 2019
  • Forum International des Transports
  • Pages : 32

Este documento tiene por objeto apoyar a las ciudades en el establecimiento de objetivos de seguridad vial y supervisar los avances en la mejora de la seguridad vial urbana. Los peatones, ciclistas y motociclistas representan casi el 80 % de las muertes por accidentes de tráfico urbanos. Por lo tanto, las ciudades deben intensificar sus esfuerzos para mejorar la seguridad de los usuarios vulnerables de la vía pública. Este documento presenta indicadores de seguridad vial para diferentes grupos de usuarios de la vía pública recolectados en 31 ciudades con el fin de facilitar la evaluación, la supervisión y la comparación de resultados de seguridad vial. Presta especial atención a la medición del riesgo de muerte en accidente de tráfico por unidad de distancia recorrida.


There is an urgent need to ensure that coastal areas are adapting to the impacts of climate change. Risks in these areas are projected to increase because of rising sea levels and development pressures. This report reviews how OECD countries can use their national adaptation planning processes to respond to this challenge. Specifically, the report examines how countries approach shared costs and responsibilities for coastal risk management and how this encourages or hinders risk-reduction behaviour by households, businesses and different levels of government. The report outlines policy tools that national governments can use to encourage an efficient, effective and equitable response to ongoing coastal change. It is informed by new analysis on the future costs of sea-level rise, and the main findings from four case studies (Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).


Cette Ligne directrice pour l’essai sur la reproduction est conçue pour fournir des informations générales concernant les effets d’une substance d’essai (liquide, solide, gaz ou vapeur), sur la performance reproductrice des mâles et des femelles. La substance d’essai est administrée oralement par dose graduée à plusieurs groupes de mâles et de femelles.

Les mâles doivent être dosés durant la croissance et au moins pendant un cycle spermatogène complet ; les femelles de la génération parentale doivent être dosées pendant au moins deux cycles oestraux. Les animaux sont alors accouplés. La substance d’essai est administrée aux deux sexes pendant la période d’accouplement et par la suite seulement aux femelles pendant la période de gestation et d’allaitement. Cette Ligne directrice utilise principalement le rat ou la souris. Chaque groupe d'essai et de contrôle devrait contenir un nombre suffisant d'animaux pour garantir environ 20 femelles gravides à terme (ou presque à terme). Trois groupes d’essai au moins doivent être employés. Il est recommandé que la substance d’essai soit administrée dans la nourriture ou dans la boisson. Un essai limite peut être effectué si aucun effet n’est attendu à une dose de 1000 mg/kg poids corporel/j. Les résultats de l’étude comportent des mesures ( poids, consommation de nourriture) et des observations quotidiennes détaillées, tous les jours de préférence au même moment, de même qu’une autopsie générale et de l’histopathologie. Les résultats d'une étude de toxicité de reproduction sont évalués en termes d'effets observés, autopsie et résultats microscopiques. Un essai correctement effectué de reproduction fournit une évaluation satisfaisante d'un niveau de sans effet et une compréhension des effets nuisibles sur la reproduction, la parturition, la lactation et la croissance postnatale.

  • 19 févr. 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 200

Turkey is the fastest growing OECD economy with rapidly increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2008, its economic growth has been relatively decoupled from air emissions, energy use, waste generation and water consumption. However, the high resource intensity of Turkey’s economy and its heavy reliance on fossil fuels will continue to increase these environmental pressures in absolute terms. More progress is needed in the transition to a low-carbon, circular economy to improve the country’s environmental performance.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Turkey. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on climate change and urban wastewater management.

Français, Turc
  • 14 févr. 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 188

This new OECD report on the ocean economy emphasises the growing importance of science and technologies in improving the sustainable economic development of our seas and ocean. Marine ecosystems sit at the heart of many of the world’s global challenges: food, medicines, new sources of clean energy, climate regulation, job creation and inclusive growth. But we need to safeguard and improve the health of marine ecosystems to support our ever-growing use of marine resources. Innovation in science and technology will play a key role in reconciling these two objectives. This report identifies three priority areas for action based on a number of in-depth case studies: 1) approaches that produce win-win outcomes for ocean business and the ocean environment across a range of marine and maritime applications; 2) the creation of ocean-economy innovation networks; and 3) new pioneering initiatives to improve measurement of the ocean economy.

Thailand is a fast emerging country that aspires to become a high-income economy by 2037. Still, Thailand’s growth path has created large disparities that risk obstructing the next stage of development. This report lays out three transitions that Thailand needs to master to build capabilities and sustain faster but also more inclusive economic growth. First, the country should move from a growth path dominated by few and geographically concentrated sources of innovation to one that focuses on unlocking the full potential of all regions. Second, to support a new growth agenda, it should organise multi-level governance and the relationship between the many layers of government more effectively, particularly with regards to financial resources. Last but not least, Thailand should focus on water and environment, moving from a resource-intensive growth path with costly natural disasters to one characterised by sustainable development. In the case of water, this means moving from ad-hoc responses to effective management of water security.

This report presents global projections of materials use and their environmental consequences, providing a quantitative outlook to 2060 at the global, sectoral and regional levels for 61 different materials (biomass resources, fossil fuels, metals and non-metallic minerals). It explains the economic drivers determining the decoupling of economic growth and materials use, and assesses how the projected shifts in sectoral and regional economic activity influence the use of different materials. The projections include both primary and secondary materials, which provides a deeper understanding of what drives the synergies and trade-offs between extraction and recycling.

The report projects a doubling of global primary materials use between today and 2060. Population and converging per capita income growth drive the growth in materials use. However, structural change, especially in non-OECD countries, and technology improvements partially dampen that growth. Metals and non-metallic minerals are projected to grow more rapidly than other types of materials.

The IUCLID (International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database) can be customised to manage chemical data in different contexts and is a platform employing globally harmonised data elements pertinent to chemicals. The version 6 of IUCLID software released in 2016 allows for greater customisation of IUCLID and for extension and integration with other tools. For example, the standard IUCLID data elements can be extended to capture specific information for specific legislative data needs before they are added to the OHTs. This document describes four main elements related to the customisation of IUCLID including how the IUCLID format can be configured and customised, the main IUCLID features and add-ons, integration with other systems and development of alternative user interfaces. The document also outlines how customisation of these different elements requires different expertise and resources. It incorporates user stories regarding customisation of and data migration to IUCLID from ECHA, Australia, and Canada.

Following an update of the IUCLID 6 software, a second edition of the report was released in June 2021 to reflect the most recent features and processes.

  • 30 janv. 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 252

Australia has managed to decouple economic growth from the main environmental pressures and has made impressive progress in expanding protected areas. However, it is one of the most resource- and carbon-intensive OECD countries, and the state of its biodiversity is poor and worsening.  Advancing towards a greener economy will require strengthening climate-change policy and mainstreaming biodiversity more effectively across sectors.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Australia. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, and includes special features on threatened species protection and sustainable use of biodiversity and chemical management.


The chemical industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world and is expected to grow fourfold by 2060. Indeed modern life without chemicals would be inconceivable. Given the potential environmental and human health risks from exposure to chemicals, governments and industry have a major responsibility to ensure that chemicals are produced and used safely.

The OECD assists countries in developing and implementing policies and instruments that protect human health and the environment, and in making their systems for managing chemicals as efficient as possible. To eliminate duplication of work and avoid non-tariff barriers to trade, emphasis has been on developing shared frameworks for gathering and assessing information on potential chemical risks. The time-tested OECD Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) system provides a major basis for generating savings to governments and industry. This report provides an overview of the benefits and estimates the total savings from OECD work to be more than EUR 309 million per year.

The Sami have lived for time immemorial in an area that today extends across the Kola Peninsula in Russia, northern Finland, northern Norway's coast and inland, and the northern half of Sweden. The Sami play an important role in these northern economies thanks to their use of land, their involvement in reindeer husbandry, agriculture/farming and food production, and connection with the region’s tourism industry. However, in Sweden, as in the other states where the Sami live, the connections with regional development are often inconsistent and weak, and could do more to support the preservation and promotion of Sami culture and create new employment and business opportunities. This study, together with the OECD’s broader thematic work on this topic, provides actionable recommendations on how to better include the Sami and other Indigenous Peoples in regional development strategies, learning from and incorporating their own perspectives on sustainable development in the process.

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