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The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations for international business conduct in such areas as labour, environment, consumer protection and the fight against corruption. The recommendations are made by the adhering governments and, although they are not binding, governments are committed to promoting their observance.

This book provides the complete text of the Guidelines along with an account of what the 38 adhering governments have been doing to enhance the contribution of the Guidelines to the improved functioning of the global economy. The 2004 edition also provides an overview of how to encourage the positive contribution of business to the environment through the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


This book is the product of a collaborative effort between the OECD Environment and Development Co-operation directorates on mainstreaming responses to climate change in development planning and assistance. This volume synthesises insights from six country case studies that review climate change impacts and vulnerabilities, analyse relevant national plans and aid investments in terms of their exposure and attention to climate risks, and examine in-depth key systems where climate change is closely intertwined with development and natural resource management. The case studies cover the Nepal Himalayas, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the Nile in Egypt, the Bangladesh Sundarbans, coastal mangroves in Fiji, and agriculture and forestry sectors in Uruguay. 

Overall, the volume suggests a rich agenda for research and policy action which should be of considerable interest to donor agencies, sectoral planners and development practioners, as well as climate change experts and policy makers.


This book provides a detailed examination of the environment chapter of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and other relevant provisions of the Guidelines and gives concrete ideas and guidance to enterprises wishing to implement the Guidelines. Topics covered include environmental management systems; public information and stakeholder consultation; life cycle assessment; risk management; emergency preparedness and response; continuous improvements in environmental performance; environmental education and training; and contributing to the development of environmental policy.

Russe, Chinois, Allemand, Français, Espagnol
  • 09 juin 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 110

This DAC Reference Paper outlines key issues faced when designing Environmental Fiscal Reform (EFR). EFR refers to a range of taxation and pricing measures which can raise fiscal revenues while furthering environmental goals. The objective is to provide insights and “good practice” on how development co-operation agencies can help developing countries take advantage of EFR approaches in both their development and poverty reduction strategies.

Following a review of the instruments of EFR and related technical issues, Environmental Fiscal Reform for Poverty Reduction focuses on the political economy and governance aspects of EFR. This includes an examination of the precondition for successful design and implementation, the various steps involved through the EFR Policy Cycle, the challenges faced at each stage, and the main stakeholders involved. The role of donors in supporting EFR processes is also outlined.

Subsequently, these issues are reviewed in relation to sectors of particular relevance for developing countries: forestry, fisheries, fossil fuel, electricity, drinking water and industrial pollution control.


This book brings together the findings of key sector- and media-specific analyses of the environment in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) area and puts forward a set of indicators to provide a one-stop, concise and up-to-date assessment that is accessible also to a non-specialist audience. It systematically looks at environmental legislation, policies, and institutions; pollution prevention and control; natural resources management; environmental policy integration; financial resources for the environment; environmental information and public awareness; and co-operation on transboundary issues.

It finds that the problems are serious, but they vary across countries.  A significant burden of environmental disease persists – one out of 1 000 children born in Tajikistan dies before the age of five due to diarrhoeal diseases closely associated to lack of safe water.  Despite low income levels, natural resources are under heavy pressure – nine out of twelve countries forming the region are water-stressed. To confront those problems, institutional development and policy responses would need to be stepped up.  This assessment finds that current policies are often ineffective in stimulating significant improvements, scarce resources are spent without clear programmatic frameworks, and policy integration is very limited.

  • 28 nov. 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 288

Investigating over twenty cases where exports from developing countries faced new environmental requirements, this OECD report examines how environmental requirements can be trade barriers for developing countries. These case studies, covering a diverse number of products and exporting countries, trace a number of environmental regulations, standards and labelling schemes, from conception through implementation. In so doing, they highlight the difference that sensitivity to potential trade effects can make when designing environmental regulations and standards. They also show that timely technical assistance has played a crucial role in helping exporters from developing countries adjust to new environmental requirements without suffering adverse trade effects.

  • 11 août 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 160

Subsidies are pervasive throughout OECD countries and much of this support is potentially harmful environmentally. This report presents sectoral analyses on agriculture, fisheries, water, energy and transport, proposing a checklist approach to identifying and assessing environmentally harmful subsidies. It also identifies the key tensions and conflicts that are likely to influence subsidy policy making. The book concludes with a discussion of politically feasible subsidy reform strategies.

These conference proceedings present a series of evaluations of agri-environmental policies in OECD countries.  They examine how effective the policies have been in achieving objectives and what policy makers have learned about the design and implementation of their policies. 

These proceedings show that different methods of policy evaluation are complementary. Most countries focus on evaluating the environmental effectiveness rather than the economic efficiency of policies, using physical indicators rather than monetary values. Many policies are achieving their environmental objectives, but are taking longer than originally anticipated. The initiative being taken in many countries to incorporate monitoring and data collection into programme design and implementation is a positive development.  But a number of steps need to be taken to improve the quality of evaluations, including the better articulation of policy goals and objectives, improving data quality and establishing baselines for comparison.

This publication unites all of the OECD documents related to Good Laboratory Practice and compliance monitoring, and, in the Annex, reproduces the three OECD Council Decisions related to the Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals. It includes the international standards for quality of non-clinical environmental, health and safety data on chemicals and chemical products in a regulatory context—the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice—and supporting Consensus and Advisory Documents on their interpretation and application. The OECD guidance documents for governments on monitoring compliance with the Good Laboratory Practice Principles are also included. This publication thus presents the state of the art on Good Laboratory Practice and compliance monitoring.

  • 21 avr. 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 313

Ce Compendium 2004 des données OCDE sur l'environnement, publié tous les deux ans, établit un lien entre la pollution et les ressources naturelles à des secteurs d'activité exerçant une pression sur l'environnement. Il contient des données sur l'état de l'air, des eaux intérieures, des sols, des forêts, de la faune et de la flore ainsi que les risques ou concernant les pressions exercées sur l'environnement par la production et la consommation d'énergie, les transports, l'industrie et l'agriculture. Ces données sont présentées pour les pays de l'OCDE dans la mesure de leur disponibilité ces dernières années.

L'ouvrage s'achève par un choix de mesures adoptées par les pouvoirs publics et les entreprises, et notamment par des données sur les dépenses et taxes liées à l'environnement, les conventions multilatérales ainsi que par des informations générales, telles que la population et la densité de population, l'évolution et la structure du PIB et la structure de la dépense des ménages.

Pour la première fois, tous les tableaux et graphiques de l'édition 2004 comportent un lien StatLink. Ces liens, placés au début de chaque chapitre, sont des URL qui permettent au lecteur d'accéder directement aux fichiers Excel contenant les données.

  • 09 mai 2005
  • OCDE, Commission économique pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraibes
  • Pages : 216

This review of Chile's environmental policies and performance, carried out in co-operation with the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, systematically examines Chile's performance and policy with regards to air, water, nature conservation, and biodiversity. It also examines the environmental-economic interface, sectoral integration (mining, forestry, and aquaculture), and the environmental-social interface, as well as international commitments. It makes a series of recommendations and includes tables showing selected environmental and social data.

  • 11 oct. 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 200

This book presents the results of a peer review of the Czech Republic's environmental policies and programmes. It systematically covers air, water, and waste management; nature and biodiversity management; the environmental/economic interface; the enviornmental/social interface; and international co-operation. It includes extensive statistical information as well as specific recommendations in each of the topics covered.

Tchèque, Français
  • 26 sept. 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 248

This book presents the results of a peer review of France's environmental policies and programmes. It systematically looks at environmental management (air, water, biodiversty), sustainable development, and international commitments. This edition includes a sectoral chapter covering energy. The book presents specific conclusions and policy recommendations, and includes extensive statistical data.


This publication summarises the lessons learned from the 30 country reviews of sustainable development that have been published since 2002 as part of OECD Economic Surveys. It also examines the concrete action that countries have taken to promote sustainable development while concentrating on the results that have been achieved and the efficiency of achieving the results. The publication focuses on major policy areas including the improvement of environmental policies, raising living standards in developing countries, and ensuring sustainable retirement income policies. Numerous tables provide detailed data and sustainable development indicators that have been used to gauge performance and assess costs.

  • 26 sept. 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 324

This study takes an in-depth look at the arable crops sector in OECD countries and draws some conclusions about the impacts of agricultural support policies, trade liberalisation, agri-environmental payments, and agri-ennvironmental regulations. It contains economic and structural data, agri-environmental indicators for the arable crops sector, and analysis of the policy measures supporting arable crops farming and addressing environmental issues both at the aggregate country level and regional levels. This is the third in a series of in-depth studies being undertaken by the OECD to investigate the linkages between agriculture, trade and the environment. The first study on the pig sector was published in 2003, and the second study on the dairy sector was published in 2004.


This collection of studies is intended as a practical tool to help negotiators navigate the numerous, complex issues that have arisen in international discussions over liberalising trade in environmental goods and services. In addition to explaining the background to the two earlier lists of environmental goods (stemming from separate efforts by the OECD and by the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum), the different chapters:

  • Explore various practical issues related to the classification of environmental goods, including "dual use" goods.
  • Provide concrete examples of synergies between trade in environmental services and environmental goods.
  • Synthesise the findings of various country studies on environmental goods and services undertaken by the OECD and other inter-governmental organisations.
  • 25 nov. 2005
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 326

Ce rapport de l’OCDE s’appuie sur une vingtaine d'études de cas portant sur des exportations en provenance de pays en développement soumises à des prescriptions environnementales. Il analyse comment ces réglementations environnementales peuvent être des obstacles pour les pays en développement. Ces études de cas, qui couvrent un large éventail de produits et de pays exportateurs, suivent un certain nombre de réglementations, normes et systèmes d'étiquetage relatifs à la protection de l'environnement, depuis leur conception jusqu'à leur mise en œuvre. Elles soulignent combien il est important de prendre en compte les effets que ces normes et réglementations environnementales peuvent avoir sur le commerce dès leur élaboration. Enfin, ces études montrent qu’une assistance technique opportune peut aider les exportateurs des pays en développement à s'adapter aux nouvelles prescriptions environnementales sans en pâtir sur le plan commercial.


Ces Principes directeurs sont des recommandations à l’intention des entreprises multinationales sur la conduite de leurs activités dans des domaines comme le travail, la protection des consommateurs et la lutte contre la corruption. Il montre également en quoi les entreprises peuvent contribuer au respect de l’environnement.


Cet ouvrageest le fruit d’une collaboration entre la Direction de l’environnement et la Direction de la coopération pour le développement de l’OCDE. Ces dernières ont travaillé ensemble sur l’intégration systématique de réponses au changement climatique dans la planification du développement et l’aide au développement. Cette publication synthétise les enseignements tirés d’études de cas menées dans six pays. Elle examine les répercussions du changement climatique et évalue la vulnérabilité de ces pays au phénomène. Elle analyse les plans nationaux et les investissements réalisés au titre de l’aide sous l’angle de leur exposition aux risques climatiques et de la prise en compte de ces derniers. Enfin, elle décrit les grands systèmes dans lesquels le développement et la gestion des ressources naturelles sont indissociables du changement climatique. Ces grands systèmes sont l’Himalaya au Népal, le Kilimandjaro en Tanzanie, la vallée du Nil en Égypte, les Sundarbans au Bangladesh, les mangroves côtières à Fidji, et les secteurs agricole et forestier en Uruguay.

En somme, cette publication présente un agenda pour de nombreuses pistes de recherche et d’action qui devraient être extrêmement utiles aux organismes d’aide, aux responsables de la planification sectorielle et aux acteurs du développement, mais aussi aux spécialistes et aux responsables de la lutte contre le changement climatique.

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