
Les travaux de l'OCDE sur l'économie examinent les principales tendances économiques, ainsi que les projections et l'évolution des politiques structurelles pour les pays de l'OCDE et certaines économies partenaires.
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image of Études économiques de l'OCDE : Belgique 2024

Études économiques de l'OCDE : Belgique 2024

L’économie belge a relativement bien résisté aux chocs récents et devrait continuer à croître de manière stable. Les finances publiques se sont cependant dégradées. En l’absence d’assainissement budgétaire, le ratio de la dette au PIB devrait...
image of OECD Economic Surveys: Colombia 2024

OECD Economic Surveys: Colombia 2024

After a robust recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, Colombia's economic growth is returning to a low potential. Medium-term growth prospects depend on maintaining Colombia's strong macroeconomic framework and enacting reforms to create a...
image of Doombot versus other machine-learning methods for evaluating recession risks in OECD countries

Doombot versus other machine-learning methods for evaluating recession risks in OECD countries

An extensive literature explains recession risks using a variety of financial and business cycle variables. The problem of selecting a parsimonious set of explanatory variables, which can differ between countries and prediction horizons, is naturally...
image of SME Digitalisation to manage shocks and transitions

SME Digitalisation to manage shocks and transitions

Although uptake of digital practices by SMEs continues to increase, so too has the “digital gap” with larger firms. Understanding the drivers and persisting bottlenecks of SME digitalisation as well as gaining a deeper understanding of their...
image of Worn out: COVID-19, Women and the Great Exhaustion

Worn out: COVID-19, Women and the Great Exhaustion

It’s been a tough two years for women. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, women were hit harder by job losses, leading many to call it a “she-cession”. But as the pandemic worse on we started to see wider impacts too. We saw women on the front line of...
image of Main Economic Indicators, Volume 2023 Issue 12

Main Economic Indicators, Volume 2023 Issue 12

This monthly publication presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for all the OECD countries, the euro zone and a number of non-member economies...

OECD Economic Outlook, November 2023
Restoring growth

November 2023 -  The global economy continues to confront the challenges of inflation and low growth prospects. GDP growth has been stronger than expected so far in 2023, but is now moderating on the back of tighter financial conditions, weak trade growth and lower business and consumer confidence. 

View the presentation:

See also the publication: OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2023 Issue 2 - November 2023

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