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  • 19 sept. 2014
  • Jean-Yves Huwart, Loïc Verdier
  • Pages : 172

Es gibt kaum ein Thema, das so kontrovers ist – und gleichzeitig so wenig verstanden wird – wie die Globalisierung. Die wirtschaftliche Globalisierung im weitesten Sinne kann zwar auf eine ebenso lange Geschichte zurückblicken wie der Handel selbst, doch die Komplexität, die sich aus der globalen Vernetzung der Volkswirtschaften ergibt, sowie deren Auswirkungen auf unsere Lebensgrundlagen haben sich durch die globale Finanzkrise noch verstärkt.

Diese Publikation beschreibt die entscheidenden Wendepunkte in der Geschichte der wirtschaftlichen Integration und insbesondere die Beschleunigung des Globalisierungsprozesses seit den 1990er Jahren. Darüber hinaus werden die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung in vier maßgeblichen Bereichen – Beschäftigung, Entwicklung, Umwelt und Finanzstabilität – erörtert: Fördert Globalisierung die Entwicklung oder verstärkt sie die Ungleichheit? Werden durch Globalisierung Arbeitsplätze geschaffen oder vernichtet? Schädigt Globalisierung die Umwelt oder trägt sie zu ihrem Erhalt bei? Steuern wir auf eine Entglobalisierung zu oder kann die Globalisierung sogar die Erholung begünstigen?

Français, Anglais, Espagnol

The ability of citizens to demand accountability and more open government is fundamental to good governance. There is growing recognition of the need for new approaches to the ways in which donors support accountability, but no broad agreement on what changed practice looks like. This publication aims to provide more clarity on the emerging practice. Based on four country studies Mali, Mozambique, Peru and Uganda, a survey of donor innovations and cutting-edge analysis in this field, and the findings of a series of special high-level international dialogues on how to best support accountability support to parliaments, political parties, elections and the media. The publication takes the view that a wholesale shift in behaviour is required by parts of the development assistance community - moving outside conventional comfort zones and changing reflexes towards new approaches to risk taking, analysis and programming around systems of accountability and ‘do no harm’ efforts in political engagement.

This piece is aimed at a range of development practitioners, as well as a wider audience, including civil society actors and citizens around the world who interact with donors working on accountability support.

  • 11 sept. 2014
  • OCDE, La Banque mondiale
  • Pages : 96

Corruption has a devastating impact on developing and transition countries, with estimates of $20 billion to $40 billion per year stolen by public officials, a figure equivalent to 20 to 40 percent of official development assistance flows. The return of the proceeds of corruption— asset recovery—can have a significant development impact. Returns can be used directly for development purposes, such as improvements in the health and education sectors and reintegration of displaced persons, with additional benefits of improved international co-operation and enhanced capacity of law enforcement and financial management officials. Development agencies and those committed to development effectiveness have a role in the asset recovery process. They have made international commitments to fight corruption and recover the proceeds of corruption in the Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness: Accra Agenda for Actions, held in Accra, Ghana, in 2008, and in the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness: Partnership for Effective Development, held in Busan, Republic of Korea, in 2011. Despite these efforts, there has been difficulty in translating these commitments into concrete action. This StAR-OECD publication reports on how OECD countries are performing on asset recovery.

Drawing on data collected between 2006 and 2012, the report provides recommendations and good practices, and suggests specific actions for development agencies. Few and Far is primarily intended to support the anti-corruption and asset recovery efforts of developed and developing jurisdictions, with a particular focus on actions for development agencies. In addition, civil society organisations engaged in governance and development issues may wish to use these findings and recommendations in their reports and advocacy efforts.

  • 14 août 2014
  • OCDE, Commission économique pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraibes
  • Pages : 188

Uruguay has made remarkable progress over the past decade. Stable macroeconomic policies and a favourable external environment have permitted brisk growth and the financing of social policies. Substantial improvements in several dimensions of human well-being have occurred during this period, alongside considerable reductions in external risks. The conditions ahead, however, may present challenges to maintaining performance. Overcoming these challenges will require finding the appropriate balance between long run objectives and macroeconomic and fiscal stability.

One of the main obstacles to economic growth is the insufficient and inadequate provision of human capital and skills. A number of challenges remain for education, which, together with fiscal policy, are key means of reducing inequalities and sustaining economic growth. In addition, Uruguay needs to address labour shortages to avoid constraints on future growth, especially as exports become more skills-intensive. It is important to orient social policies and expenditures towards the most vulnerable groups.

  • 17 juil. 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 112

This Peer Review assesses the performance of Japanese development co-operation. Peer reviews of OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members are based on the two objectives of accountability and learning. The reviews are the only international process to examine regularly key bilateral development co-operation systems and offer constructive commentary for their reform.


Developing economies continue to grow faster than more advanced countries. Non-OECD countries’ share in world GDP surpassed that of OECD countries in 2010. Since its first edition in 2010, the annual Perspectives on Global Development has investigated the trends in “shifting wealth”, the increasing economic weight of developing countries in the world economy. “Shifting wealth” has received a boost through the rise of China, which has also led to positive spillover effects on developing economies that supply China’s demand for resource-based products and intermediates. However, even at their higher rates of growth since 2000, the per capita incomes in developing countries – including many middle-income countries – will not reach the levels of developed countries by 2050. Boosting productivity growth in middle-income countries could stem this trend and is the focus of this report. At the same time, this growth needs to be inclusive so a real convergence in living standards can take place.

  • 12 juin 2014
  • Banque africaine de développement, OCDE, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement
  • Pages : 228

As Perspetivas Económicas em África 2014 analisam o papel crescente do continente na economia mundial e fornecem previsões macroeconómicas para os próximos dois anos. O relatório detalha o desempenho das economias africanas em áreas cruciais: crescimento, financiamento, políticas comerciais e integração regional, desenvolvimento humano, e governação. As notas países abrangem agora a totalidade dos 54 países africanos.

Estas notas sintetizam as tendências recentes da economia, as previsões de crescimento do produto interno bruto para 2014 e 2015, e destacam os principais desafios enfrentados pelos países. Um anexo estatístico permite a comparação entre as variáveis económicas, sociais e políticas específicas de cada país

Français, Anglais
  • 06 juin 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 124

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts periodic reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members. The policies and programmes of each member are critically examined approximately once every five years. DAC peer reviews assess the performance of a given member, not just that of its development co-operation agency, and examine both policy and implementation. They take an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of the member under review.

  • 05 juin 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 140

This DAC peer reviews of Sweden assesses its overall development co-operation performance, examining both policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of the country under review.

  • 04 juin 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 132

This report on the DAC peer review of France's development co-opeation programmes and policies presents an assessment of  the performance of the programme and examines both policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities of the member under review


Le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE procède à des examens périodiques des efforts individuels de coopération au développement des membres du CAD. Les politiques et les programmes de chacun des membres font l’objet d’un examen critique une fois tous les cinq ans. Les examens par les pairs évaluent la performance du membre considéré, non pas seulement celle de son organisme de coopération pour le développement, et examinent les aspects ayant trait tant à la définition de la politique qu’à sa mise en œuvre. Ils couvrent dans leur globalité les activités de coopération pour le développement et d’aide humanitaire du membre soumis à examen en les replaçant dans le système envisagé dans son entier.

  • 03 juin 2014
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 116

This peer reviews assess the performance of Italy, covering not just development co-operation agency, but also policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective on the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities Italy.


Gender equality and the environment are treated as cross-cutting issues in all DAC peer reviews in recognition of their importance in development co-operation. This report highlights some of the common themes and important lessons on mainstreaming gender equality and the environment based on DAC members’ practices as documented in peer reviews, a number of donor evaluations as well as wider work across the OECD.


  • 19 mai 2014
  • Banque africaine de développement, OCDE, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement
  • Pages : 344

Les Perspectives économiques en Afrique 2014 analysent le rôle croissant du continent dans l'économie mondiale et donnent des prévisions macroéconomiques à deux ans. Elles détaillent la performance des économies africaines dans des domaines cruciaux : croissance, flux financiers, commerce et intégration régionale, développement humain et gouvernance.

Les notes-pays regroupent désormais les 54 pays d’Afrique. Elles résument les tendances récentes de l'économie, les prévisions de croissance du produit intérieur brut pour 2014 et 2015, et mettent en évidence les principaux défis rencontrés par les pays. Une annexe statistique permet de comparer les variables économiques, sociales et politiques propres à chaque pays.

Portugais, Anglais
  • 19 mai 2014
  • Banque africaine de développement, OCDE, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement
  • Pages : 316

The African Economic Outlook 2014 analyses the continent’s growing role in the world economy and predicts two-year macroeconomic prospects. It details the performance of African economies in crucial areas: growth, financing, trade policies and regional integration, human development, and governance.

Country notes now cover all 54 African countries. They summarise recent economic growth, forecast gross domestic product for 2014 and 2015, and highlight the main policy issues facing each country. A statistical annex compares country-specific economic, social and political variables.

Portugais, Français
  • 07 mai 2014
  • OCDE, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement
  • Pages : 152

En 2011, la comunidad internacional se comprometió a hacer que la cooperación al desarrollo fuese más eficaz con el fin de obtener mejores resultados en la lucha contra la pobreza. A medio camino entre los compromisos contraídos en el Foro de Alto Nivel de Busan, Corea, de 2011 y la fecha límite de 2015 fijada para los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, este informe hace balance de hasta dónde se ha llegado y dónde subsisten desafíos urgentes.

El informe, la primera imagen de conjunto de la situación desde Busan  basándose en los diez indicadores del marco de monitoreo de la Alianza Global. Pese a la inestabilidad económica mundial, el cambiante panorama político y la presión presupuestaria en los países, el compromiso en pro de los principios de cooperación al desarrollo se ha mantenido sólido. Sin embargo, aún queda mucho por hacer para traducir los compromisos políticos en acción concreta. El presente informe destaca donde es necesario concentrar los esfuerzos para seguir progresando y alcanzar las metas existentes por una cooperación al desarrollo más eficaz para 2015.

Français, Anglais
  • 06 mai 2014
  • OCDE, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement
  • Pages : 154

En 2011, la communauté internationale du développement s’est engagée à renforcer l’efficacité de la coopération pour le développement afin de produire de meilleurs résultats pour les populations pauvres du monde entier. Ce rapport paraît à mi-parcours entre les engagements approuvés en 2011 lors du Forum de haut niveau de Busan en Corée et la date butoir de 2015 des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. Il fait le point sur les progrès accomplis et les domaines dans lesquels il reste des défis urgents à relever.

Cet ouvrage offre un premier instantané de l'état des lieux depuis Busan. Il s'appuie sur les dix indicateurs du cadre de suivi du Partenariat mondial. Malgré les perturbations économiques mondiales, l'évolution des paysages politiques et la pression budgétaire intérieure, l’engagement en faveur d’une coopération efficace au service du développement reste ferme. Les efforts de longue date visant à modifier la façon dont la coopération pour le développement est mise en œuvre portent leurs fruits. Néanmoins, il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour traduire les engagements politiques en actions concrètes. Ce rapport souligne les domaines dans lesquels il est nécessaire de déployer des efforts ciblés afin de poursuivre les progrès et d’atteindre les objectifs fixés pour rendre la coopération au développement plus efficace d'ici 2015.

Espagnol, Anglais

This edition of Better Policies for Development focuses on illicit financial flows and their detrimental effects on development and growth. Every year, huge sums of money are transferred out of developing countries illegally. The numbers are disputed, but illicit financial flows are often cited as outstripping official development aid and inward investment. These flows strip resources from developing countries that could be used to finance much-needed public services, such as health care and education.

This report defines policy coherence for development as a global tool for creating enabling environments for development in a post-2015 context. It shows that coherent policies in OECD countries in areas such as tax evasion, anti-bribery and money laundering can contribute to reducing illicit financial flows from developing countries. It also provides an update on OECD efforts to develop a monitoring matrix for policy coherence for development, based upon existing OECD indicators of ‘policy effort’. The report also includes contributions from member states. Most illustrate national processes to deal with policy coherence for development beyond 2015.

This publication identifies the main areas of weakness and potential areas for action to combat money-laundering, tax evasion, foreign bribery, and to identify, freeze and return stolen assets. It also looks at the role of development agencies and finds that the potential returns to developing countries from using ODA on issues like combating tax evasion or asset recovery are significant.  Finally, it identifies some opportunities for a scaled-up role for development agencies.

  • 03 avr. 2014
  • OCDE, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement
  • Pages : 140

In 2011 the international development community committed to make development co-operation more effective to deliver better results for the world’s poor. At the mid-point between commitments endorsed in the High-Level Forum in Busan, Korea in 2011 and the 2015 target date of the Millennium Development Goals,  this report takes stock of how far we have come and where urgent challenges lie.

This report - a first snapshot of the state-of-play since Busan - reveals both successes and shortfalls. It draws on the ten indicators of the Global Partnership monitoring framework. Despite global economic turbulence, changing political landscapes and domestic budgetary pressure, commitment to effective development co-operation principles remains strong. Longstanding efforts to change the way that development co-operation is delivered are paying off. Past achievements on important aid effectiveness commitments that date back to 2005 have been sustained. Nevertheless, much more needs to be done to translate political commitments into concrete action. This report highlights where targeted efforts are needed to make further progress and to reach existing targets for more effective development co-operation by 2015.

Français, Espagnol
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