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  • 01 oct. 2008
  • OCDE, Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
  • Pages : 140

This publication reviews migration policies in the main OECD countries receiving West African migrants and analyses the recent discussions within Europe. This report lists common approaches undertaken in Europe, Africa and West Africa and aims to shed light on decision makers’ strategic thinking. It provides the greater public with an objective understanding of this recent dynamic.

The OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice provides guidance to operationalise the 2005 DAC Guidelines, Security System Reform and Governance, and closes the gap between policy and practice. It largely follows the external assistance programme cycle and contains valuable tools to help encourage a dialogue on security and justice issues and to support a security system reform (SSR) process through the assessment, design and implementation phases. It also provides new guidance on monitoring, review and evaluation of SSR programmes, and highlights how to ensure greater coherence across the different actors and departments engaged in SSR.
Français, Espagnol

Policy coherence is increasingly in the interest of OECD countries and developing countries alike, given their growing economic, social and environmental interdependence. This report presents scenarios showing numerical results of changes to individual policies as well as policy packages implemented simultaneously by OECD and developing countries. The results can be used to anticipate the outcomes of decisions and implement the appropriate set of policies. The scenarios also show how policy combinations could substantially improve both economic and environmental outcomes together, confirming the need for policy coherence. 

  • 01 avr. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 52

The OECD’s relations with Africa have been strengthened since the launching of NEPAD and the contacts organised in May 2002 between the Ministers of OECD Member countries and their colleagues on the African Union/NEPAD Steering Committee. As a result of this dialogue, the OECD was entrusted with a mandate that calls for it to co operate with AU/NEPAD. The OECD supports AU/NEPAD’s objectives in four domains:

1. The African Peer Review Mechanism;

2. Peer learning and policy dialogue in support of reform;

3. Aid policies and aid effectiveness;

4. The monitoring of development trends and progress.

This brochure provides an overview of the OECD’s activities in each of these areas. In 2006, the OECD established a special unit to support, in close collaboration with AU/NEPAD, the work of the Africa Partnership Forum. It also collaborates with the African Development Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in the production of a valuable monitoring tool, the African Economic Outlook.

  • 28 oct. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 200

Are Latin American governments maximising the potential of fiscal policy as a development tool? The 2009 edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook shows that governments in the region could do much more to exploit the ability of fiscal policy to boost economic growth and combat poverty and inequality.

"An important step forward in the dialogue and exchange of experiences between OECD countries and our region." 

-Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary, ECLAC

"This publication will provide those concerned with Latin America's future with valuable lessons for fiscal policy drawn from the experiences of OECD and Latin American countries."

-Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ex-President of Brasil

"This second Latin American Economic Outlook shows the importance of the micro aspects of a proper fiscal policy. The OECD Development Centre has done an outstanding report."

-Guillermo de la Dehesa,
Chairman of the Centre for Economic Policy Research

"Fiscal policy is an axis of the social contract and a key tool in economic and social development.  This is the core message of the OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2009, a most helpful and timely contribution to the policy debate in Latin America."

-Augusto de la Torre,
Chief Economist for Latin America & the Caribbean Region
World Bank.

"The Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 once again gets it right: fiscal policies in Latin America are actively contributing to macroeconomic equilibrium, but the focus now should also be on economic growth, a necessary condition to reduce poverty and inequality."

-Alejandro Foxley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chile

"The OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2009 highlights the path to follow to continue improving fiscal policy action as a tool for development."  Juan C. Gómez Sabaini, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

“With this new volume on fiscal policy, the OECD Latin American Economic Outlook continues to enrich our knowledge and debate on the key topics affecting Latin America’s economic and social challenges.” 

-Enrique Iglesias,
Secretary-General of the Ibero-American General Secretariat

“This publication illustrates that the challenge ahead for the region is to find out how to use scarce tax resources to foster growth, reduce poverty and provide better public services.”

-Henrique Meirelles, Governor, Central Bank of Brazil

“This report urges policy makers to rediscover the potential use of fiscal policy and to make this policy instrument as effective as it can be.”

-Vito Tanzi, Former Director,
Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF

Chinois, Français, Espagnol, Portugais
  • 04 janv. 2008
  • OCDE, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
  • Pages : 338
This conference proceedings highlights the key risks and opportunities that policy makers need to address relative to fisheries globalisation so that on the one hand, the opportunities that are created are not missed while, on the other, the risks are addressed appropriately. It presents a wide range of experiences and points of view from every part of the value chain of the fisheries industry, including fishers, processors, consumers, NGOs, restaurant and retail chains, as well as government and academic experts.

Ce rapport fournit des données détaillées sur le volume, la provenance and les types d'aide et d'autres apports de ressources attribués à chacun d'environ 150 pays en voie de développement pour les années 2002-2006.  Les données statistiques couvrent les apports d'Aide publique au développement ou d'Aide publique et les autres financements publics et privés fournis à chaque pays ou territoire bénéficiaire par chacun des pays membres du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE, par les organismes multilatéraux ainsi que par d'autres pays donneurs. Des indicateurs socio-économiques de base sont présentés pour mémoire.

  • 27 févr. 2008
  • OCDE, Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
  • Pages : 124
Fisheries represent up to 30% of state budget revenues in West African countries and employ 7 million people in West and Central Africa. If the sector is to develop, or simply continue to exist at present levels, a number of policy challenges will have to be addressed. The number of issues is vast, ranging from illiteracy to EU trade policy.

The Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) and the OECD Fisheries Division are working with regional organisations to help them address the question of policy coherence. This book provides not only an analytical framework adapted to the local context, but also an action framework based on the facts and realities in the field in order to improve the coherence of fisheries policies. 

  • 21 mai 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 114

Aid alone cannot finance development; bringing in fresh sources of finance is essential. The emergence of a multiplicity of new financing options is good news for developing countries, but it also raises challenges. The authors in this stimulating book assess the changing landscape of international development finance from a global and a developing-country perspective. The result is a vast range of policy implications for donor and recipient alike. In an easily digestible format, the book provides recommendations on innovative policy mechanisms, on the use of both grants and loans in development finance, and on the challenges of managing diverse financial flows at country-level.


  • 13 nov. 2008
  • OCDE, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, La Banque mondiale
  • Pages : 46

This report draws a range of new analyses and case studies carried out in preparation for the Accra High-Level Forum held in September 2008. It it is organized into four parts. Part 1 examines trends in aid for health from a global perspective, focusing both on how increases in aid finance have been used, and on financing modalities and patterns that impact on the implementation of the Paris declaration. Part 2 then draws on a series of country cases studies-including Rwanda, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mali and Tanzania-looking at practical experience from the perspective of the main pillars of the Paris Declaration. Part 3 examines current issues and future directions, highlighting new work on predictable financing, showcasing developments in mutual accountability through country compacts, and innovations in cross-cutting issues such as gender and human rights. Part 4 summarizes the key messages and recommendations following the structure and format of the Accra Agenda for Action.

  • 04 févr. 2008
  • Richard Manning
  • Pages : 238

The OECD Development Assistance Committee's annual report on international aid.  This year's edition includes an overview by the DAC Chairman reviewing recent trends in aid volume, allocation, and effectiveness.  Special chapters on Effective Aid Management and Aid Effectiveness examine DAC experience in these areas. Individual chapters for each donor country summarise key features of each country's programme including data on total flows, breakdowns by income group, geographical region and sector, and listing of the top ten recipients. Country chapters also include commentary on the donor's commitment to the MDGs, aid effectiveness, and policy coherence. The comprehensive statistical annex provides graphs and tables showing the evolution of aid flows.

Allemand, Français
  • 18 déc. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 156
Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of foreign aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trends in aid by donors and recipients and distribution of aid by sector, accompanied by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millennium Development Goals.  For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format. 
  • 01 févr. 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 155
Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of foreign aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trends in aid by donors and recipients and distribution of aid by sector, accompanied by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millennium Development Goals.  For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format. 

Cette publication présente des statistiques complètes sur les apports d’aide dans le secteur de l’approvisionnement en eau et de l’assainissement. L’analyse couvre la période 2001-2006, y compris les principales tendances de l’aide des donneurs et le ciblage des pays où la situation est la plus critique.

Les profils de l’aide des donneurs contiennent des statistiques spécifiques à chaque donneur sous forme de tableaux et graphiques, ainsi qu’un résumé de la politique de coopération pour le développement suivie dans le secteur de l’eau.

La publication fournit également la liste des activités d’aide concernées, déclarées par les membres du CAD et les institutions multilatérales dans la base de données SNPC (Système de notification des pays créanciers). Les informations sont fondées sur les engagements et versements individuels d’Aide publique au développement (APD) dans le secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement.

Cette édition résulte de la collaboration entre le Secrétariat du Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE et le Conseil mondial de l’eau (CME).

Les informations présentées sont uniques, comparables et conformes aux définitions et à la méthodologie des statistiques du CAD. Elles visent les besoins des agences et institutions de coopération au développement en soutien de la programmation et de l’analyse par pays et par secteur.

Cette publicationprésente des statistiques complètes sur les apports d’aide à la lutte contre le VIH/sida. L’analyse couvre la période 2000-2006, y compris les tendances des apports d’’aide par les donneurs et l’adéquation de ces apports avec les besoins des pays bénéficiaires ; des estimations sont fournies pour 2007.  La publication rassemble également les activités d’aide pour la lutte contre le VIH/sida notifiées par les membres du CAD et par les institutions multilatérales dans la base de données SNPC sur les activités d’aide (Système de notification des pays créanciers). Les informations sont fondées sur les engagements et versements individuels d'Aide publique au développement (APD) à la lutte contre le VIH/sida.

The changing pattern of international agricultural trade has profound implications for Africa. The book’s authors discuss these trade flows, map the corporate landscape of agro-food, (including the emergent indigenous sector), and assess trends in international development co-operation in the corporate sector. Particular focus is given to “aid for trade” programmes that try to foster private-sector development and trade-capacity building. A final chapter, drawing lessons from five country case studies, provides evidence of the (in)effectiveness of government intervention and donor programmes to promote the marketing of African agriculture.

  • 11 juin 2008
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 150

This book analyses the opportunities and conditions of employment throughout the Black Sea region and Central Asia. It examines how different countries deal with social issues affecting well-being. It presents, thus, both a country-based view and a whole-region analysis that will be useful for policy makers and civil society in responding to the challenges ahead. Countries covered include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

  • 15 janv. 2008
  • OCDE, Organisation mondiale du commerce
  • Pages : 84

Many developing countries, in particular the least-developed, face supply-side constraints that severely limit their ability to benefit from the multilateral trading system. In recognition of these challenges, the 2005 WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference called for the expansion and improvement of aid for trade and set in motion a process to achieve this. This first OECD/WTO review of aid for trade takes stock of trends and developments in aid for trade, provides an overview of donor and partner country responses to a survey, and presents a series of lessons for the next round of monitoring.

This booklet synthesizes findings from analysis of agricultural policy and performance in three African countries: Cameroon, Ghana and Mali. Case studies of each of these countries were undertaken as part of the Support for African Agriculture Project (SAAP), a project largely financed by the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Agriculture and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The purpose was to identify constraints to agricultural growth and poverty reduction that might be eased through better policy, both domestically and internationally. Analysis of agricultural performance focused on trends in output, factor use, and productivity. Analysis of agricultural policy featured measurement of domestic and international price distortions as well as the evolution of aid-financed public expenditures on agriculture.

  • 19 mai 2008
  • Banque africaine de développement, OCDE
  • Pages : 689

This fact-filled reference book brings the reader the latest available economic information for most of the economies of Africa.  Drawing on the expertise of both the African Development Bank and the OECD, it opens with an overview that examines the international environment, macroeconomic performance, progress towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals, and governance and political issues. This edition includes a special focus on technical and vocational skills development. The second part provides individual country reports for 35 countries.  Each country report provides an assessment of recent economic performance, projections for 2008 and 2009, an examination of structural issues, and a discussion of the political and social context.  The statistical annex presents 24 tables comparing economic and social variables across all the countries of Africa.

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