Livestock Diseases

Prevention, Control and Compensation Schemes

image of Livestock Diseases

This report is an overview of the management of risk due to livestock diseases, a potentially catastrophic type of risk that can have strong external effects given its links to the food chain and to human health. Animal disease, primarily in farmed livestock, has long been a policy concern for food safety reasons and the high economic losses it can engender. The globalisation of trade and human movement, and sensitivities to food safety, enhance the relevance and complexity of disease control for terrestrial livestock. Outbreaks – or even rumours of an outbreak – can result in widespread consumer alarm, disruption of trade, and severe effects on incomes, not to mention the human cost of illnesses and deaths arising from animal disease.



This chapter describes important features of the animal disease management system in Germany. The first section focuses on prevention and control systems and covers the assessment of risks, the consultation and decision-making process, the design and implementation of animal health programmes, and the management of outbreaks. The second section analyses compensation schemes and the system of incentives, including institutions, compensation practices, financial structures, and incentives for notification and prevention. The concluding table summarises the main characteristics and challenges.


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