
These 2019 Principles help providers of development and humanitarian co-operation navigate complex challenges to reach their expected results in terms of sustainable development. Building on the Managing for Development Results principles endorsed by development agencies at the international roundtable on results in Marrakech (February 2004), they set out a renewed practice that takes into account the changing global context and expanding array of actors.

French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese

The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention is the foremost global legal instrument for fighting the supply side of foreign bribery. The supply side of foreign bribery relates to what bribers do – it involves offering, promising or giving a bribe to a foreign public official to obtain an improper advantage in international business. In contrast, the demand side of foreign bribery refers to the offence committed by public officials who are bribed by foreign persons.

This study explores whether there is a "flip side" to enforcement actions that ended in sanctions for the supply-side of a foreign bribery transaction. It focuses on what happened on the receiving end of this transaction. That is to say, were the public officials in the demand-side country also sanctioned or otherwise disciplined?

The media and investigative journalism play a crucial role in bringing allegations of corruption to light and fighting against impunity. International consortiums of investigative journalists are an example of an international cooperation that leads to tangible results in bringing financial and economic crime to the attention of the public and law enforcement authorities. Media reporting is an essential—albeit untapped—source of detection in corruption cases.

This report documents and analyses material collected through country reviews undertaken by the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions and through responses to the OECD Survey on Investigative Journalism. It explores good practices and challenges in the detection of international corruption cases via media reporting and investigative journalism.

A shared value-system and guidance, aimed at streamlining the various approaches to commercial capital targeting SDGs. The 2019 Roadmap recognises that market-wide, co-ordinated action is necessary to mobilise the financing, and deliver the development impact that will lead to the Sustainable Development Goals.

This paper outlines how these different challenges can limit, and sometimes prohibit, donors from working to strengthen the resilience of people, communities, and states and their institutions. The paper also proposes a menu of incentives that could be useful in different contexts to ensure political buy-in for resilience, to drive behaviour change by all actors, and to ensure that the risk analysis actually leads to the prioritization of resilience programming.

Development practitioners are often ill equipped to analyse the potential of communities to cope with the complex, interconnected and evolving risks they face. As a result, development and humanitarian programmes only partially integrate those resilience aspects. These guidelines propose a step-by-step approach to resilience systems analysis, to help field practitioners prepare for, and facilitate, a successful multi-stakeholder resilience analysis workshop; design a roadmap to boost the resilience of communities and societies; and integrate the results of the analysis into their development and humanitarian programming.

  • 15 Dec 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 70

The following guidelines provide detailed guidance on how to organize a Resilience System Analysis workshop. They support the OECD’s “Guidance for Resilience System Analysis”.

This set of common principles for all development actors was adopted by representatives of government, multilateral organisations, civil society, private sector, foundations and other actors in 2011. It centres on: Ownership of development priorities by developing counties; A focus on results; Partnerships for development; Transparency and shared responsibility.

Endorsed in December 2008, these Guiding Principles suggest concrete ways policy advisors and programme managers, in both donor and partner countries, can achieve better development results by improving gender equality and supporting women’s empowerment.

Members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) have long recognised that sustainable development must reflect the needs of women and men. These Guidelines from 1998 aim to advance gender issues in their development co-operation programmes, furthering the contribution of the DAC Expert Group on Women in Development to bringing gender issues to the fore.

In this 1996 report, the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) set a number of measurable international development goals. Subsequently, the commitment to halve world poverty became the focus of most donor organisations through the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Long central to UN programmes, this focus on poverty reduction became key to IMF and World Bank lending to low‑income countries.

  • 01 Aug 2023
  • Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 100

Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustives qui font autorité sur les développements qui touchent ce droit. Publié gratuitement en ligne deux fois par an, en anglais et en français, il propose des articles thématiques rédigés par des experts juridiques renommés, rend compte du développement des législations à travers le monde et présente la jurisprudence et les accords bilatéraux et multilatéraux pertinents ainsi que les activités réglementaires des organisations internationales.

Ce numéro inclut notamment l’article et l’étude suivants : « Réflexions juridiques clés pour une réglementation axée sur les résultats » et « Procédure d’autorisation technologiquement neutre des réacteurs avancés : une évaluation du cadre de la NRC hier et aujourd’hui ».

  • 01 Aug 2023
  • Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 132

Le Bulletin de droit nucléaire est une publication internationale unique en son genre destinée aux juristes et aux universitaires en droit nucléaire. Ses lecteurs bénéficient d’informations exhaustives qui font autorité sur les développements qui touchent ce droit. Publié gratuitement en ligne deux fois par an, en anglais et en français, il propose des articles thématiques rédigés par des experts juridiques renommés, rend compte du développement des législations à travers le monde et présente la jurisprudence et les accords bilatéraux et multilatéraux pertinents ainsi que les activités réglementaires des organisations internationales.

Ce numéro inclut notamment les articles suivants : « À la recherche de l’insaisissable conflit : (in)compatibilité des traités sur la non-prolifération et l’interdiction des armes nucléaires »; « De la confiance dans la gestion des déchets à l’entreposage prolongé : comment la NRC justifie l’autorisation des installations nucléaires en l’absence de centre de stockage « et « La nouvelle législation relative à la protection radiologique en Allemagne ».

  • 25 Apr 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 88

Bridging Divides is the theme of OECD Forum 2017. After many years of global interaction, exchange and progress, driven by a potent mixture of reform, economic transition, emerging markets and technological innovation, divisions have again begun to erupt in OECD countries. Some of these income, social, cultural and geographical divides have been lurking for some time, but have deepened since the financial crisis started in 2008. Indeed, lately there has been a backlash against international co-operation and globalism, and a resurgence of protectionist, even nationalist, policies.

All of this poses challenges for key global agreements on climate and sustainable development, and risks dashing the hopes for progress of people everywhere. What should policymakers do to help bridge these dangerous divides, and make the global economy work better for everyone? What promise does digitalisation hold for bridging economic, social and geographical divides? What must be done to bring people and institutions closer together? How can facts, knowledge and positive narratives be marshalled to beat back fake news and post-truths, and restore faith and confidence in the value of international co-operation, openness and world progress?

In OECD Yearbook 2017, OECD experts are joined by thought leaders from government, business, labour, academia and civil society to examine these and other questions facing our societies today.

  • 28 Mar 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100
Ce rapport étudie la planification budgétaire, l'information financière, l'audit interne, l'évaluation des politiques et le pilotage des entités administratives au Luxembourg, et fait des recommandations auprès du ministère des Finances luxembourgeois pour l'ajustement des institutions budgétaires dans ces domaines. Le rapport examine également la conformité des institutions budgétaires du Luxembourg avec les nouvelles exigences de l'Union européenne, et formule des recommandations d'actions à entreprendre pour en assurer le respect.

This report studies budgetary planning, financial information, internal audit, and related policies in the administrative entities of Luxembourg and makes a series of recommendations. It also examines conformity to the new EU requirements.


  • 06 Jun 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

This second issue of Entrepreneurship at a Glance, a product of the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme, presents an original collection of indicators for measuring the state of entrepreneurship, along with explanations of the policy context and interpretation of the data. New to this issue are special chapters addressing measurement issues on women entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance, as well as selected indicators on women entrepreneurship.

Spanish, French
  • 30 Jan 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

In this, the second annual OECD Yearbook, renowned guests from government, business, trade unions and civil society join OECD experts to explore the key questions which confront the world economy in 2012. What has the crisis taught us about the need for a new approach to economic policymaking? What risks do we face and how do we deal with them? Will unemployed youths ever reach their full working potential? How do we give greater economic empowerment to women? Is the middle class on the way out in advanced economies and on the way up in the emerging world? Can better governance prevent future crises? Do green and growth go together? How do we really measure the progress of our societies?

The OECD Yearbook looks at these and other questions. It also presents country snapshots for 40 economies with data and commentary from selected OECD publications. This Yearbook counts as issues 288 and 289 of the OECD Observer.

  • 03 Jun 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 184

A l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de l'OCDE, les dirigeants mondiaux et des acteurs de premeir plan d'entreprise, du travail, et de las société civile, se joigneent au Secrétaire général Angel Gurría pour examiner les grandes questions de notre temps dans cette édition inaugurale de l'Annuel de l'OCDE 2011.

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