
Les travaux de l'OCDE et de l'AIE sur l'énergie offrent une vue d'ensemble de la manière dont le système énergétique mondial pourrait évoluer au cours des prochaines décennies.
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image of Examen des politiques en faveur de la croissance verte de l'Égypte 2024 (version abrégée)

Examen des politiques en faveur de la croissance verte de l'Égypte 2024 (version abrégée)

L’Égypte est une économie émergente en croissance rapide et un poids lourd démographique sur le continent africain. La forte croissance de la population, les changements d’affectation des terres, la pollution et la modification du climat exercent de...
image of Determining the Price of Minerals

Determining the Price of Minerals

In the mining sector, government revenue depends on mineral products being priced and measured accurately. This can be especially complex for semi-processed minerals such as lithium, which is primarily used for battery production. The schedule...
image of Household energy choices

Household energy choices

This paper offers insights on the factors that determine household choices related to energy use, based on data from the third OECD Survey on Environmental Policies and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC). The analysis profiles households according to...
image of Bridging the clean energy investment gap

Bridging the clean energy investment gap

The rapid and deep emissions reductions needed to keep global warming to 1.5°C rely critically on an immense scaling-up of investment in clean energy technologies. The cost of capital plays a key role in determining investment decisions and, when...
image of World Energy Outlook 2023

World Energy Outlook 2023

The World Energy Outlook 2023 provides in-depth analysis and strategic insights into every aspect of the global energy system. Against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and fragile energy markets, this year’s report explores how structural shifts...

IEA Databases

IEA statistical databases have been discontinued on OECD iLibrary as of 31 December 2023.

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