
OECD’s work on employment provides guidance to strengthen the labour market
by examining how public policies can support job creation.
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image of Future-Proofing the Skills System in the Glasgow City Region (Scotland, United Kingdom)

Future-Proofing the Skills System in the Glasgow City Region (Scotland, United Kingdom)

Glasgow City Region - composed of eight Local Authorities - is Scotland’s largest integrated economic area, accounting for a third of Scotland's jobs and economic output. Over the last two decades, the unemployment rate has decreased to a record low,...
image of Youth at Work in G20 Countries

Youth at Work in G20 Countries

This report prepared jointly by the ILO and the OECD and presented at the G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting under Brazil's presidency gives an overview of progress made by G20 countries towards achieving the Antalya target, and policy...
image of Étude comparative des dépenses et du financement de la protection sociale en France et en Allemagne

Étude comparative des dépenses et du financement de la protection sociale en France et en Allemagne

Les dépenses sociales publiques ont triplé en 60 ans, atteignant 21 % du PIB en 2022, mais avec des variations significatives entre les pays de l'OCDE. Cette hausse à long terme est liée au développement des États-providence, au vieillissement de la...

Regulatory approaches to Artificial Intelligence in finance

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in finance has increased rapidly in recent years, with the potential to deliver important benefits to market participants and to improve customer welfare. At the same time, AI in finance could also amplify...
image of Helena Morrissey on why boardrooms need more women

Helena Morrissey on why boardrooms need more women

Dame Helena Morrissey is the founder of the UK-based 30% Club. Its goal? To reach a minimum of 3 out of 10 women on boards and in senior management. And this is just the thin edge of the diversity wedge. Ms Morrissey believes the power base should...
image of OECD Labour Force Statistics 2022

OECD Labour Force Statistics 2022

This annual publication provides detailed statistics on labour force, employment and unemployment, broken down by gender, as well as unemployment duration, employment status, employment by sector of activity and part-time employment...

OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What are the impacts and consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on our lives and our societies - our healthcare systems, our jobs and education, our businesses, financial markets and economies.

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