New Insights from TALIS 2013

Teaching and Learning in Primary and Upper Secondary Education

image of New Insights from TALIS 2013

The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) asks teachers and principals who they are, where they teach and how they feel about their work. The results on lower secondary schools were published in TALIS 2013 Results: An International Perspective on Teaching and Learning. A few countries chose to also conduct the survey in primary and/or upper secondary education. This report presents the results of these options and offers a broader view of teachers and school principals across all levels of compulsory education, and all the similarities and differences in the issues they are facing.


Technical notes on indices and analysis used in talis 2013

This annex provides information on how the indices (or scales) and other measures derived from the TALIS 2013 teacher and principal questionnaires were constructed. It also provides technical details of some of the more advanced statistical analyses presented throughout the report. Additional technical details on these matters can be found in the TALIS 2013 Technical Report.



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