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Managementul riscurilor de corupție este o măsură importantă pentru promovarea integrității publice în mod eficient și efectiv. Acest raport analizează metodologia actuală de management a riscurilor de corupție în cadrul administrației publice centrale din România din perspectiva domeniului intervențiilor comportamentale. După prezentarea metodologiei românești de management a riscurilor de corupție și analiza provocărilor legate de implementarea sa, raportul oferă patru căi concrete pentru asumarea și punerea în aplicare a metodologiei. Strategiile inspirate comportamental sunt concepute pentru a îmbunătăți capacitățile, oportunitățile și motivațiile oficialilor publici de a identifica riscurile de corupție, a evalua probabilitatea și impactul acestora și a proiecta măsuri de control mai eficiente.

  • 22 Dec 2023
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, European Commission
  • Pages: 304

Los países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) deben adoptar una amplia y ambiciosa agenda de inversión para emprender una trayectoria de desarrollo más sólida y sostenible. La decimosexta edición de Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina propone formas para hacer realidad esta agenda mediante acciones coordinadas entre los responsables de la formulación de políticas, el sector privado y los socios internacionales. El informe sostiene que para cerrar las brechas de inversión existentes y superar los retos estructurales de la región es esencial incrementar tanto la inversión nacional como la extranjera. Estas inversiones deben actuar como catalizador de empleos de mayor calidad y optimizar la estructura productiva, aprovechando el potencial de los recursos de ALC y de las transiciones verde y digital. Es clave mejorar la gobernanza y la información para promover inversiones públicas y privadas efectivas y eficientes. Las instituciones públicas son fundamentales para alinear las inversiones con las estrategias nacionales de desarrollo y para fortalecer el contrato social. El informe presenta opciones de financiamiento para respaldar esta nueva agenda de inversión, entre las que se incluyen instrumentos de deuda innovadores y un papel renovado de las instituciones de financiamiento del desarrollo, al tiempo que destaca la importancia de revitalizar las alianzas internacionales en el marco de dicha agenda de inversión.

  • 11 Jan 2024
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 28

Este perfil providencia uma visão geral e concisa, centrada nas políticas, sobre o estado da saúde e o sistema de saúde portugueses, fazendo parte da série mais alargada de perfis de saúde nacionais da iniciativa “O Estado de Saúde na UE”. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise sucinta que engloba os seguintes aspectos fundamentais: o estado atual da saúde em Portugal; os determinantes da saúde, em particular os factores de risco comportamentais; a organização do sistema de saúde português; e uma avaliação da eficácia, acessibilidade e resiliência do sistema de saúde. Adicionalmente, a edição de 2023 apresenta uma secção temática sobre o estado da saúde mental e serviços associados em Portugal.

Este perfil resulta da colaboração entre a OCDE e o Observatório Europeu dos Sistemas e Políticas de Saúde, em cooperação com a Comissão Europeia.

  • 22 Jan 2024
  • OECD, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Pages: 85

Peer reviews of competition law and policy are a valuable tool to reform and strengthen a country’s competition framework. This peer review of the Dominican Republic presents the evolution of its competition regime over the last few years and assesses the effectiveness of its current competition law and policy. It provides recommendations to help the Dominican Republic strengthen its competition regime and institutions, developed and discussed at the Peer Review examination carried out during the 2023 OECD-IDB Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum.

  • 27 Jan 2024
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24

Niniejszy profil stanowi zwięzły i ukierunkowany na politykę przegląd stanu zdrowia i systemu opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce, będący częścią szerszej serii krajowych profili zdrowotnych w ramach inicjatywy State of Health in the EU. Przedstawiono w nim zwięzłą analizę obejmującą następujące kluczowe aspekty: obecny stan zdrowia w Polsce; uwarunkowania zdrowia, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem behawioralnych czynników ryzyka; organizację polskiego systemu opieki zdrowotnej; oraz ocenę skuteczności, dostępności i odporności systemu opieki zdrowotnej. Ponadto edycja 2023 zawiera sekcję tematyczną dotyczącą stanu zdrowia psychicznego i powiązanych z nim usług w Polsce.

Niniejszy profil jest wspólnym wysiłkiem OECD i Europejskiego Obserwatorium Polityki i Systemów Opieki Zdrowotnej, realizowanym we współpracy z Komisją Europejską.


L'economia mondiale ha dimostrato di essere resiliente nel 2023, ma alcuni segnali lasciano intravedere una riduzione della crescita, sulla scia degli effetti dell'inasprimento monetario che iniziano a farsi sentire. Si prevede che la crescita globale rimarrà contenuta nel 2024 e nel 2025, con l'inflazione che tornerà all'obiettivo nella maggior parte dei Paesi entro il 2025. I principali rischi a breve termine sono rappresentati dalle tensioni geopolitiche, soprattutto se il conflitto in Medio Oriente dovesse portare a interruzioni nei mercati dell'energia, e dalle incertezze sull'entità dell'impatto a lungo termine dell'aumento dei tassi di interesse.

Secondo il presente Rapporto intermedio la politica monetaria dovrebbe rimanere prudente per garantire che l'inflazione ritorni in modo sostenibile all'obiettivo, sebbene i tassi di riferimento possano essere abbassati man mano che l'inflazione cala. I governi devono adoperarsi per garantire la sostenibilità di bilancio, anche adottando misure per ridurre le future pressioni sulla spesa. Occorrono riforme strutturali per rafforzare le basi di una crescita sostenibile, concentrandosi in via prioritaria sull'accelerazione della decarbonizzazione, sul rilancio del commercio globale e sul potenziamento dei risultati scolastici.

Il Rapporto intermedio fornisce un aggiornamento delle valutazioni riportate nelle Prospettive economiche dell'OCSE, Volume 2023, Numero 2 (n. 114).

English, French

This report analyses the performance of public administration in Ukraine through a set of standard indicators based on the Principles of Public Administration.

The Principles set out what good public governance entails in practice and outline the main requirements to be followed by countries during the European Union (EU) integration process. They address the preconditions for a good public administration (good laws, policies, institutional capacity and procedures) and how an administration performs in practice.

In its 2014 and 2018 Enlargement Strategies, the European Commission highlighted public administration reform as one of three “fundamentals first” areas of the EU enlargement process. Given the European Council decision of December 2023 to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, this report provides data and recommendations on how Ukraine could better meet the standards set by the Principles.

The report follows up on the 2018 SIGMA Baseline Measurement Report and provides comparative information on reform successes and remaining challenges. It covers the six thematic areas of the Principles (strategic framework of public administration reform, policy development and co-ordination, public service and human resource management, accountability, service delivery and public financial management). The report provides indicator values and comparison of overall trends across the administration.

  • 19 Feb 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 52

As part of the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy agreed by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS in October 2021, Amount B provides for a simplified and streamlined approach to the application of the arm’s length principle to in-country baseline marketing and distribution activities, with a particular focus on the needs of low-capacity countries. Content from the report has now been incorporated into the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.

  • 01 Mar 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 531

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is one of the largest and most comprehensive comparative education studies in the world. A wide variety of countries and economies worldwide collect information on student performance, school environment, and other relevant variables using standardized, uniform procedures that assure the results are comparable and meaningful. This Technical Report has been prepared by those who implemented PISA during its 2022 cycle to provide transparency to these procedures and to the statistical and mathematical methods that underpin the comparability and validity of PISA 2022 results.

  • 04 Mar 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 48

Since 2014, the Flemish government has undertaken a series of reforms of its budgetary system, including the implementation of performance-informed budgeting, which includes both the implementation of spending reviews and performance budgeting. The aim of the reforms is to better integrate policy development and resource allocation and improve the accountability and transparency of the Flemish public sector. This report takes stock of performance-informed budgeting practices in Flanders. It provides an assessment of their key strengths and highlights where improvements can be made. Finally, it includes recommendations to further strengthen the approach to performance-informed budgeting in Flanders.

The transition towards a green economy, the rapid development of new digital technologies and cultural change are some of the forces disrupting traditional career paths, resulting in more fluid and diversified career trajectories. To benefit from increased longevity, workers will increasingly have to consider job mobility at middle and older ages, changing jobs or careers more frequently than in the past. Making successful career transitions, however, tends to be more difficult for workers at older ages due to health issues, unfamiliarity with relevant technology or a lack of recent job search experience. This may result in a mismatch between the types of jobs they want and the jobs that employers may provide. This report presents evidence on recent trends in career mobility and the consequences for individual workers in terms of pay and other job characteristics. It identifies key employer and public policies that can help facilitate career mobility that results in better employment choices at older ages. This requires overcoming discriminatory views towards older workers, improving job flexibility choices and ensuring that government policy supports voluntary career mobility.

La edición 2024 de Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas: América Latina y el Caribe ofrece los datos disponibles más recientes sobre las administraciones públicas y su desempeño en la región de ALC y los compara con los países de la OCDE. Incluye indicadores sobre la confianza en las instituciones públicas y la satisfacción con los servicios públicos, así como evidencia sobre las prácticas de buen gobierno en áreas como la gobernanza del ciclo de políticas públicas, gobierno abierto, gobernanza regulatoria, prácticas y procedimientos presupuestarios, gestión de la contratación pública, planificación y ejecución de infraestructuras, y gobierno digital y datos abiertos gubernamentales. Por último, proporciona información sobre qué recursos utilizan las instituciones públicas y cómo se gestionan, incluidas las finanzas públicas, el empleo público y la gestión de los recursos humanos. Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas permite realizar comparaciones entre países y ayuda a identificar tendencias, mejores prácticas y áreas de mejora en el sector público. Los indicadores de gobernanza son especialmente útiles para el seguimiento y la evaluación comparativa del progreso de los gobiernos en sus reformas del sector público. Cada indicador de la publicación se presenta en un formato de fácil manejo, que consiste en gráficos o tablas que ilustran las variaciones de los países y a lo largo del tiempo, breves análisis descriptivos que destacan las principales conclusiones de los datos, y una sección metodológica sobre la definición del indicador y cualquier limitación en la comparabilidad de los datos.


This report presents the conceptual foundations of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Vocational Education and Training (VET), currently in the Development Phase of implementation which aims to provide a comprehensive and rigorous international survey of student knowledge and skills that are essential for success in selected occupational areas. The PISA-VET assessment covers professional knowledge and skills in five occupational areas (automotive technician, business and administration, electrician, nursing/healthcare assistant and hotel receptionist), plus an evaluation of learners’ employability skills, including literacy, problem solving, task performance (conscientiousness) and collaboration with others. This publication includes the frameworks for assessing all the knowledge and skills included in the assessment. These chapters outline the content knowledge and skills that learners need to acquire in each domain, how each domain is assessed, and the contexts in which this knowledge and these skills are applied. The publication also presents the frameworks for the various questionnaires distributed to students, principals of VET institutions, teachers and trainers, including a questionnaire for trainers in work-based learning environments and a system level data questionnaire for participating countries. The questionnaires are also included as an annex to the publication.

Under the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard on treaty shopping, members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS have committed to strengthen their tax treaties by implementing anti-abuse measures. This report reflects the outcome of the sixth peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard on treaty shopping. It includes the aggregate results of the review and data on tax treaties concluded by the members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS as of 31 May 2023, as well as jurisdictional sections which contain detailed information for each member jurisdiction.

  • 06 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 63

Los Principios de Gobierno Corporativo de la OCDE y del G20 ayudan a los responsables de formular políticas a evaluar y mejorar el marco legal, regulatorio e institucional para el gobierno corporativo. Identifican los elementos clave para un marco sólido de gobierno corporativo y ofrecen orientación práctica para su implementación a nivel nacional. Los Principios también brindan orientación para las bolsas de valores, los inversores, las corporaciones y otros que desempeñan un papel en el desarrollo de una buena gobernanza corporativa.

French, Japanese, Greek, English, Armenian
  • 16 May 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 92

Esta primera edición de las Perspectivas de la OCDE de anticorrupción e integridad analiza los esfuerzos de los países para combatir la corrupción y promover la integridad. Basándose en datos de los indicadores de la OCDE sobre integridad pública, analiza el desempeño de los marcos de integridad de los países, y explora cómo algunos de los principales retos que afrontan hoy los gobiernos (como la transición verde, la inteligencia artificial y la injerencia extranjera) están agravando los riesgos de corrupción. También aborda cómo las deficiencias de los sistemas de integridad pueden obstaculizar la respuesta de los países a estos grandes retos. Al ofrecer una visión panorámica de la situación actual en los países, este informe apoya la planificación estratégica y las medidas políticas para fortalecer la integridad pública de cara al futuro.

French, English

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students around the world know and can do. This volume – Volume III, Creative Minds, Creative Schools – is one of five volumes presenting the results of the eighth round of the PISA assessment. For the first time, in 2022, PISA assessed students’ capacity to engage in creative thinking in 64 countries and economies, defined as students’ capacity to produce original and diverse ideas. This volume describes student performance in creative thinking in different contexts and how creative thinking performance and attitudes vary across and within countries and economies. It examines differences in performance by student characteristics, including gender and socio-economic status, as well as school-characteristics. The volume also offers an insight into school leader and teacher attitudes towards creative thinking, how opportunities for students to engage in creative thinking vary across schools, and how these factors are associated with student outcomes.

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