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This report provides insights on applying behavioural insights to improve public integrity in the public administration of the Slovak Republic. This report illustrates, through a stepwise application of the OECD BASIC toolkit, how corruption risk management policies can be improved through the identification and analysis of undesired behaviours, and through the design and testing of strategies to change these behaviours. Specifically, a randomised controlled trial was employed to test the effect of two behaviourally informed strategies to improve risk communication in the public administration. The results provided novel empirical evidence that: 1) providing support to public servants to better understand risks; and 2) exposing public servants to good leadership examples can improve their propensity to communicate risks. Moreover, it was found that feeling safe, trusting and being aware of risk communication channels also play an important role in improving risk communication. Based on the findings, this report provides recommendations to improve the risk management system of the Slovak Republic and inform the discussion on the upcoming National Anti-corruption Strategy, contributing to advancing the country’s efforts in curbing corruption.

  • 29 Apr 2024
  • OECD, United Nations Development Programme
  • Pages: 70

En el capítulo 1, se describe el papel de IFSF en el contexto cambiante de la fiscalidad internacional y el desarrollo. En el capítulo 2, se tratan los programas y las operaciones de IFSF. En el capítulo 3, se ofrece información sobre los ámbitos actuales y futuros de la asistencia técnica de IFSF. En el capítulo 4, se destacan los resultados obtenidos durante el último año. En el capítulo 5, se describe la participación de IFSF en eventos internacionales y los esfuerzos de comunicación de la iniciativa. Por último, en el capítulo 6, se expone el plan de trabajo para el año y ofrece una visión general de los objetivos y resultados del año anterior.

French, English

Na condição de "árbitros do mercado", os reguladores contribuem para a prestação de serviços essenciais de utilidade pública. A cultura organizacional, o comportamento, as ações e a governança são fatores importantes no desempenho dos reguladores e dos setores que supervisionam. O Quadro de Avaliação de Desempenho para Reguladores Econômicos (PAFER, na sigla em inglês) da OCDE analisa as instituições, os processos e as práticas que podem criar uma cultura organizacional baseada em desempenho e resultados. Este relatório utiliza o PAFER para avaliar a governança tanto interna quanto externa da Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico (ANA) do Brasil. O relatório oferece recomendações para que o regulador desenvolva sua sólida reputação técnica e suas boas práticas, propondo um conjunto integrado de recomendações que ajudarão a ANA a cumprir da melhor forma possível seu papel na gestão de recursos hídricos e regulação do uso da água, na segurança de barragens e no saneamento básico.

  • 11 Jun 2024
  • OECD, International Labour Organization, United Nations Development Programme
  • Pages: 140

Informality is not a new phenomenon but today, in face of the multiplication of domestic and global shocks, the vulnerabilities associated with informal work and businesses are an undisputable hurdle to economic resilience and more inclusive and equal societies. Yet, certain policy measures implemented with the intention of addressing the consequences of crises on vulnerable groups in the society – groups that include informal workers and businesses – can unintentionally induce more informality, in a vicious cycle that makes formalisation and resilience even more difficult to reach. The report Informality and Structural Transformation in the Middle East and North Africa outlines a framework for assessing the impact of economic and social policies on informality. The framework was developed jointly by the ILO, OECD and UNDP, and is thought as a hands-on instrument, allowing policy makers to foresee early on in the policymaking cycles the effects diverse economic and social policies could have on the informal economy. This tool adds to the vast literature on informality. Understanding the expected impact of different policies on informality can help governments to identify measures that support their key objectives, e.g. helping firms in financial distress or expanding social protection, without altering motivations and incentives to formalisation.

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