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Year Index

  • 02 Jan 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 126

이 보고서는 OECD의 아시아/태평양 지역 사회지표에 대한 개요서인 한 눈에 보는 사회: 아시아/태평양의 네 번째 판이다. 이 보고서는 아태지역 국가들의 사회복지 현황에 대한 계량적 지표들을 제공하고 있다. 1장에서는 본 보고서를 소개하고 OECD 사회지표를 해석하는 데 도움이 되는 가이드를 제공한다. 2장은 아태지역 사회적 보호의 범위 확대와 미래에 관한 이슈에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이미 아태지역에는 사회적 보건적 지원을 제공하지 않는 일자리를 가진 노동자들이 많이 있다. 디지털화와 업무성격의 변화는 일자리의 감소로 이끌 뿐 아니라 숙련 노동자와 미숙련 노동자 사이의, 그리고 사회복지 서비스 접근 가능 노동자와 그러지 못한 노동자 사이의 경제적 불평등을 증가시킬 수 있다. 이러한 불평등의 심화는 가장 지원이 필요한 이들을 지원하는 사회정책을 개발하는데 있어 중요한 쟁점이 될 것이다. 또한 이 장에는 정책적 대응 방안을 제시하기 위하여 국가별 프로그램들을 예시로 수록하고 있다. 3장에서 7장까지의 각 장은 일반적 맥락, 자급 자족, 형평성, 건강 그리고 사회적 결속에 대한 각각의 지표를 제시한다.


Digital Government in Mexico discusses and assesses the efforts of the Mexican Government to build a stronger system of digital government under the Coordination of the National Digital Strategy of the Office of the President. It presents the key policy actions, achievements and co-ordination challenges, and looks at how policy objectives are implemented. The study examines the main initiatives for promoting digital inclusion, reinforcing public sector capacity, and achieving efficient public service design and delivery. This report also assesses the state of data governance, open government data and its strategic use, and the sharing of public sector data both within and beyond the public sector.

La croissance économique est forte, mais des défis demeurent sur le plan social et celui de la gouvernance. Les revenus convergent rapidement vers les niveaux observés dans d'autres économies de marché émergentes.

L’Inde est l'économie du G20 qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide depuis 2014. Si le PIB par habitant à PPA se situait encore à 56 % de la moyenne de l’ensemble constitué par le Brésil, l’Inde, l’Indonésie, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud (et à 17 % de la moyenne de l'OCDE) en 2018, le rythme de convergence s’est accéléré. L’Inde est devenue un acteur clé de l'économie mondiale, avec des performances exceptionnelles à l’exportation dans certains secteurs.

  • 10 Jan 2020
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 303

The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy policies of its member and association countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences.

This first in-depth review of India’s energy policies examines the country’s achievements in developing its energy sector as well as the challenges it faces in ensuring a sustainable energy future. With an impressive track record of expanding access to electricity and clean cooking for its citizens and swiftly deploying renewable energy technologies, India offers an inspiring example for many countries around the world.

This report provides insights into the rise of India in global energy markets. It analyses the full breadth of the country’s energy sector and presents recommendations for strengthening energy policies in various areas. These include advancing energy market reforms, notably in power and gas markets; integrating higher shares of variable renewables; addressing air and water quality; and reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

This document provides guidance on using efficacy and crop safety data generated in other countries and regions (as well as from other sources) and evaluations conducted by other regulatory authorities. The document does not provide guidance on the generation of data itself or related scientific principles of data assessment or extrapolation but rather discusses broad principles that may be considered and possibly assist with minor use registrations.

L’économie a connu une croissance robuste au cours des cinq dernières années. En 2017, le taux de croissance a dépassé 4 % et ce rythme s’est maintenu en 2018. La croissance a d’abord été tirée par les exportations puis par l’investissement. À la faveur de l’embellie de l’emploi, la reprise a gagné les secteurs de la consommation privée et de l’investissement résidentiel, une tendance encore renforcée par la croissance à deux chiffres des salaires. Qui plus est, l’économie rencontre des contraintes de capacités croissantes, synonymes de hausse des importations et d’érosion de l'excédent de la balance courante.


Successfully managing and administering European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF) rests on the effective governance of the investment process, on the administrative capacity of Managing Authorities, and on the engagement of a diverse range of stakeholders, including beneficiaries. The OECD has developed an analytical framework with four dimensions – people management, organisational management, strategic planning, and framework conditions – to analyse the challenges and capacity gaps confronting Managing Authorities in the administration and management of these funds. Based on a pilot project with three national- and two regional-level Managing Authorities, the study identified a series of common challenges. These include being more strategic and innovative in how staff, processes and programmes are managed; managing the impact of framework conditions on stability and certainty in administrative and investment processes; and needing to ensure that capacity building among Managing Authorities and/or beneficiaries is undertaken at the appropriate scale. Capacity-building Roadmaps were built with each participant. This report recommends concrete actions for actors in the ESIF governance system to build and reinforce the administrative and investment management capacity of Managing Authorities throughout the EU. The findings can also benefit non-EU public actors in managing public investment.

Canada’s Constitution Act (1982) recognises three Indigenous groups: Indians (now referred to as First Nations), Inuit, and Métis. Indigenous peoples make a vital contribution to the culture, heritage and economic development of Canada. Despite improvements in Indigenous well-being in recent decades, significant gaps remain with the non-Indigenous population. This study focuses on four priority issues to maximise the potential of Indigenous economies in Canada. First, improving the quality of the statistical framework and the inclusion of Indigenous peoples in the governance of data. Second, measures to improve the fairness and transparency for how Indigenous peoples can secure land tenure and the use of tools and such as land use planning to use it to promote community economic development. Third, promoting entrepreneurship so Indigenous peoples can use assets and resources in ways that align with their objectives for development. Fourth, implementing an approach to governance that adapts policies to places, and empowers Indigenous institutions and communities.

La phase d'expansion actuelle, qui a commencé à la fin de 2012, est maintenant la plus longue que le Japon ait connue depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, même si ce n'est pas la plus rapide. La croissance de la production s'est redressée, passant d'un rythme annuel de 0.5 % au cours de la période 1997-2012 à 1.3 % depuis le lancement de l'« Abenomics », la stratégie économique du Premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe. Parallèlement, la déflation persistante a cédé la place à une inflation positive, quoique faible, ce qui a contribué à hisser le taux de croissance nominale à un niveau de 1.7 %. Mesurée par habitant, la croissance de la production a convergé vers le rythme observé à l'échelle de l'ensemble de la zone OCDE.

  • 03 Feb 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

La Belgique obtient de bons résultats dans de nombreuses dimensions économiques et du bien-être, mais les risques sont en train de s’accumuler. Entretenir la dynamique des réformes permettra de stimuler la résilience de l’économie belge. La reconstitution des marges de manœuvre budgétaires doit rester une priorité pour faire face au défi du vieillissement de la population. La forte croissance du crédit immobilier et un relâchement des critères de prêts nécessitent des mesures prudentielles adéquates. Le taux d’emploi reste modeste et les mutations de la nature du travail peuvent accentuer les écarts existants selon le statut socio économique ou la région d’emploi. L’augmentation des pénuries de main-d’œuvre dans certains secteurs sont le signe qu’il faut mieux faire coïncider les compétences avec les besoins sur le marché du travail. Une réforme des allocations de chômage et des prestations liées à l’exercice d’un emploi permettrait d’augmenter les incitations au travail. Stimuler la croissance à moyen terme nécessite des gains de productivité via une diffusion plus rapide des technologies et une plus grande exposition des entreprises à la concurrence.


  • 03 Feb 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

Belgium performs well in many economic and well-being dimensions, but risks are building up. Maintaining the reform momentum will boost the resilience of the Belgian economy. Rebuilding fiscal buffers should remain a priority to cope with population ageing. Strong mortgage credit growth and easing of lending standards require adequate prudential measures. The employment rate remains low and changes in the nature of work can exacerbate existing gaps according to socio-economic status or regions. Rising skill shortages in some sectors signal a need to better align skills with labour market needs. Better work incentives could be achieved through reforming both unemployment and in-work benefits. Boosting medium-term growth requires higher productivity growth through faster technological diffusion and ensuring that firms are more exposed to competition.


  • 06 Feb 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 85

Functional areas such as integrated local labour markets exist across countries’ entire national territory. However, most OECD countries have focused their work on larger cities and their surrounding area of economic influence by establishing the concept of functional urban areas. Extending this concept to non-urban areas can help policy makers analyse subnational developments and design spatially better-targeted policies.

The report Delineating Functional Areas for all Territories provides a comprehensive review of existing approaches to delineating functional areas across countries’ entire national territory as a tool for territorial statistics and regional policy making. The report explains the rationale for functional territories as a complement to established administrative geographies. It discusses the most important challenges and the methodological aspects of delineating functional areas based on travel-to-work commuting flows or novel sources of data and develops a set of methodological guidelines that are applied in five OECD countries, demonstrating the feasibility of delineating functional areas across diverse types of country geographies in a consistent manner.

In the face of megatrends such as globalisation, climate and demographic change, digitalisation and urbanisation, many cities and regions are grappling with critical challenges to preserve social inclusion, foster economic growth and transition to the low carbon economy. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the global agenda for the coming decade to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. A Territorial Approach to the Sustainable Development Goals argues that cities and regions play a critical role in this paradigm shift and need to embrace the full potential of the SDGs as a policy tool to improve people’s lives. The report estimates that at least 105 of the 169 SDG targets will not be reached without proper engagement of sub-national governments. It analyses how cities and regions are increasingly using the SDGs to design and implement their strategies, policies and plans; promote synergies across sectoral domains; and engage stakeholders in policy making. The report proposes an OECD localised indicator framework that measures the distance towards the SDGs for more than 600 regions and 600 cities in OECD and partner countries. The report concludes with a Checklist for Public Action to help policy makers implement a territorial approach to the SDGs.

  • 07 Feb 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 101

The report provides a description and an assessment of the recent actions carried out by the Mexican government to enhance the quality of regulation and regulatory governance in the rail sector in Mexico. In particular, the report identifies and describes recent regulatory reforms in the rail sector; the progress in implementing OECD recommendations relative to rail regulation issued in 2017; the reforms that led to the Mexican Rail Regulatory Agency, as well as the legal powers granted. It also documents the current regulatory practices of this Agency. The reforms and practices are assessed against OECD principles and country experiences. Finally, the report provides recommendations for continuing the reform efforts.

  • 07 Feb 2020
  • OECD, Sahel and West Africa Club
  • Pages: 205

D’ici 2050, l’Afrique devrait connaître le taux de croissance urbaine le plus rapide du monde. À cet horizon, les villes africaines devraient abriter 950 millions d’habitants supplémentaires. Cette croissance s’opère en grande partie dans les petites et moyennes agglomérations. La transition urbaine africaine est porteuse de grandes opportunités ; elle pose également d’importants défis. Les agglomérations urbaines africaines se développent le plus souvent sans bénéficier de politiques ou d’investissements à la hauteur de ces enjeux. L'aménagement et la gestion urbains sont par conséquent des enjeux de développement prioritaires. Comprendre l’urbanisation, ses moteurs, ses dynamiques et ses impacts est essentiel pour concevoir des politiques — locales, nationales et continentales — ciblées, inclusives et tournées vers l’avenir. Ce rapport, basé sur la base de données géospatiale Africapolis (www.africapolis.org) couvrant 7 600 agglomérations urbaines de 50 pays africains, analyse les dynamiques urbaines sous des angles historiques, politiques et environnementaux. Il couvre l'ensemble des strates du réseau urbain — des villes petites et intermédiaires aux métropoles. Il propose ainsi des options de politiques plus inclusives et ciblées qui intègrent les échelles locale, nationale et régionale du développement urbain en phase avec les réalités africaines.

  • 07 Feb 2020
  • OECD, Sahel and West Africa Club
  • Pages: 204

Africa is projected to have the fastest urban growth rate in the world: by 2050, Africa’s cities will be home to an additional 950 million people. Much of this growth is taking place in small and medium-sized towns. Africa’s urban transition offers great opportunities but it also poses significant challenges. Urban agglomerations are developing most often without the benefit of policies or investments able to meet these challenges. Urban planning and management are therefore key development issues. Understanding urbanisation, its drivers, dynamics and impacts is essential for designing targeted, inclusive and forward-looking policies at local, national and continental levels. This report, based on the Africapolis geo-spatial database (www.africapolis.org) covering 7 600 urban agglomerations in 50 African countries, provides detailed analyses of major African urbanisation dynamics placed within historical, environmental and political contexts. Covering the entire distribution of the urban network — from small towns and secondary cities to large metropolitan regions — it develops more inclusive and targeted policy options that integrate local, national and regional scales of urban development in line with African realities.

  • 10 Feb 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 262

This review of taxation in agriculture in 35 OECD countries and emerging economies outlines the diversity of tax provisions affecting agriculture, provides an overview of cross-country differences in tax policy, and confirms the widespread use of tax concessions specifically for agriculture, although their importance and modalities differ across tax areas and countries. Potential effects on innovation, productivity, and sustainability in the agricultural sector are also discussed.

La Norvège affiche l’un des niveaux de vie les plus élevés du monde. Ses résultats au regard de la plupart des indicateurs du bien-être sont meilleurs que ceux d’autres pays. Les classements élevés obtenus sur le plan du bien-être subjectif, de l’emploi et des revenus et le faible niveau des inégalités montrent que le pays a globalement bien réussi à atteindre les objectifs sociétaux qui sont au cœur du modèle nordique. Le PIB par habitant, qui ressort à quelque 60 000 USD, est supérieur à celui de la plupart des autres pays avancés.

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