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Title Index

Year Index

  • 20 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156
This report covers seed stage financing for high growth companies in OECD and non-OECD countries with a primary focus on angel investment. The paper provides an overview of angel financing, including a description of how it has evolved in OECD and non-OECD countries and policy interventions taken within some countries.
  • 22 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280
Since the 1960s the family in the OECD area has undergone significant transformation. In many countries, the extended family has all but disappeared, and the traditional two-parent family has become much less widespread as divorce rates, re-marriages, cohabitation, single parenthood and same-sex partnerships have all increased.  With rising migration, cultures and values have become more diverse, with some ethnic minorities evolving as parallel family cultures while others intermingle with mainstream cultures through mixed-race marriages. Families have seen more mothers take up work in the labour market, their adolescents spend longer and longer in education and training, and the elderly members of the family live longer and, increasingly, alone.  The repercussions of these changes on housing, pensions, health and long-term care, on labour markets, education and public finances, have been remarkable. Recent demographic projections perfromed by many OECD countries suggest that the next 20 years are likely to see a continuation and even acceleration of changes in household and family structures.  In particular, the numbers and shares of single-adult and single-parent households are expected to increase significantly, as is the number of couples without children.

This report explores likely future changes in family and household structures in OECD countries; identifies what appear to be the main forces shaping the family landscape between now and 2030; discusses the longer-term challenges for policy arising from those expected changes; and on the basis of the three subsequent thematic chapters, suggests policy options for managing the challenges on a sustainable basis.  

  • 22 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152
This report presents the results of an assessment of the organisation of the central government of Denmark. The study looks at reforms that are aimed at improving the quality of services (more value) and efficiency (less money) in central government. Starting with facts and quantitative benchmarks on the Danish central government, the study reviews recent reforms in Denmark, and makes recommendations in ten selected areas. The study concludes with a survey of the effects on the quality of services and the potential savings.

La politique agricole en Turquie a considérablement évolué au fil du temps, et la nouvelle loi sur l’agriculture adoptée en 2006 vise à faire coïncider les mesures avec celles de l’Union européenne. Cette publication examine plusieurs questions et défis qui se posent pour les politiques agricoles de la Turquie.

  • 23 Dec 2011
  • OECD, World Health Organization
  • Pages: 176

Cinq ans après le premier examen du système de santé suisse, l’OCDE et l’OMS ont de nouveau associé leur expertise afin de faire un rapport sur les progrès réalisés et sur l'état d'avancement de la mise en œuvre des réformes du système de santé suisse. En plus de faire le bilan du bon fonctionnement global du système de santé suisse, les deux organisations proposent des mesures concrètes pour aider le système à améliorer son efficacité et à se préparer pour les besoins futurs en soins de santé de la population suisse. Ce rapport se focalise sur trois points principaux : le marché des assurances santé, la planification du personnel de santé et la gestion et la gouvernance du système de santé.

English, German
  • 31 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 111

National Accounts at a Glance presents information using an "indicator" approach, focusing on cross-country comparisons; the aim being to make the national accounts more accessible and informative, whilst, at the same time, taking the opportunity to present the conceptual underpinning of, and comparability issues inherent in, each of the indicators presented. 

This book includes OECD's unique StatLink service, which enables readers to download Excel® versions of tables and graphs. Look for the StatLink at the foot of each table and graph.

The range of indicators reflects the richness inherent in the national accounts dataset and encourages users to refocus some of the spotlight that is often placed on GDP to other economic important indicators, which may better respond to their needs.  The publication is broken down into six key chapters, and provides indicators related to income, expenditure, production, government and capital respectively.

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