Moldova, Republic of


Acest raport abordează principalele rezultate ale unui proiect privind modul în care un flux de fonduri ar putea stimula evoluția spre un transport public mai curat și de a reduce poluarea aerului și a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră (GES) în centrele urbane mari în Moldova, oferind o analiză pentru proiectarea unui program de investiții publice ”verzi” în sectorul dat. Acest sector reprezintă, pentru Moldova, o oportunitate de a aborda obiectivele cheie în politicile sale de mediu și climă, ca parte a ambițiilor țării de a trece la o cale de dezvoltare economică ecologică. Programul de investiții este, de asemenea, conceput pentru a sprijini modernizarea flotei de transport urban din țară și pentru a stimula piața internă să se orienteze către autobuze moderne alimentate cu combustibili curați. Programul este prevăzut a fi implementat în două etape: prima- vizează orașele Chișinău și Bălți, iar a doua se extinde în zone din afara centrelor pilot inițiale (suburbiile orașelor pilot, precum și transportul interurban). Se preconizează că aceste investiții vor avea ca efect beneficii semnificative pentru mediu, servicii publice și socio-economice.


This report analyses planned infrastructure projects, decision-making frameworks related to infrastructure development and strategic planning documents in the six countries of the EU Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It compares current investment flows with countries' national development objectives to identify misalignments and provides policy-makers with recommendations to improve the integration of climate change and other environmental concerns into infrastructure development decision-making processes. The report presents a comprehensive overview of infrastructure investment, primarily in the transport and energy sectors, throughout the region and identifies the risks and opportunities emerging from current investment patterns.

В настоящем отчете представлены цели, методология, процедуры и основные выводы по итогам реализации проекта ОЭСР «Укрепление потенциала государственных финансов стран ВЕКЦА в сфере зеленых инвестиций». Проект осуществлялся в период с 2016 по 2019 год для оказания содействия странам-партнерам (Казахстану, Кыргызстану и Молдове) в переходе на более устойчивый путь развития за счет снижения энергоемкости и углеродоемкости их экономик. Проектная команда в сотрудничестве с профильными министерствами каждой из стран разработала программы государственных инвестиций в полном соответствии с передовой международной практикой. Эти программы направлены на выполнение ключевых задач экологической и климатической политики стран-партнеров. В частности, программы поддержки экологически чистого общественного транспорта делают упор на снижение уровня загрязнения воздуха и сокращение выбросов парниковых газов, генерируемых целевым сектором, прежде всего, в крупных городах. Реализация данных программ станет наглядным примером того, как можно использовать ограниченные государственные ресурсы для поощрения инвестиций частного сектора в проекты, дающие значительную экологическую и социально-экономическую выгоду.


Как и во многих странах, пандемия COVID-19 отрицательно сказалась на экономике стран Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии, ответные меры правительств которых заключались в смягчении воздействия пандемии на систему здравоохранения и оказании поддержки затронутым пандемией предприятиям и работникам. В рамках ответных мер, большинство стран ВЕКЦА также реализовали меры, которые могут способствовать достижению экологических целей. Тем не менее многое еще остается сделать, чтобы планы восстановления ускорили переход к «зеленой» экономике, тем самым повышая устойчивость к внешним шокам. В настоящем отчете проводится анализ мер, направленных на борьбу с COVID-19, предпринимаемых в 11 странах ВЕКЦА, на основании их потенциала к ускорению перехода к более «зеленой», стойкой к изменению климата и низкоуглеродной экономике. В рекомендациях предлагаются способы обеспечения содействия усилий правительств восстановлению экономики с учетом целей по борьбе с изменением климата, сохранению биологического разнообразия и расширению природоохранной деятельности.


As in many countries, the economies of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) have been negatively affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Their governments responded by addressing the health impacts and providing relief to affected businesses and workers. Many EECCA countries have also implemented measures that will help advance environmental objectives as part of their rescue and recovery plans. Nevertheless, much more needs to be done to ensure that recovery plans accelerate a green transition, thereby building resilience against external shocks. This policy paper analyses measures related to COVID-19 in 11 EECCA countries based on their potential to advance the transition to a greener, climate-resilient and low-carbon economy. Recommendations suggest ways to ensure that governments align efforts to support economic recovery with their objectives on climate change, biodiversity and wider environmental protection.


The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on public health in the six EU Eastern Partner (EaP) countries remains limited with 187 reported fatalities in the region as of 14 April. Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (because of their proximity to Iran) saw the region’s first cases of Covid-19 in late February. Swift containment measures and limited intra-regional mobility have so far helped limit the spread of the virus, and the number of recorded cases remains relatively low in the South Caucasus.

«Индекс экономической политики в сфере МСП: страны Восточного партнерства в 2020 г. Оценка реализации Европейского акта о малом бизнесе» является уникальным инструментом сопоставительного анализа, который позволяет контролировать прогресс разработки и осуществления политики в области МСП в сравнении с передовыми практиками ЕС и международного сообщества. Он основывается на 10 принципах Европейского акта о малом бизнесе (АМБ), который предлагает широкий спектр мер, направленных на оказание поддержки предприятиям. Эти принципы служат руководящей основой для разработки и осуществления политики в сфере МСП. Настоящее исследование является третьим изданием из данной серии. Результаты первых двух исследований были опубликованы в 2012 и 2016 годах. В исследовании 2020 года представлен всесторонний обзор хода реализации десяти рекомендаций закона, а также анализируются успехи, достигнутые странами региона с 2016 года. Кроме того, в исследовании рассматриваются существующие проблемы, затрагивающие МСП в странах ВП, и предлагаются рекомендации по их решению на основе примеров передовой практики ЕС и других стран мира. В издание 2020 года также включена оценка трех новых направлений (защита конкуренции, принудительное исполнение договоров и коммерческая добросовестность), выходящих за рамки политики развития МСП и охватывающих ключевые приоритеты структурных реформ, которые имеют решающее значение для создания равных условий для предприятий всех размеров и форм собственности.

  • 17 Mar 2020
  • OECD, European Union, European Training Foundation, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Pages: 526

The SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2020 – Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe is a unique benchmarking tool to assess and monitor progress in the design and implementation of SME policies against EU and international best practice. It is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), which provide a wide range of pro-enterprise measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies. This report marks the third edition in this series, following assessments in 2012 and 2016. It provides a comprehensive overview of the state of play in the implementation of the ten SBA principles, and monitors progress made since 2016. It also identifies remaining challenges affecting SMEs in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and provides recommendations to address them based on EU and international good practice examples. The 2020 edition also features a novelty: An assessment of three new dimensions going beyond core SME policy (competition, contract enforcement and business integrity) looking at key structural reform priorities that are critical to establishing a level playing field for enterprises of all sizes and ownership types.


Цель данного отчета – содействовать развитию хорошей системы экономического регулирования (СЭР) водоснабжения и водоотведения (ВСиВО) в Республике Молдова (далее кратко – Молдова). Действующая отраслевая политика требует значительной модернизации, оптимизации и развития ВСиВО, повышений эффективности эксплуатации (сокращения доли воды, которая не приносит дохода, и численности персонала на тысячу абонентов и т.д.) – в соответствии с международными и отечественными обязательствами страны (включая Соглашение об ассоциации с ЕС, Цели устойчивого развития, Парижское соглашение по климату и национальную стратегию по водоснабжению и водоотведению). В отчете предложены пути и средства усиления способности правительства Молдовы обеспечить надлежащее регулирование сектора и способности операторов достичь более высоких стандартов предоставления услуг ВСиВО при обеспечении их ценовой доступности. Такие изменения не могут произойти за ночь, они потребуют системы экономического регулирования, способствующей ценовой доступности ВСиВО, полному покрытию затрат операторов и обслуживанию долга, а также движению по реалистичному пути улучшения показателей деятельности организаций водоснабжения и водоотведения.


This report presents the objectives, methodology, procedures and main findings of the OECD project "Strengthening public finance capacity for green investments in the EECCA countries". Between 2016-19, the project aimed to help set the partner countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova) on a sustainable path of development by reducing the energy and carbon intensity of their economies. Working with the relevant ministry in each country, the project designed public investment programmes in line with good international practices. These programmes sought to address key objectives of the countries' environmental and climate-related policies. The Clean Public Transport Programmes focus specifically on reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the target sector, primarily in large urban areas. They aim to demonstrate how to use scarce public funds to encourage private sector investment in projects that generate significant environmental and socio-economic benefits alike.


This report discusses the main results of a project on how an influx of funds could spur development of cleaner public transport, and reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in large urban centres in Moldova, by providing an analysis for designing a green public investment programme in this sector. This sector represents an opportunity for Moldova to address key objectives in its environmental and climate-related policies as part of the country’s ambitions to transition to a green economic path of development. The investment programme is also designed to support the modernisation of the urban transport fleet in the country and stimulate the domestic market to shift to modern buses powered by clean fuels. The programme is foreseen to be implemented in two phases: the first covers the cities of Chisinau and Balti and the second extends to areas outside of the initial pilot city centres (pilot city suburbs as well as inter-city transport). These investments are expected to result in significant environmental, public service and socio-economic benefits.


This report aims to support the development of a sound economic regulatory system for the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in the Republic of Moldova (hereafter “Moldova”). The prevailing policy framework calls for drastic developments in WSS to modernise and optimise WSS systems and improve operational efficiency (non-revenue water, staff-output ratios etc.) – in line with domestic and international commitments (including the Association Agreement with the European Union, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and the national WSS strategy). This report outlines ways and means for strengthening the capacity of the Moldovan government to provide sound regulation and that of WSS operators to deliver higher standards of service while ensuring the affordability of WSS services. Such a transition cannot happen overnight. It requires a sound economic regulatory system conducive to affordability, cost recovery and debt servicing, and a realistic performance improvement path for water utilities.


This report looks at the fiscal, environmental and social impacts of energy subsidy reform in Moldova with a particular focus on energy affordability. Reduced value added tax (VAT) rate on natural gas consumption and a VAT exemption on electricity and heat consumption by domestic users represent the largest fossil-fuel consumer subsidies in Moldova. Reforming these will imply an increase of the VAT rate, which will lead to an increase of gas, electricity and heat tariffs for households, and will in turn affect household consumption levels, related expenditures and energy affordability. If reform measures are to work, they will need to be accompanied by a carefully-designed social policy to protect poor households.


Acest raport prezintă principalele constatări și concluzii ale analizei accesibilității energiei ca urmare a reformării schemelor majore de subvenționare energetică în Moldova. Cele trei mari scheme de sprijin guvernamental care reprezintă cea mai mare parte a subvențiilor pentru consumatorii de combustibili fosili din Moldova sunt cota redusă a taxei pe valoarea adăugată (TVA) pentru consumul de gaze naturale și scutirea de TVA pentru consumul de energie electrică și termică de către utilizatorii casnici. Cota standard a TVA-ului în Moldova este de 20%, însă TVA-ul pentru gazele consumate de gospodării este de 8%, iar pentru consumul de energie electrică și termică este de 0%. Stabilirea unei cote mai mici decât cea standard a TVA-ului pentru consumul de gaze, energie electrică și termică a generat subvenția.

Reformarea celor trei scheme de subvenționare energetică va implica o majorare a cotei TVA-ului, care va duce la o creștere ulterioară a tarifelor la gaz, electricitate și energie termică pentru gospodării. Această majorare a tarifelor va afecta nivelul consumului casnic și cheltuielile aferente, și va avea un impact asupra accesibilității la energie a gospodăriilor. Prin urmare, măsurile de reformă vor trebui să fie însoțite de o politică socială bine concepută care să protejeze gospodăriile sărace.

Accesibilitatea energiei este o preocupare politică esențială pentru factorii de decizie din Moldova. Obiectivul principal al acestei analize este de a informa guvernul Republicii Moldova cu privire la impactul fiscal, ecologic și, în special, social al reformării acestor subvenții și de a-l ajuta să ia decizii bine justificate.


The water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in Moldova is not financially sustainable: tariffs do not typically cover operational costs and capital investments are heavily funded by external development partners. This report analyses several options for streamlining and strengthening domestic financial support mechanisms (DFSMs) in terms of both supply and demand, discusses different scenarios and recommends a number of actions to ensure effective DFSM implementation, notably: 1) sufficient investment for the implementation of targets and obligations set in the national strategies, the Association Agreement with the EU, as well as Moldova’s international commitments (water-related Sustainable Development Goals, and the “Water-to-all” commitment); 2) the financial sustainability of operators; and 3) the affordability of WSS services for end-users, especially low-income segments of the population.

  • 01 Dec 2015
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 476

Conveniently located near the world’s fastest growing energy markets, the resource-rich and transit countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia contribute significantly to world energy security. However, shared challenges across the region include aged infrastructure, high energy intensity, low energy efficiency, untapped alternative energy potential and poorly functioning regional energy markets.

This publication highlights the energy policies and sector developments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan during 2013-14 and provides a summary of key recommendations for policy makers in the region.

Energy policy analysis is conducted in line with the INOGATE Programme’s four main pillars of energy development: energy market convergence, energy security, sustainable development and investment attraction. Started in 1996, the INOGATE Programme is one of the longest running energy technical assistance programmes funded by the European Union and works within the policy frameworks of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership. The INOGATE Programme co-operates with 11 Partner Countries to support reduction in their dependency on fossil fuels and imports, to improve the security of their energy supply and to mitigate overall climate change. It also supports the Eastern Partnership, a joint initiative between the European Union, EU Member States, and the Eastern European and Caucasus countries. Launched in 2009, the Eastern Partnership aims at advancing political association and economic integration.

This publication has been produced with European Union financial assistance provided through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument.

  • 23 Nov 2015
  • OECD, European Training Foundation, European Union, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Pages: 360

The SME Policy Index is a benchmarking tool designed for emerging economies to assess SME policy frameworks and monitor progress in policy implementation over time. The Index has been developed by the OECD in partnership with the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the European Training Foundation (ETF) in 2006.

For the Eastern Partner Countries, the assessment framework is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), providing a wide-range of pro-enterprise measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies based on good practices promoted by the EU and the OECD. It is applied to the Eastern Partner Countries for the second time since 2012.

The Index identifies strengths and weaknesses in policy design and implementation, allows for comparison across countries and measures convergence towards good practices and relevant policy standards. It aims to support governments in setting targets for SME policy development and to identify strategic priorities to further improve the business environment. It also helps to engage governments in policy dialogue and exchange good practices within the region and with OECD and EU members.

This report reviews the micro, small and medium-sized business sector in the Republic of Moldova, as well as governmental policies related to small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly regarding financing and innovation. 

The economic crisis, the second economic shock to hit the Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus region after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been a warning and a call to action. The region has many advantages and much potential, but some of this was squandered during the boom years of the 2000s. The studies contained in this volume demonstrate that the potential is still there and that the measures that need to be taken to realise that potential are feasible and affordable. Some of them can have an almost immediate effect, such as easing access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises and opening up new markets for the region’s goods. Others are more medium-term, such as redeveloping product lines in the steel industry or in agriculture. Some of the most critical reforms, like raising the level of education and improving health care, will require political and economic investment over the long term.

None of the recommendations in this book are, however, beyond the bounds of possibility. Governments and the private sector have an interest in implementing reforms to diversify the economy and improve the distribution of revenues. Given the enormous potential of the Eastern European and South Caucasus countries, the region has every reason to be confident about its future.

Using an innovative methodology, the Investment Reform Index 2010 (IRI 2010) monitors investment-related policy reforms in the economies of South-East Europe and compares these to best practices in the OECD area. Based on inputs from governments, the private sector, independent experts and multilateral organisations active in the region, the IRI 2010 assesses policies and institutional settings in eight fields of policy critical to domestic and foreign investors. These are: investment policy and promotion; human capital development; trade policy and facilitation; access to finance; regulatory reform and parliamentary processes; infrastructure for investment; tax policy analysis; and SME policy. For the economies examined, the IRI 2010 provides an independent and rigorous assessment of investment-related policy settings and reform against international good practice, guidance for policy reform and development and an evidence base with which to facilitate prioritisation of donor activities supporting investment and growth.

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