

The Mongolian Constitution of 1992 prohibits all forms of discrimination, stating that “no person may be discriminated against on the basis of ethnic origin, language, race, age, sex, social origin or status, property or post, religion, opinion, or education”.

The government of Mongolia has taken the measures in sequential order to transfer to the market economy. In this framework, the government of Mongolia has been developing the securities market for the first time in history.

On 18th January 1991, the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) was established for the purpose ofprivatization of state-owned enterprises and organizing securities to be traded further.

The Central Asian countries, Azerbaijan and Mongolia have gradually developed their securities markets with their banking sector reforms after the collapse of the communist regime. Although the market infrastructure in the region has been moderately developed with the support of international organisations, however, their securities markets are typically small in scale and still have the weaknesses.

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