Moldova, Republic of


Supreme audit institutions (SAIs) are a critical part of public accountability systems. They ‘watch’ over governments’ use of public money and report about it publicly, helping to increase transparency. SAIs have an interest in strongly engaging with external stakeholders – including citizens – to make sure that their work is relevant, understood and used to hold governments to account.

This paper provides a compilation of European SAIs’ practices on communication, co-operation and collaboration with external partners and is intended to provide inspiration to SAIs of EU candidate countries and potential candidates to further strengthen their engagement with their non-governmental stakeholders.

The fifth round of monitoring under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan assesses Moldova's anti-corruption practices and reforms against a set of indicators, benchmarks and elements under nine performance areas that focus on anti-corruption policy, prevention of corruption and enforcement. The report analyses Moldova's efforts to build anti-corruption institutions, its measures to detect, investigate and prosecute corruption cases and identifies areas for improvement. A follow-up report evaluating Moldova's progress in these areas will follow.

  • 13 Dec 2023
  • OECD, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Pages: 452

The SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2024 – Building resilience in challenging times is a unique benchmarking tool to assess and monitor progress in the design and implementation of SME policies against EU and international best practice. It embraces the priorities laid out in the European Union’s SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe and is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe, which provide a wide range of measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies. This report marks the fourth edition in this series, following assessments in 2012, 2016, and 2020. It tracks progress made since 2020 and offers the latest key findings on SME development and related policies in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP). It also identifies emerging challenges affecting SMEs in the region and provides recommendations to address them. The 2024 edition benefits from an updated methodology that also offers a deeper analysis of policies to support the digital transformation of SMEs.

The Republic of Moldova considers education a national priority and has been making steady progress in reforming and modernising its education system. The Ministry of Education and Research (MoER) in 2023 launched its Education Development Strategy 2030 and requested the European Union (EU) to engage the OECD to undertake a deeper analysis of selected policy domains that are central to its education reform. This laid the foundation for the project “Support to the implementation of education policies in Moldova”, funded by the EU. The MoER expressed a keen interest to learn from international research evidence and relevant international examples to help advance its education reform agenda.

This report is the second output of the project “Support to implementation of education policies in Moldova” and presents an analysis of one of three selected policy domains: “the evaluation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes and institutions in order to improve their functioning”.

The Republic of Moldova considers education a national priority and has been making steady progress in reforming and modernising its education system. The Ministry of Education and Research (MoER) in 2023 launched its Education Development Strategy 2030 and requested the European Union (EU) to engage the OECD to undertake a deeper analysis of selected policy domains that are central to its education reform. This laid the foundation for the project “Support to the implementation of education policies in Moldova”, funded by the EU. The MoER expressed a keen interest to learn from international research evidence and relevant international examples to help advance its education reform agenda.

This report is the first output of the project that presents an in-depth analysis of two of three selected policy domains: “professional development of teachers and other education professionals” and “curriculum and learning resources” and has been developed by the OECD in collaboration with the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning. The report will be valuable for Moldova and other countries that are looking to strengthen their school systems.

SMEs account for 99% of all businesses in Moldova generating 60% of total employment, but only 39% of turnover. Despite considerable policy efforts, their potential remains largely untapped: SMEs remain concentrated in low-value-added sectors such as retail and wholesale trade, and still lag larger firms and EU levels in terms of productivity.


This chapter analyses the institutional and policy framework implemented by the Republic of Moldova (Moldova) to develop digital skills, looking at 1) the measures foreseen in previous policy documents and their implementation, and 2) the actors involved in digital business skills promotion, from government bodies to stakeholders outside the government, including the private sector.


The rapidly changing nature of jobs strongly impacts skills demand, with some competencies becoming redundant while others are gaining traction. These shifts call for forward-looking measures. This chapter therefore looks at the uptake of tools by the Republic of Moldova (Moldova) to assess the current and future supply of and demand for skills, and of systems to identify and anticipate skills shortages. Such instruments are crucial to help countries best tailor skills policies to evolving needs and tackle skills mismatches, and firms better identify workforce and training needs.


Building on previous chapters’ findings, this section outlines some policy options that the Republic of Moldova (Moldova) could consider to accelerate digital business skills development, illustrated by good practice examples from OECD and EU countries. It is structured around three main objectives identified: 1) enhancing policy effectiveness through a well-defined NDS and a multi-stakeholder approach; 2) improving digital skills assessment and developing anticipation exercises; and 3) strengthening support for SMEs’ digital skills development.


Comparativ, IMM-urile sunt în urmă față de firmele mari în ceea ce privește transformarea digitală. Aceste diferențe sunt în mare parte rezultatul lipsei lor de competențe pentru a utiliza și integra instrumente digitale în procesele de afaceri. Acest capitol oferă o evaluare a sprijinului specific IMM-urilor din Republica Moldova (Moldova) pentru dezvoltarea competențelor digitale, atât în ceea ce privește oportunitățile de formare, cât și măsurile direcționate pentru a aborda obstacolele din calea dezvoltării competențelor digitale la nivel de IMM.


Acest capitol analizează cadrul instituțional și de politici implementat de Republica Moldova (Moldova) pentru dezvoltarea competențelor digitale, analizând 1) măsurile prevăzute în documentele de politică anterioare și implementarea acestora și 2) actorii implicați în promovarea competențelor de afaceri digitale, de la organismele guvernamentale până la părțile interesate din afara guvernului, inclusiv sectorul privat.


The Republic of Moldova (Moldova) has made digitalisation a priority, making significant efforts over the past years to accelerate the digital transformation. However, SMEs have not yet fully reaped the benefits offered by digitalisation due to numerous factors, and notably skills shortages. This chapter outlines the latest economic developments in Moldova and in its SME sector, assesses the main achievements and remaining gaps in Moldova’s digitalisation journey, and introduces the topic of digital business skills and their importance.


The Government of the Republic of Moldova has been devoting significant policy efforts over the past years fostering private-sector development, including the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The OECD has been supporting this work through successive projects on SME policies, carried out in close co-operation with the Ministry of Economy and other public and private stakeholders involved.


Natura în schimbare rapidă a locurilor de muncă are un impact puternic asupra cererii de competențe, unele competențe devenind redundante, în timp ce altele câștigă teren. Aceste schimbări necesită măsuri de perspectivă. Prin urmare, acest capitol analizează utilizarea de către Republica Moldova (Moldova) a instrumentelor de evaluare a ofertei și cererii actuale și viitoare de competențe, precum și sistemele de identificare și anticipare a deficitului de competențe. Astfel de instrumente sunt esențiale pentru a ajuta țările să-și adapteze în mod optim politicile privind competențele la nevoile în evoluție și să abordeze necorelările competențelor, iar firmele să identifice mai bine nevoile de forță de muncă și de formare.


Republica Moldova (Moldova) a făcut din digitalizare o prioritate, depunând eforturi semnificative în ultimii ani pentru a accelera transformarea digitală. Cu toate acestea, IMM-urile nu au profitat încă pe deplin de beneficiile oferite de digitalizare din cauza a numeroși factori și, în special, a deficitului de competențe. Acest capitol subliniază cele mai recente evoluții economice din Moldova și din sectorul IMM-urilor, evaluează principalele realizări și lacunele rămase pe calea către digitalizare a Moldovei și introduce tema competențelor de afaceri digitale și importanța acestora.


IMM-urile reprezintă 99% din totalul companiilor din Moldova, cu 60% din totalul forței de muncă angajate, dar generând doar 39% din cifra de afaceri. În ciuda eforturilor politice considerabile, potențialul lor rămâne în mare parte neexploatat: IMM-urile rămân concentrate în sectoare cu valoare adăugată scăzută, cum ar fi comerțul cu amănuntul și cu ridicata, și există încă decalaje în ceea ce privește productivitatea între acestea și firmele mai mari și la nivelul UE.


SMEs lag behind large firms when it comes to digital transformation compared. These divides are largely due to their lack of skills to use and embed digital tools in business processes. This chapter provides an assessment of the Republic of Moldova (Moldova)’s SME-specific support to digital skills development, both in terms of training opportunities and targeted measures to tackle obstacles to SMEs’ digital skills development.

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