Table of Contents

  • The new draft ICRP recommendations was presented by the ICRP chair, Professor Lars-Eric Holm. His presentation was followed by presentations by Japanese members of the various ICRP committees, discussing their views of the draft recommendations based on their own technical experience. After these presentations, questions from the floor raised many of the key issues of the conference: dose constrains, the LNT hypothesis, dose bands, etc. This showed that the conference participants had carefully and completely read the draft, and were very interested in building a final ICRP recommendation that appropriately addresses all their concerns. These issues were also discussed throughout the entire conference.

  • Regulatory views from Japan, South Korea, Australia, China and Indonesia were explained based on their regional context. Some issues, for example “optimisation”, “dose constrains”, “natural radioactivity”, were addressed from the viewpoint of how each country’s current regulation system would adopt these new recommendations. It was noted that there would be a need for some flexibility in applying these new recommendations since different countries have different regulatory criteria and benchmarks as well different decision-making processes. It was also noted that definitions and terminologies should be given serious consideration with regard to non-English speaking countries to assure that the new ICRP recommendations are clearly understood, not misinterpreted, easily translated and finally applied in the field of radiation protection. In addition, some recent radiation protection activities, as well as views on utilisation of nuclear power in several countries were presented.

  • The views of the Japanese nuclear industry, radiation protection professionals, and medical professionals on the concepts of the draft recommendations were presented. Specific concerns and suggestions were expressed in each of these fields based on practical considerations and experiences in operational radiation protection. It was noted that there is no need to complicate the current system, in particular without effectively expressed and rational reasoning. However, in general, speakers and participants in these discussions showed an understanding of ICRP publications.

  • The view from the IAEA on the draft ICRP recommendations was presented focusing on the potential need for revision of the International Basic Safety Standards. The schedule and process for the BSS revision were presented, and it was underlined that the BSS should incorporate the recommendations of the ICRP, and should represent a collective view of other international organizations, member states and stakeholders. This consistency between the new ICRP recommendations and the revised BSS is necessary for effective regulation.

  • The panel discussion moderated by the NEA secretariat addressed questions received in advance and during the conference from participants, The panel members were representatives from regulatory bodies of each of the countries participating in the conference, joined by experts from the Japanese nuclear industry, radiation protection and medical professionals. Among the key topics were numerical recommendations for exclusion and exemption.

  • Considering the contents and nature of most discussions, it can be concluded that the process of the new ICRP recommendations is moving forward considering the comments from all over the world. In addition it can be stated that the idea of new recommendations was well accepted by most participants. However, it must be noted that there are still remaining differences in regional legislative as well as cultural frameworks and these must be taken into account. An expectation was expressed that all new comments and questions should be discussed internationally.