The Geography of Firm Dynamics: Measuring Business Demography for Regional Development

image of The Geography of Firm Dynamics: Measuring Business Demography for Regional Development

The Geography of Firm Dynamics provides methods and data to measure and analyse business demography across OECD regions. It first discusses the methodological challenges of measuring consistently the creation and destruction of businesses at the subnational scale and from an international perspective. Second, it presents a novel database that not only makes such comparison possible but also provides the basis for an analysis of the major trends in business dynamics across regions. The report identifies regional factors that are associated with entrepreneurship and also examines the impact of business creation on regional employment. The Geography of Firm Dynamics provides a tool for national and local policy makers to design strategies for healthier business environments that are tailored to the specific characteristics of each region, thereby boosting prosperity.


Measuring regional business employment dynamics from micro-aggregation of administrative data

This chapter presents the OECD DynEmp Regional project, a distributed micro-data project aimed at analysing confidential administrative micro-data on employment dynamics at the level of TL2 regions and metropolitan areas. The chapter presents within-country differences in plant-level employment dynamics for the TL2 regions of Costa Rica, Finland, France and Sweden and the metropolitan areas of France and Sweden. The role of plant characteristics, such as age or size, and regional characteristics, in particular regional productivity, agglomeration economies, innovation and the rural-urban continuum, is also examined. The chapter finally discusses the methodological challenges and the solutions implemented in the first version of the dynemp_reg routine, providing a detailed description of the inputs and outputs of the statistical programme and of the micro-aggregation procedure.



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