OECD Regions at a Glance 2009
This third edition provides the latest comparable data and trends across regions in OECD countries, including a special focus on the spatial dimension for innovation. It relies on the OECD Regional database, the most comprehensive set of statistics at the sub-national level on demography, economic and labour market performance, education, healthcare, environmental outputs and knowledge-based activities comparable among the OECD countries. This publication provides a dynamic link (StatLink) for each graph and map, which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel®.
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Regional Concentration of Patents
Patent applications give an indication on the output and process of inventive activities. The analysis of regional patenting helps assess the concentration of innovative activities within countries and can indicate innovative regions that act as important sources of knowledge. The data refer to Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) applications, regionalised according to the inventor’s residence.
Also available in: French
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