Local Innovations for Growth in Central and Eastern Europe
Local development strategies represent an important response to the challenges of globalisation, while providing a mechanism for seizing the new opportunities that globalisation offers. Nearly two decades after the fall of the Berlin wall, this book evaluates progress made and identifies what needs to be done to speed up the drive towards prosperity in Central and Eastern Europe. It demonstrates that the success of local development strategies depends on the capacity of the government and its partners to accelerate change within the policy and governance aspects of economic and social development.
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Strengthening Non-governmental Organisations for More Effective Local Governance and Partnerships in Serbia
The potential benefit for Serbia offered by multi-sector partnerships is enormous: they could provide solutions to burning issues in local communities in terms of local development while they could bring about welcome transformations within and across sectors due to their impact on increased access to resources, service-focused leadership, participatory and inclusive decision making practices, and results that build on synergies. Partnership development, however, faces a number of outstanding problems, linked to the legal, administrative and historical framework, that constrain the emergence of NGOs and their participation in civic life. A number of obstacles with regard to trust, communication and capacities in the local communities aggravate this situation. The government has to learn to communicate effectively with citizens and their initiatives, whilst NGOs have to be more aware of their social responsibility. Well-established NGOs and local government should play a more pro-active role and combine their resources and skills towards collective ends.
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