Local Innovations for Growth in Central and Eastern Europe
Local development strategies represent an important response to the challenges of globalisation, while providing a mechanism for seizing the new opportunities that globalisation offers. Nearly two decades after the fall of the Berlin wall, this book evaluates progress made and identifies what needs to be done to speed up the drive towards prosperity in Central and Eastern Europe. It demonstrates that the success of local development strategies depends on the capacity of the government and its partners to accelerate change within the policy and governance aspects of economic and social development.
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Fiscal Autonomy and the Incentives to Stimulate Business Growth and Efficient Public Goods Provision: The Case of Belarus
The structure of revenue sharing between the various layers of governments affects the public sector’s incentives for providing infrastructure for private business development. The recent experience of Belarus has been that any change in local government’s own revenues is almost entirely offset by changes in shared revenues. Local governments are unable to benefit from an increase in the local tax base and, therefore do not see any interest in expanding it. This situation leads to stricter business regulation and lower growth compared with a system with greater fiscal incentives, and has a negative effect on the efficiency of local provision of public goods. A reform of the existing financial system for local governments is required to provide some degree of autonomy for local self-government, with the aim of enhancing local governments’ capacity to finance local development.
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