Green Growth in Kitakyushu, Japan

image of Green Growth in Kitakyushu, Japan

This report studies green growth trends, challenges and opportunities in the City of Kitakyushu, Japan.  It firstly analyses socio-economic trends and the environmental performance of Kitakyushu; secondly reviews urban policies for land use, transport, buildings, waste, energy, water and industries that contribute to economic growth and reduce pressure on the environment; thirdly identifies innovation assets and actors in Kitakyushu and the northern Kyushu region and assesses Kitakyushu’s potential to bolster a regional green innovation system; and finally examines local, regional and national institutions, including horizontal and vertical co-ordination mechanisms that strengthen cross-sectoral and multilevel governance for green growth.

English Also available in: Japanese


Green growth has been a strategic pillar of the OECD’s work since 2009, when OECD member countries mandated the organisation to develop a Green Growth Strategy. Green growth has entered a number of areas of work in the OECD, including the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development. The Directorate’s mission is to help governments at all levels design and implement strategic, evidencebased and innovative policies to strengthen public governance, respond effectively to diverse and disruptive economic, social and environmental challenges, and deliver on governments’ commitments to citizens.


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