Evaluating Local Economic and Employment Development

How to Assess What Works among Programmes and Policies

image of Evaluating Local Economic and Employment Development
Evaluating Local Economic and Employment Development is one of the few books to examine best practices in evaluating programmes for local and regional economic and employment development.  Appropriate for a non-technical readership, this book contains policy proposals for central and local governments aimed at improving the practice of evaluation, enlarging the evidence base for policy and developing a culture of evaluation.

English Also available in: Spanish

Evaluating the Impacts of Local Economic. Development Policies on Local Economic Outcomes

What has been done and what is doable?

This paper argues that more rigorous evaluations of local economic development policies are feasible. Programs that aid selected small firms can be rigorously evaluated using an experimental approach, without excluding firms from assistance, by randomly assigning some firms to receive more intense marketing efforts by the program. Programs that aid distressed local...


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