A Catalyst for Urban Regeneration
This book presents a 'toolbox' of instruments for entrepreneurship development in what often appear to be the most hostile environments for economic development in our cities, showing how entrepreneurship can indeed prosper given the right stimulus. It is based on the proceedings of the conference on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Distressed Urban Areas held 7-8 October 2003 in Rome, and organised by the OECD LEED Programme, in collaboration with the EU, the municipality of Rome, and Risorse per Roma.
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Forstering Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Distressed Urban Areas
This chapter builds on the preceding analysis, on specific tools to promote entrepreneurship, by examining how cities and their development agencies can create integrated entrepreneurship strategies for distressed neighbourhoods. It shows how cities combine actions for social enterprises, area-based and zone-led regeneration, finance, training and mentoring and other initiatives into comprehensive strategies. Initiatives...
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