Les technologies numériques transforment pratiquement tous les aspects de l’économie, et le commerce international ne fait pas exception. Les entreprises et les ménages passent de plus en plus de commandes en ligne. De nombreux services qui exigeaient d’ordinaire une proximité entre producteurs et consommateurs sont désormais proposés à distance. Les plateformes en ligne jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le rapprochement de l’offre et de la demande et facilitent les transactions économiques. Le numérique transforme la façon dont les produits sont achetés et livrés. Pour autant, cette évolution transparaît très peu dans les statistiques macroéconomiques traditionnelles, qui se concentrent sur ce qui est produit et par qui. En dernier ressort, cette absence de visibilité gêne l’élaboration des politiques et peut donner l’impression que l’économie n’est pas mesurée avec précision. Ce Manuel a pour objet d’aider les statisticiens à répondre aux besoins des décideurs de s’appuyer sur de meilleurs éléments statistiques concernant le commerce numérique. Si la politique commerciale internationale semble le domaine de l’action publique pour lequel il est essentiel de disposer de données exhaustives et comparables, le commerce numérique a des incidences sur de nombreux autres domaines, aux niveaux national comme international, et il est influencé par ces domaines, qu’il s’agisse de la concurrence, de la fiscalité, du développement ou de la croissance économique.
The Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade sets out a conceptual and measurement framework for digital trade which aligns with the broader standards for macro-economic statistics. It aims to help statistical compilers to address policymakers’ needs for statistical evidence on digital trade. It includes extensive compilation guidance, drawing upon substantive inputs and case studies from both developed and developing economies and covering a variety of survey and non-survey sources. A reporting template is also proposed to support compilers in the production and dissemination of digital trade statistics.
Il est essentiel de traiter de manière constructive les subventions dans le commerce mondial pour atteindre l’objectif des dirigeants du G-20 qui consiste à réformer et à renforcer le système commercial multilatéral. Le recours croissant à des subventions ayant un effet de distorsion modifie les courants d’échanges et d’investissements, affaiblit la valeur des consolidations tarifaires et des autres engagements en matière d’accès aux marchés, et ébranle le soutien du public en faveur du libre-échange. Des divergences marquées sur les subventions contribuent aux tensions commerciales mondiales qui nuisent à la croissance et au niveau de vie.
Tratar las subvenciones del comercio mundial de manera constructiva es un elemento central del objetivo de los líderes del G20 de reformar y reforzar el sistema multilateral de comercio. La utilización cada vez mayor de subvenciones causantes de distorsión altera los flujos comerciales y de inversión, menoscaba el valor de las consolidaciones arancelarias y otros compromisos de acceso a los mercados y erosiona el apoyo público al libre comercio. Las pronunciadas diferencias en torno a las subvenciones están contribuyendo a las tensiones comerciales mundiales, que perjudican al crecimiento y los niveles de vida.
As data become an important resource for the global economy, it is important to strengthen trust to facilitate data sharing domestically and across borders. Significant momentum for related policies in the G7, and G20, has gone hand in hand with a wide range of – often complementary – national and international initiatives and the development of technological and organisational measures. Advancing a common understanding and dialogue among G7 countries and beyond is crucial to support coordinated and coherent progress in policy and regulatory approaches that leverage the full potential of data for global economic and social prosperity. This report takes stock of key policies and initiatives on cross-border data flows to inform and support G7 countries’ engagement on this policy agenda.
Dealing constructively with subsidies in global commerce is central to G20 leaders’ goal of reforming and strengthening the multilateral trading system. The growing use of distortive subsidies alters trade and investment flows, detracts from the value of tariff bindings and other market access commitments, and undercuts public support for open trade. Sharp differences over subsidies are contributing to global trade tensions that are harming growth and living standards.
This report seeks to highlight the potential benefits of closer cooperation and considers some areas where this might be pursued constructively by governments or other international organizations. This report aims to begin a discussion within the international community on how to develop and implement such an agenda.
This report provides a broad and evidence-based analytical perspective of the debate around the possible role of a Border Carbon Adjustment (BCA) to deal with climate change. The new context of divergent climate ambition has led to a resurgence of interest in BCAs. The paper provides an overview of different policy instruments that can limit carbon leakage, with a particular focus on the BCA option, and offers a technical review of the literature and of the legal specificities around BCA as well as of alternative instruments. The report also analyses the issue of fragmented climate policies in the broader perspective of the trade-climate nexus and discusses how other policy measures – especially those related to trade – can help support climate objectives (for example, reducing the existing barriers to trade in environmental goods, and removing environmentally harmful and trade distortive subsidies).
Table des matières
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence en Grèce Michael Wise
Concurrence et professions libérales – Synthèse, Note de référence Michael Wise, Compte rendu de la discussion, Contributions par pays
Concurrence dans les services locaux: la gestion des déchets solides – Synthèse, Note de référence Darryl Biggar, Compte rendu de la discussion, Contributions par pays
Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on competition law and policy in Greece, competition in professional services, and competition in solid waste management.
This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodity Statistics contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).
This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.
This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.
Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on competition law and policy in Ireland, competition and regulation in the insurance industry, and oligopoly.
Table des matières
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence en Irlande Michael Wise
Concurrence et questions de réglementation connexes dans le secteur des assurances – Synthèse, Note de référence Darryl Biggar, Compte rendu de la discussion, Contributions par pays et par expert
Oligopoles – Synthèse, Note de référence Gary Hewitt, Compte rendu de la discussion, Contributions par pays
This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on international trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodity Statistics contains statistics for seven countries published in the order which country data become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).
This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of international statistics on foreign trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodity Statistics contains the tables for seven countries that are published as they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe, EU-15, etc.). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one and two digit). Each table shows both imports and exports over the latest six-year period available by commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (e.g. NAFTA, etc.).
This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.
This reliable and up-to-date source of statistics on international trade of OECD countries provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Data are broken down by economic groupings, by country and by region, and include seasonally adjusted series as well as calculated indicators. The series shown cover data for the last eight months, four quarters and two years available. This monthly publication is divided into four parts: Aggregate trade indicators, Volume and unit value indices, Trade by Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) sections and Trade of OECD Member countries by partner country.
Table des matières
Programmes de clémence pour lutter contre les ententes injustifiables 7 Rapport du CLP
Examen du droit et de la politique de la concurrence en Italie 73 Michael Wise
Politique de la concurrence et droits de propriété intellectuelle 141 Synthèse 143 Note de référence 152 Willard K. Tom Aide-mémoire 185 Contribution par pays et par expert 224
Drawing on the best of the recent work of the OECD Committee on Competition Law and Policy, this journal provides insight into the thinking of competition law enforcers while focusing on the practical application of competition law and policy. This issue includes articles on leniency programs to fight hard core cartels, competition law and policy in Italy, and competition law and intellectual property rights.